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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Sleipnir said:
Tal sat down to work on the harness for Rust, often checking the leather against the big dog's chest and shoulders while Nathan fiddled with her new set of tomahawks. He seemed distracted to say the least.
I walk over to Tal and Rust.

"Cute dog you have here. How long you have you had him"

My god I was rubbish at small talk.

I walk up to the hospital with my hands up and ask for them to let me in...this is the only place I know with a phychologist here.

Tal grinned. "This little beast found me. I'm guessing his family lost him. We teamed up a few months ago. He's remarkable," she said cheerfully. "Rhodesian ridgeback. They hunt lions with dogs like Rust."
Yappi said:
I walk up to the hospital with my hands up and ask for them to let me in...this is the only place I know with a phychologist here.

"sir, a person is outside seeking help" a soldier reported

"send him in with 10 guards with ak's, great job soldier" he said

a soldier lets him in, and 10 guards trail in front and the back of her aiming their guns at him leading him to the lab @Yappi
Sleipnir said:
Tal grinned. "This little beast found me. I'm guessing his family lost him. We teamed up a few months ago. He's remarkable," she said cheerfully. "Rhodesian ridgeback. They hunt lions with dogs like Rust."
I put my hand out tentatively. "Is he okay for pets?"
Tal nodded. "He's trained well. He'll only tear your hand off if I or Q-Tip tell him to." Rust pushed his nose under Mitchell's hand to sniff at him curiously.
Dice had disappeared for a moment and returned with what looked like an armload of granola bars."I think horses would be a good idea. More reliable than any cars would be--and they only run on food and water instead of gas," she pauses before adding proudly,"I was in my church's horse riding group-- I won a few ribbons for my riding." She grins at everyone, noticing afterwards that the attention had shifted to the dog. Dice likes most animals.

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Sleipnir said:
Tal nodded. "He's trained well. He'll only tear your hand off if I or Q-Tip tell him to." Rust pushed his nose under Mitchell's hand to sniff at him curiously.
I kneel down and tussle his ears

"Who's a good boy? You're a good boy. A big muscular boy, granted , but a good boy nonetheless. Yes you are. Yes you are"

I stroke his belly and laugh

"I haven't stroked a dog in YEARS!"
Nathan looked at Dice, grinning. "Tal's crap on horseback," he told her. "I'm good at it. Surprisingly. Apparently I'm better at telling a 500 pound animal what to do than a person. We should ride sometime if we ever come across some horses."

Rust barked happily, turning over for Mitchell to pet him. Tal grinned.
Dice beams at his words."They're really smart, I named my old horse Fuck so that whenever I got hurt he would come see why I yelled his name. Made me feel better." She cocks her head, peering at the big dog. She reaches into her messenger bag to put her granola bars away, and notices her half-eaten bag of jerky. She pulls a leathery piece of meat out and offers it to the canine.
Yappi said:
"I need mental help doc" I nudge to my head wound "please!"
Yappi said:
My eye starts twitching "but then again...being insane isn't too bad" I say with a insane grin
"hmm... i have over 5 phd on 5 different subjects, psychiatrist was one, so come closer and lay down on this bed" he says @Yappi
I lay on the bed, I rub my bandage. 8 pipe hits to the head hurts. "ok so what do you want to know?"
Yappi said:
I lay on the bed, I rub my bandage. 8 pipe hits to the head hurts. "ok so what do you want to know?"
"alright..." he says as he takes a notepad "tell me how you became insane?" he asked (im too tired to colour it) @Yappi
"I took 8 hits to the and got raped by a bandit and something kinda clicked. I started to enjoy hurting people, in fact one seconds"I take off my coat to show my clothes covered in human blood
Nathan raised his eyebrows. "Interesting method."

Rust sniffed the meat, and then took the jerky from her hand a bit roughly, weighing his tail as he chewed on it.
Yappi said:
"I took 8 hits to the and got raped by a bandit and something kinda clicked. I started to enjoy hurting people, in fact one seconds"I take off my coat to show my clothes covered in human blood
"alright... here is what i want you to do, show me something, someone, whatever you love, anything of it" he asked @Yappi
Dice grins at the dog and then at Nathan."My parents wouldn't let me name the other horses after Fuck. But I---Wait! I know where the stables are! They keep it well stocked and its super secure. I have a key and know the lock codes," she proclaims exitedly, looking around at everyone eagerly.
Nathan raised an eyebrow and looked at the others. This has gotten Tal's attention. "Is there a tunnel out of here?" She asked. "A way out in case of siege of something? If we can get past the enemy we can get to the stables. Will the horses be in good shape?"

"They should be fine if they aren't stalled up," Nathan guessed.

((If that's a possibility I don't think it ought to be pressed on. It's best to drop the topic, I think.))
Salex said:
(you ever got... raped?)
(Well AJ was raped prison style, can't really tone it down, I'll mention it as little as possible though)

I take out my bloodsoakes tourture knife and a photo of my brothers
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"Theyre really great animals. One of them kicked me in the face once and broke my nose." She pauses in thought before continuing,"theres a tunnel connecting it to the church--its super old fashion and im pretty sure the stables used to be a dungeon which is the only plausible reason."

((Actually, yeah. And I just would appreciate if it could be mentioned less, or not in such a... Callous manner please))
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