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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Amy sighed and walked towards him "So what did you learn from last nights fun," she said writing something down.


Threat walked outside seeing a woman, he sat down near her and smiled "Hi, miss how are ya doing," the young boy asked as he put away his bat and stared at her wound.

"React quicker to knifes going through your hand?" I say as I rub my bandages, I have been getting some head pains since what happened
Layla squeaked as the young boy got near her. She looked at him for a moment and shook her head, "A-as you can... s-see not so good..." She said, her voice and body shaking. "And y-you?"

@White Shamrock
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"According to my calculations...I'm going to need some help."

Appearance: View attachment 259479

(The eyes would be Brown instead and she wouldn't look insane)

Name: Jaqluin (Jack-lin) Bors (Boars)

Nick: Jaq-Jaq

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 3"4

Age: 10

Crush: Nobody

Personality: She's a sassy girl who's never worked a day in her life (unless you count whining). She'll start of being her sassy self but after a few hours she'll turn a lot nicer. Jaqluin is Known to be a big Blabbermouth so try not to trust her with any secrets. She is also really smart at science for her age.

Weapons: Syring and her heavy backpack

Leader of some sort of group: None

Likes: Teenagers, new science sets, getting spoiled, and her parents

Dislikes: Working (unless if it's science), kids, Things not going her way, Zombies, and sports.

Bio: Jaqluin was a pretty normal girl if you count being rich and really smart as normal. Jaqluin's parents were the very well known Nicole Bors and Nate Bors and if you don't know who they are well they created the cure for cancer! After that they became rich so Jaqluin was used to having everything handed to her. They also home schooled Jaqluin because they were worried of her having teachers who weren't as smart as they were. When Jaqluin was 8 years old she remebered her parents talking about some big research assingment from the government and how it would be the next big thing. 5 weeks after Jaqluin turned 10 her parents brought her into a room fully made from steel and that could only be opened from the inside. There they explained to Jaqluin that someone had broken in to the test facuility and somehow created zombies. 5 weeks later they were at there last bit of rations. The parents looked to see that the zombies were waiting for them outside. Seeing no chance of survival they gave Jaqluin a piece of paper that was hopefully the cure but not there was still a few things missing. The parents took a backpack and put the last of the rations, syringe, science equipment, a list of the cure (hopefully), and anything else Jaqluin should need. Her parents then opened the door and yelled "run!" All Jaqluin can remember hearing is the sounds of pain and a human screaming in pain. Jaqluin didn't go far and hid in one of the apple stores and has been hiding in it since then.

Other: She was spoiled rotten as a kid so she has an iPhone.

-=-=((One of the parents is still alive if anyone is interested in roleplaying as them))=-=-


Jaqluin looked at the cowboy and the new person. The new person was a bit taller than her so she assumed he probably was older. "I was saying that I'm completely fine talking about myself if you wanted to know the life of a rich kid." She then turned her head to the new kid and waved. "The name's Jaqluin Bors and I assumed you heard of my parents. If yes then you also know me." Jaqluin then does her signature sassy hair flip and waits for his response.

-=-=((@White Shamrock and
@Frisky Bitz))=-=-
Threat smiled "Perfect, don't worry you'll be fine. I know you will," the kid said giving her a small chocolate "Dad gets me these on his trips, they make many people smile," he said hope in his voice.

Layla shook her head, "What is that?" She asked, worry in her eyes, "And who's your dad?" She looked at the boy with kindness in her eyes.

@White Shamrock
"Amy, what exactly have you written down about me. Not in drawings but psychology, I want to know what your telling Jason" I sit there poking the ground
Threat looked at her "Jason,...maybe he treats me like one and I remember my father being back west like him, but I hit my head the first day of the apocalypse so I may be wrong. Miya is my Mom, she smiled when I asked her," he looked at the candy. He ripped the top off "It is chocolate, it won't bite," he opened her hand, and gave it to her.

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Layla growled in frustration, "Of course..." She gripped the chocolate and looked at Threat, "S-Sorry... But um... You're mom is the one who did this to me..." She pointed to her leg and let out a sigh, "Forget it..." She took a bite of the chocolate and smiled, "It's good."

@White Shamrock
Threat frowned "Sorry about that, she does that a lot. I believe she gets along with Peace better than me." He gave her a weak smile "Good, I am glad you at least enjoy that," he said as he brought out a knife and played with it.


Amy looked at him "I usually only have the bitch scale, it is large for your size. He ask me a lot, but usually has other things to do, I ask you simple questions, most people would ask," she said before coloring in the scale at 1.

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"Hm well what does Jason say about me, I still consider him my friend even if he doesn't" I give a smile


Jaqluin smirked. "Well when I was young I hated science and never understood anything about it. I went to a public school and made lots of friends. My parents hated me so very much and never gave me anything, so if I ever wanted something I always would have to work for it. When the zombie apocalypse hit they both ran to safety leaving me behind so then I died and became a zombie." Jaqluin made a puppy dog face after that. "The exact opposite of that is the short story of my life. Do you understand a special rich kid's lifestyle now?" She said with a grin.

-=-=((@White Shamrock))=-=-

@Frisky Bitz))=-=-
Jason rolled his eyes "When I was young, I was a smart ass who hated history. I also had many friends that made me feel good about myself. I wanted to be a samurai when I grew up, and I was shot dead and my parents fled after taking 6 shots. My name was actually Joanna Dragon the dragon mask wearing samurai from the west. That was the complete opposite of my life," he said with a laugh as he walked towards another store.

@CellistCat606 @Frisky Bitz
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Amy looked at him "He sees you as a friend but also a threat, he thinks of you as someone who could kill everyone he loves." She looked at a picture of Jason "He seems to be ready to snap, I have seen him looked down from the roof pondering stuff," she said as she lied on the pew.

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My voice goes off the deep end a bit "he should-" I see my mistake and try to catch it unconvincingly " Not! See me as a threat"
Jason picked Luke up "I am from the north give me a break. I only went west after the apocalypse, everything before that is a blur," he walked into the store singing to himself "Happy trails to you," his voice seemed to echo through the store.

@CellistCat606 @Frisky Bitz

Amy sighed "You have threatened, hurt, and put a dead bandit on our lawn, no he is sooo happy. He wants you to frolic in the fields of friendship with you," she said the other part sarcastically before coloring in a 7 on the bitch scale.

"Yea, well maybe he should take a few seconds to talk to you about these talks I have with ya" I go up to the roof after I say that and sharpen my knives
Yappi said:
"Yea, well maybe he should take a few seconds to talk to you about these talks I have with ya" I go up to the roof after I say that and sharpen my knives
-=-=((Amber: -turns into Amy- -Holds a knife to AJ's throat "How the heck do you know that?!"))=-=-



"That's what I call being old." Jaqluin then ran into the store as if she had just eaten some candy. She began to look around the store for the ingredients for the cure as she was looking around she found a hidden tunnel in one of the corners. "Jason! New kid! I found something!"

-=-=((@White Shamrock
@Frisky Bitz))=-=-
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