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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"Would you know, I tried to kill Q-Tip when I first met him?" Tal told Butch. "I dang near pulled the trigger. Then when we met again, I still hated him."

"I didn't care for her, either," Nathan chipped in. "But Flooded rivers, bounty hunters and wild animals changed that. She still held a gun on me another time. But nearly dying together — that changes you. Maybe she doesn't now. But I don't think that means she never will."

"Really, that's....surprising" I say confused "well I'll stick by you through whatever happens"
"Prove her wrong then," Tal said simply, sitting back. "That's what we did. I proved to him I wasn't just a filthy little street rat who failed because she didn't want to succeed and he proved to me he wasn't a slimy self-satisfied snake who tramples down the little folk to get his way."
"tie her up, put her up the morge" he said, harmy was then constrained by 10 soldiers and tied up, and thrown to a room full of corpses and skeleton to test her sanity @Wasteful Bucket
Nina says "Harmy they did this to me you will be let out!"

Butch says "i think i did i'm just not sure"
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"Bye Nina" when I'm put into the room,at first I'm uneasy and frowning. Until a while I stand up. After a very long time my eye starts to twitch, I grin forms over my face.
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I keep walking. It was sort of nice being a Lone Ranger again. Feeling the dust and gravel beneath my feet

I come across the Barack that i assumed the doctor was in. And knowing the fate that would bestow me if I knocked I decided to scale the place to find a way in @Salex
Yappi said:
"Bye Nina" when I'm put into the room,at first I'm uneasy and frowning. Until a while I stand up. After a very long time my eye starts to twitch, I grin forms over my face.
"sir, signs of insanity start to show" a monitor man spoke to the doctor @Wasteful Bucket
After a while a start mumbling to myself to keep my sanity intact, I eventually start telling jokes to myself and laughing.
Dice had been absent throughout the whole ordeal, removing herself from the situation before another attack struck.

She wipes her eyes and makes sure it doesnt look like shes been crying. Forever concerned about appearances, she is.

"Are we leaving now?" She asks thw group.
Nathan nodded to Dice, offering a hand to help her into the... Jeep(?) with a bit of a smile. "Yes. Me, Tal, you and Butch. We're trying to get clear of the army. We thought we'd hit the church for you then the stables."
[QUOTE="Wasteful Bucket](yeah) Nina looks at him "let her out Please i was not in there that long"

"let her out" the doc said as he patted nina's head with a smile, he sent 10 soldiers in "congratulations" a soldier said as he used a knife to cut the rope @Wasteful Bucket (if you wanna go out all insane you can take the soldier's knife and cut his throat, btw gl for your test, i had 2 earlier today as well)
Dice smiles, not voicing her hope. She wanted to find her family, their church was the last place she could think they would be.

She doesnt take Nathan's hand, clambering into the jeep on her own.

"There's a back road off the highway, the groundskeeper lived there so we can double back to throw them off our trail-- Mr. Ki has an apple tree, he used to bring apples for me and my brother. We can pick some for the horses and us." She was really antsy, and started rumaging through her bag for her meds--she was terrified that Mr. Ki would be dead--or worsw, shed find her family dead.
nina looks at him with a smile "Harmy you did it"

Once every one was in he gunned it and ran over cars jumped ramps and killed Gut Gobblers "YAHOO"
(Nah, she just needs a moment to calm down though she can try and fail to show that she was effected)

My mind starts to clear but I don't quite comprehend what's happening. I see a man come at me with a knife so I grab it and go for his throat but miss "Stay away from me, I don't want to die." After a While I say shut up to no one in particular. After a

Few seconds my mind clears

And I drop the knife to the ground and I go to my knees "I'- Im so sorry I didn't know what came over me"
Shit. No other way in.

The only thing I could do was bite the bullet. I go up to the front gate, so familiar from the other days strange upheaval.

And with a prayer that the doctor didn't recognise me I bang on the gate door.


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