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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Amy saw the horde leave, she tried to grab Nina but only grabbed air "N-Nina where are you, please don't die, please be here." She gripped her head at the thought and looked around for her.

@Wasteful Bucket @Yappi

she gets her Knife and starts fighting while running in the wood but she yells loud enough that Amy hears "MOMMY" before running in the woods

@White Shamrock @Yappi
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Amy twitched and charged into the horde slashing and shooting down the horde, fury in her eyes. She climbed a tree to take out more, she gets down cutting down a few more, she walked around "Hon, you here, please don't die on me," she said nervously, she cut down branches to help her investigation.

@Wasteful Bucket @Yappi
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"AMY WE HAVE TO GO" I yell, almost getting surrounded by zombies. "IF YOU DIE IM NOT BURYING YOUR SORRY ASS" I reload my smg and try to keep the zombies away

she is on top of a zombie stabbing it till it dies she hear her mom but gets tackle before she can say anything


he is having a problem and is losing his sanity he walked out and found a girl and tackled the girl trying to kill her with his Bat but yell "DIE BITCH" @White Shamrock
Amy swung at the man with the back of her katana "DON'T. HURT. MY. DAUGHTER," Amy said picking up the little girl with one hand, she dragged the katana with the other.

@Wasteful Bucket
The zombies close in on me, I book it as I'm out of ammo. I try to run in a course where I will meet up with Amy.

he gets a M1911 and starts to shot and hits Nina in the foot


"AHHHH" her pain was to much and she passed out

@White Shamrock
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Amy snapped and shot Thomas in both feet "I want you to remember my face when the zombies eat you alive," she walked off carrying Nina and tending to the wound with some spare toilet paper. She carried her towards the church "I am so sorry for this experience," she said tear running down her face.

@Wasteful Bucket @Yappi
I run back to the church, it was a long run and I never looked back to see I was stopped being chased a hour ago. I see Amy approaching and I wave.
Amy kept her close as she sat on a pew, the girl still in her arms "How the fuck did I let this happen. I have failed my daughter I let her get hurt," she said in a quivering voice, gripping the child, not noticing AJ.

@Wasteful Bucket
I see Amy holding the child nearly crying, I'm somewhat happy for her but I can tell what will happen, it will crash and burn. But hey I guess that's what is always bound to happen. What I do care about is the fact that she should thank me for saving her from being bit atleast 3 times.

she wakes up and sees that her gun is gone and her dad she goes down to the church and sees a girl "have you seen an old man with one arm and a M1911" she then sees the child "what happened"

@White Shamrock
Amy glared at the woman "The bastard shot her in the foot, I shot him as well in both feet," she said bringing out her katana, ready to see if this person would turn on her.

@Wasteful Bucket @Yappi

he limped to the door of the church with his gun loaded and bangs on the door and says "i know you're both in there COME OUT SO I CAN KILL YOU"


she look at the door and the katana and runs to the door opening it for her dad not caring if that kid was gonna die or not


she starts to wake up and sees the man and she hides under the pew

@White Shamrock
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Amy glared at them "If you want my girl you'll kill me first," she clicked as the jaguar hid Nina away from the others. Amy gave a devious grin "I'm going to enjoy hacking your body into bits," she took out the shotgun with the other hand.

@Wasteful Bucket @Yappi
I go through the door knocking Thomas down. I put my foot on his arm so he can't lift the gun "Crazy and Insane are very different, I'm about to show you that difference, I lift my knife. Eye/head twitching like I did 18 pounds of crack
(you can kill Tomas and ruby)


she grabs the gun and try to shoot Amy


runs up to Ruby and stabs her leg so her mommy will have a chance she grabs Ruby's gun and try's to kill ruby

@White Shamrock
Amy used her katana and stabbed it through Ruby, she lifted the sword rising Ruby as well. She grinned and took off her mask "Let me be the last thing you see," she said letting gravity pull her down as the sword was still impaled in her.

@Wasteful Bucket @Yappi

she shoots one more time at Nina and hits her in the stomach (its not gonna kill her) and Amy thinks she missed

@White Shamrock
"Wrong words" I use my brass knuckles to knock him out. I see Amy impale her, my mind is on full insanity with all this Violence . I drag Thomas to the back of the church to Torture him, and kill him "Amy don't stop me" I say in a crazy smile
Amy used the sword to pin Ruby to the ground, she kicked any other weapon away. Amy grabbed Nina and asked "You ok sweety, hope she didn't hurt you too much," she said before turning back to Ruby "Move and the sword will hurt more." Her voice was cold before smiling at Nina and sitting on a pew.

@Wasteful Bucket

"i-i-i didn't miss" she laughs and said as she dies "i got your 'baby'"


she passes out on the pew blood pouring out of her wound

@White Shamrock
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