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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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After walking to the city she sees where the signal is and prys the door open to see a girl curled up on the floor "Nina? is that-" she looked and says "SHAY GET OVER HERE AND GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND" she is starving and needs Shay
the five members of the elite squad consisted of the heavy, with his minigun but slow speed to mow down both human and zombie. the medic, the smartest of the 5 and the caretaker of the 5. the marksman, with his modified scar-20 he harrases the opposition from afar. the engineer, able to fix almost anything and make almost anything and the veteran, endures many wars before the apocalypse, and the leader of the 5.

after pursuing the girl, they got lost, they wanted to kill her for her insanity issues, and they feel pity that she should suffer in this world.

the engineer was holding a radio trying to find a singal until they heard a voice, it was the girl. they quickly located where she was and found a shop, they managed too kill 23 zombies on the way here, they saw people on the shop, they all approached slowly, the engineer pumped his shotgun, the medic loaded his crossbow and pulled the string back, the marksman cocked his sniper rifle, the heavy revved up his minigun and the veteran aimed his dual berettas forward

"HANDS UP WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" the veteran said @Wasteful Bucket (anybody in the shop i didnt mention sry)

I run in and see the squad. I get out my handgun and sneak behind them. I give a thumbs up to Girly and I pop there leader in the back of the skull. I run into the shadows when the shot goes off, I signal Girly to get Nina out of here.
Yappi said:
I run in and see the squad. I get out my handgun and sneak behind them. I give a thumbs up to Girly and I pop there leader in the back of the skull. I run into the shadows when the shot goes off, I signal Girly to get Nina out of here.
before she even shot, the leader said without looking at her "look at your chest, i suggest you too not shoot me" he said. a red laser dot was in her chest, clearly it was from the marksman on a roof, "guns, down, now" he said with the medic aiming his crossbow to her head, the veteran knew from his days of war that he could be ambushed, so he always foreplanned before hand @Wasteful Bucket
(i don't mean too be rude, but you tried to kill one my my characters without permission, so sorry if it didnt go as your plan, but really, they arent called the elite for nothing, but good try :) )
(I didn't say he dropped dead :) )I don't swear often but this time I was "you want to shoot a sucide bomber when she is right fucking next to you? Because unless all 5 of you want to die I say you listen to me"
Yappi said:
(I didn't say he dropped dead :) )I don't swear often but this time I was "you want to shoot a sucide bomber when she is right fucking next to you? Because unless all 5 of you want to die I say you listen to me"
suddenly, from nowhere the heavy rushed to her and grabbed her hands, the medic helped by holding her chest, the engineer knew many types of bombs, so as he knew what to do, he grabbed his wire cutters and looked at the bomb, it was a fairly simple model with 2 wires, a red and a blue, worriedly he took a gamble, and cut the blue wire (you decide if that arms it or defuses it) @Yappi
It was a toy bomb...and a bluff but it was meant for Nina to get away. While they where defusing a empty bomb Nina and Girly were getting away. "Actually there isn't no bomb, I just wanted to distract you. Anyways I don't take kindly to millitary people killing my girlfriend so...." I drop a 'real' flash bang I swiped off his coat while he was tackling me and slip away into a ally way.
Yappi said:
It was a toy bomb...and a bluff but it was meant for Nina to get away. While they where defusing a empty bomb Nina and Girly were getting away. "Actually there isn't no bomb, I just wanted to distract you. Anyways I don't take kindly to millitary people killing my girlfriend so...." I drop a 'real' flash bang I swiped off his coat while he was tackling me and slip away into a ally way.
"ZHE GIRL IS RUNNINF AVAY!!!" the medic said in his german accent. "marksman?" the veteran said, "oi goddem in my sight, move a tad more will ya...." the marksman said, with an accurate shot he shot a bullet in nina's leg making her unable to move fast "got her" he said, the rest gave chase while the marksman monitors and tells them where to go @Yappi

(@AidanCee bruh you jelly? lol xD )

