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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Yappi said:
(Nah, she just needs a moment to calm down though she can try and fail to show that she was effected)
My mind starts to clear but I don't quite comprehend what's happening. I see a man come at me with a knife so I grab it and go for his throat but miss "Stay away from me, I don't want to die." After a While I say shut up to no one in particular. After a

Few seconds my mind clears

And I drop the knife to the ground and I go to my knees "I'- Im so sorry I didn't know what came over me"
by the time she took the knife to the present time the 9 guards already aimed their assault rifles and their finger on the trigger. they took a handcuff and proceeded to handcuff her and bring her to the lab "sir, she threatened one of our men, what should we do?" the soldier asked @Wasteful Bucket
Tal grinned and leaned off the side to hack a head with one of her Hawks. She looked back at Dice.

"We'll find them," Nathan assured Dice with as much confidence as he could muster. Not that that was much — it wasn't a practice that came naturally to him.
Dice grins, confidence returning. She grabs hr necklace, rubbing the cross in a manner that soothes her.

"So what do you guys think of a detour to the groundskeepers place? He told us about his time in the military so he might even have a gun!" She pulls out a flask, having grabbed it insyeadvof her pills and offers it to Nathan and Tal. Hint: she stole a flask of vodka from Sister Marie's desk.

She glances up when Butch speaks,"Little dirt path a few feet in front, take that one. Take the third left-- Mr. Ki leaves bear traps on the road straight ahead. Hes pretty paranoid so all the other turns are trapped."

Dice pulls herself out of the window to scan the surroundings."I can be your eyes."
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Tal shrugged. "We shouldn't be in a rush," she guessed. "Sure, let's do that."

Nathan examined the flash and took it, smelling the alcohol with an odd expression before taking just a sip. "Wow. I don't think I drink this much. Tal?" He turned it to her.

Tal eyed the flask. "Worth a shot, isn't it?" And she took it and took a drink.
The longer I banged in the door, the more the girls were being hurt or experimented on. That works made me shiver.

I needed to get in there. I frantically started kicking and banging the gate.

"SOMEONE LET ME IN YOU BASTARDS"I scream. Hair like a maniac.

@Salex and anyone at barracks
"I'm so sorry I don't know what happened" I honesty don't know what happened, one second I was being set free then I was holding a knife. I can't stop grinning even though I'm sad, like my mind to make since but for some reason it just did that without me even telling it to.
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Dice bursts out laughing."Sister Marie was a total I'm uncultured, she taught Religious History and liked to hit us if we spoke out of turn or didn't pay attention. I'm glad she's gone." The way she said it, it didn't seem like it. Dice suddenly holds her hand out for the flask, a mischevious grin on her face."I've never tried it before--It smells like hand sanitizer, doesn't it?"
Yappi said:
"I'm so sorry I don't know what happened" I honesty don't know what happened, one second I was being set free then I was holding a knife. I can't stop grinning even though I'm sad, like my mind to make since but for some reason it just did that without me even telling it to.
"Not the best I' e ever had," Tal told Dice. "I was actually hoping Q-Tip would come out of the market with some wine on him. Maybe that — oh, what is it, Q-Tip? Apothecary...?"

Nathan shook his head. "Apothic. Dark probably. Not as hot as the red. At any rate, that Sister Marie doesn't sound... Devout. I can't say I'm super religious or overly knowledgable about Catholicism, but I can't imagine it preaches violence against students."
Dice snatches the bottle back and gives it a tentative sniff, drawing back with a look of shocked disgust on her face. Gross.

"The wine display had collapsed, I think. I cut my hand on a piece of glass from the wine, the label said sow-vig-non blank or something," Precious child, sauvignon blanc,"there's a bunch of musty old communion wine at the church."

"The teachers only hit us so we would remain focused on the right path--because to stray from the path of light only leads to pain. I think that's why the zombies came. We were all too full of sin." This was the first time Dice had ever spoken about her religion openly."My dad had a switch that he'd hit me with if I did something wrong, too. One time I was playing in his office without permission and knocked his statue of Jesus over. He came to me and said 'Daisy this is a sign from the Lord, telling me you must be punished for your transgressions against him'. The bottom of my feet hurt so bad that I couldn't walk for a few days" The saddest part of the whole thing, was that Dice seemed to think that were completely normal. She was even grinning as she told the story, as if it were something funny.
(seal memes only keep you so entertained, waiting for @Salex )


My grin turns into a insane smile, my right eye does not twitch as much though. I start to quietly talk to myself, as if talking to 2 people. I wait patiently for the doctor as I slowly calm back down to my sane state.

Nathan frowned and shot a glance at Tal. He wasn't necessarily against punishment. "But it wasn't your teacher's place," he said carefully. "I mean, if your father—"

"Load of crap," Tal cut in. "Not the God stuff. I mean — I don't know. It's possible, but if He's there — and He might be, I think a lot about this 'how did we get here' stuff and the sciency explanations seem to rely on an awful lot of coincidences — I can't see Him wanting to see us hurt. The beating stuff."

"But if there was a reason, I mean — I don't know. I stayed out of household management," Nathan finished, noncommittal. "We oughta take the wine when we go."
Butch never left the Jeep and says "i'm gonna go explore the area ill meet you here later" he drives off

I start to calm down back to normal. I turn to Nina "what exact did I do, I have no memory of what happened while I was in there" I say truthfully, I might know in my subconscious but I don't really know.
Dice looked genuinely confused, no one had ever spoken out against her punishments. She wasn't set on starting any arguments, so she simply nodded. She takes a sip of the vodka and the look of panic on her face is surprising. She doesn't spit it out but does jump out of the Jeep as the stop to stomp her feet a bit."People enjoy this stuff!?" She asks, horrified that the two had just drank it with barely any reaction.
"Why would I be stabbing someone, I went into the room and got scared then it just went black in my mind" I say worried
Nathan shrugged. "I don't understand it, either," he told Dice. When Butch drive off, he watched the Jeep go a bit nervously. "I never acquired the taste either," he added absently.

"Well — let's go find your buddy," Tal suggested cheerily.
Yappi said:
"I'm so sorry I don't know what happened" I honesty don't know what happened, one second I was being set free then I was holding a knife. I can't stop grinning even though I'm sad, like my mind to make since but for some reason it just did that without me even telling it to.
Yappi said:
my breathing goes uneasy, did I fail the test. What are they going to do to me?
"don't worry, that was just a test, that means we only need to keep a closer eye on you, tell me why did you go here? do you request supply? or join our civilisation?" he asked (don't you have a test?) @Yappi
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