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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I walk up through the woods into the church, I walk through the doors and look around for that boy I say earlier. I believe Threat was his name?

@White Shamrock
I turn to see a woman "No one In particular" I sit next to her "what's your name

? Mines Shayla" (keep in mind she is ten)
Threat was resting on the pew, he was snoring and holding his bat in his hand. Papy(Dog) was lying down on his lap as Sansy(Cat) was on his chest, he smiled in his sleep.

@ Anyone
Out of nowhere, Iclyn heard snoring. She moved to the main area of the church and saw someone sleeping there. She rolled her eyes and asked, "Hello?"

@White Shamrock
Shadow walked up to an abandoned looking church in the middle of a wood. She went to knock on the door, but thought better of it and searched for other entries.
Iclyn smiled. "It's okay. I, like, settled in yesterday." She turned around, getting that feeling that someone was watching her.


Shadow snuck in through a side entrance, and made her way to the pews. When she arrived, a girl swung her head around. Shadow gasped and fell backwards.
AidanCee said:
(Am I still being held at gunpoint by soldiers?)
(Nope they ran)

The chopper gave counter-fire using heavy machine gatling guns standing in the doorway, the chopper was shot luckily not anywhere, they returned to the hospital meanwhile the elite force followef nina and landed up in a military base @Yappi
Nina left the boat house and was walking into the city she finds a abandoned shop she walks in and finds a half broken radio and barely gets it to work she put it to all stations "hello this is Nina Hanson i'm in the city looking for my mommy and my... Girlfriend Shay... come soon"

Beast was walking by their radio when it bursts into life "Hello this is....Na Hanson i'm in the city i'm looking for my..... friend Shay" then nothing he yelled "We got a signal!" he ran to Amy "Amy! do you know the last name Hanson"

@White Shamrock
[QUOTE="Wasteful Bucket](anyone on?)

(I've made a new character because I was finding it difficult with Aid only having one leg. Waiting for it to be confirmed)

I hear a noise coming from the basement, I rush down there and hear most of the message. My eyes grow big as I realize Ninas not dead, I sprint out the church doors and to the millitary base.


"Shot didn't do an-" the return fire suprised me and I hit the deck, a bullet grazed me on my side. I cringe at the pain and get up, there going back for reinforcements......"well....shit"
Nina was boarding up the shop and only has little food and water

Beast sees Shay coming in the distance "Someones in the city can you find her"


I reach beast "Nina... alive... radio... broadcast" I drink some water from my pack. Maybe sprinting this far was a bad idea for me.
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"ok just go find her with Girly i got to stay here for when Amy burst in either Happiness or disbelif"

Girly says "lets go little one we got to go quick because it was on all stations no doubt that those AWOL's got it too" she sprinted to the gate

I grab my bat "let's go!" I follow Girly to where she thinks she is. In practically jumping in excitement over the very possibility of Nina being alive
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