My leg, I limp to a ally way out of the marksmen a sight and I open a door in another building, but I don't I go in. I do this with every building in the alley way. I run further into the ally and go into a shop with the metal shutters up, I close the metal shutters and hide.
"bloody goddamn hell, i lost her, ill turn on thermal vision if the walls arent as thick, itll be a bloody christmas miracle if i see her" the marksman said, he turned on thermal visiin but couldnt find her, but he found her footprints, and saw movement in a shop, "shop, 3 buildings down, go to the right" he said, they went in the store and turned on their flashlights, and searched the whole place @Yappi
Salex said:
"ZHE GIRL IS RUNNINF AVAY!!!" the medic said in his german accent. "marksman?" the veteran said, "oi goddem in my sight, move a tad more will ya...." the marksman said, with an accurate shot he shot a bullet in nina's leg making her unable to move fast "got her" he said, the rest gave chase while the marksman monitors and tells them where to go @Yappi
(@AidanCee bruh you jelly? lol xD )
(Bruh. And Aid wouldn't be able to do it, because of his condition ‭¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
I leave my recorder, it has all my personal messages but it will make for a good distraction. I slowly open a window while it goes off, it's a soft crying sound coming from the recorder. I open the window and 'run' as fast as I can back to the millitary base.

(Your choice if they listen to the personal recordings or not)
Yappi said:
(question, why do they want to kill Shayla and Nina?)
(they leave shayla be but nina they want to kill, for her condition and they feel pity she needs to live in this cruel world, so they chose to end her suffering anyways)

they came closer to the source of the voice until their comlink made a noise "you bloody imbeciles!!! its a trap, they already ran!!!" the sniper said as he ran towarss their location, they all regrouped and called for backup from the hospital, the doctor approved the backup and they sent their assault team consisting of their best 2 choppers and 30 men, and they planned to rendezvous mid-way the military base @Yappi
Salex said:
(they leave shayla be but nina they want to kill, for her condition and they feel pity she needs to live in this cruel world, so they chose to end her suffering anyways)
they came closer to the source of the voice until their comlink made a noise "you bloody imbeciles!!! its a trap, they already ran!!!" the sniper said as he ran towarss their location, they all regrouped and called for backup from the hospital, the doctor approved the backup and they sent their assault team consisting of their best 2 choppers and 30 men, and they planned to rendezvous mid-way the military base @Yappi
(I'm confused? Her condition)

I can't run to far, at the most I'm 100 feet away from the squad before my leg snapped from the gunshot. I let out a loud scream that echoes across the alley way, I load my handgun expecting the elite squad to come across me. Unable to move because of a broke leg.
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Yappi said:
(I'm confused? Her condition)
(she is insane isnt she) (well that the first impression of her towards the soldiers anyways, altough if she isnt insane she will be taken to the hospital to work on a cure as she is still young and uncontaminated)
Salex said:
(she is insane isnt she) (well that the first impression of her towards the soldiers anyways, altough if she isnt insane she will be taken to the hospital to work on a cure as she is still young and uncontaminated)
(No she Isn't, she was just abused at a young age. And to that point wouldant Shayla also be uncontaminated as she is only a year older that Nina who is nine)
Yappi said:
(No she Isn't, she was just abused at a young age. And to that point wouldant Shayla also be uncontaminated as she is only a year older that Nina who is nine)
(well maybe they would take both but still, younger means easier to be manipulated, muahahahhahahahahah!!!! > :) )
(sorry i'm at school)

Nina walks out in a weak voice says "Hello" then a smoke bomb went off and girly ran with Nina back to base the whole time Nina was saying "SHAY LETS GO"

Beast ran to get Shay and the others follow "LETS GO SHAY"

@Yappi @Salex
(Shay is a long ways away, she is in a alley way with a broken leg)I can't walk, I try to stand up. I can see the elite squad in the distance, I check my gun with 3 shots left. i aim my handgun at them at the distance.
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