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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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The sound of footsteps above them could be heard with a grunt of annoyance following as the sounds of footsteps got quieter.


Jaqluin shook her head too frightened to say any words. She began to swish her feet in the dirty sewer water looking up at the ceiling every once in a while with pure fear clouding her eyes.

-=-=((@White Shamrock and
@Frisky Bitz))=-=-

-=-=((CellistCat606: -Slaps her own forehead- "You are so much more of a scaredy cat than Amber is..."))=-=-
Yappi said:
I turn the corner and hear some voices. I wonder is this really worth it, should I just get the fuck out of here?.....hmmm
(Quick question, if AJ gets captured can I appeal Loss of limbs. I really don't want AJ to lose limbs or figers)
-=-=((CellistCat606: -Presses the Stop AJ from moving button- "Well they don't like their to be food living... So I'm going to need your permission if AJ gets captured to either kill off AJ or to put the time in the base in super slow-mo so people have time to rescue him."

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Jason sighed "Ya want to hold on the cure for a while, lets get out. We can talk when we get outside," he whispered, he was nervous of who the men where, and how many where there. He opened another hatch and looked outside seeing the city again "Hmm never been to this part of town," he said picking Jaqluin up and putting her on his shoulder.

@CellistCat606 @Frisky Bitz
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White Shamrock] [COLOR=#00b359](Technically there was 4 said:


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As they got out of the sewers they might've recognized the picture in the front the newspaper of the city was the city they were in seeing close to no differences. The same human figure could be seen running in the distance to disappear behind another building.


Jaqluin let out a sigh "I'm better now thanks." Jaqluin sat up straight and the fear had left her eyes leaving her with her plain, old, and normal eyes again. She then looked around at the city to see it was in surprisingly really good conditions.

-=-=((@White Shamrock and @Frisky Bitz))=-=-
After thinking I go back the way I came and think about this song as I get away from the store.


Jason was interrupted to see a man wearing the pelt of grizzly bear dragging on the ground as the head of the went over his head covering almost all of his face except for his mouth. He had a bit of a stubble for a beard the man was also wearing army gear underneath the bear pelt. The man grinned and began to spoke "I see that you've gotten our pamphlet, well what do you think?"


Jaqluin hid behind Jason's legs peaking at the odd man. She looked to the right while she stared at the man

-=-=((@White Shamrock
@Frisky Bitz Do I have either of you guys permission if you get captured to either kill off your characters or have the time go super slow so you can get rescued or try and escape?))=-=-

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He just continued grinning. Footsteps could be heard nearby as he talked. "What do you mean? Didn't you read the pamphlet?" The man saw the guy was holding only one page of the pamphlet. "That makes sense," he mumbled to himself. "Well you're actually missing a page."


Jaqluin held onto the machete not certain of how to use it, but still tried to look threatening.

-=-=((@White Shamrock and @Frisky Bitz))=-=-
I feel as if Jason could be there or someone else but the again....I don't want to be fed my own balls in a gold Incrusted platter. I walk down the street towards the church, happy I made a good judgement call about that. Maybe I'll just torture a bandit later and learn about the tunnel.
Jason walked up to the man "WHERE. THE. FUCK. AM. I." He said through his teeth as he hands became fist and he took out his gun. He looked down at Jaqluin before he put his hand behind his back, he was ready to punch the man straight across the face.

The man chuckled as his men had gotten into position, 12 (3 per a building) of them were on the 4 buildings in the corners. 6 had gotten behind Jason and Jaqluin another 6 had gotten behind, the left, and the right of the mysterious man was another 6 men at each of the places. The people on the rooftops held their fully loaded tranquilizer guns pointed at the 3 of them. "Why does that matter? It's time to eat." He then makes an evil grin. "But I guess the meal is going to have to be you, since we have nothing else to eat." The men all wore army gear just like the leader but without the bear pelts.


Jaqluin's eyes went full of pure fear once again as she frantically tugged on Jason's pants. "W-what should w-we d-do?"

-=-=((@White Shamrock and
@Frisky Bitz))=-=-

Jason twitched "I have dealt with enough shit today," he made Jaqluin let go as he took out his two revolvers, he aimed at the man in the bear suit "You would eat children cold, I am sorry Threat. I really wanted to make it home today," he said to himself, as if they were his last words. He fired both guns at the man, he frowned. He was nervous of what would happen after the bullets shot.

@CellistCat606 @Frisky Bitz
I hear two gunshots and I run to the source, I see Jason and Jaque. I freeze and think for a moment, I pull out my Revolver
(He was already in the city, looking for bandits, call it luck) I Look in my bag for spare firecrackers and noisemakers from when me and Miya pranked Jason, I light them and throw them to make a distraction and attract zombies. I start to sprint back to the church and hope that I'm not followed. I can't take them on....
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The man got shot straight through forehead leaving him to fall dead on the ground. Out of anger the 3 people whom were on one of the roofs shot at the wall behind Jason and the kids with their tranquilizer guns hoping to cause a distraction as the 6 people ran up to Jason, Jaqluin, and the new kid with a club in each of their hands. One of them swung at Jaqluin's head trying to knock her out.


Jaqluin was too focused on the fact that someone had just died to notice that someone else had hit her in the back of the head causing her to fall over forwards knocked out.

-=-=((@White Shamrock and
@Frisky Bitz))=-=-

-=-=((Also I still haven't signed anything saying that you are going to get captured...))=-=-

Yappi said:
(He was already in the city, looking for bandits, call it luck) I Look in my bag for spare firecrackers and noisemakers from when me and Miya pranked Jason, I light them and throw them to make a distraction and attract zombies. I start to sprint back to the church and hope that I'm not followed. I can't take them on....
-=-=((It would've taken a lot longer...))=-=-

CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((It would've taken a lot longer...))=-=-

(He is sprinting towards,he's not back. But anyways since everyone is this 'Sleep' thing I'll give it a shot)
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[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
(Technically there was 4, *throws sword to Brianna* THE 4 MUSKETEERS!)
@Brianna Ackerman

-=-=((Good morning/afternoon/night whatever it is for you good to that time! I got around 34 minutes left of writing posts after that I'm most likely only going to be able to read them for a while.))=-=-

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