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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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[QUOTE="White Shamrock](Fine, and my name isn't Jason, it's Shammy, I also have a shit face grin right now)


(I was the first person to use it remember shammy! :3)
She looked up at him with a sweet smile. "Looks like someone has a crush!" She says giggling slightly and reaching her hand up to poke him. "Oh, my mom? No she died before the apocalypse. I shot her!" She says happily remembering the moment. "Just like my dad and sister." @White Shamrock

Mira looked down at him and smirked. "Well I was going to get my old metal foundry, and workshop set up." She stars then leans in and kisses him for a moment. "But I may have something else in mind." She stands and holds her hand out to help him up.

@Dream Killer

(Jade: -walks over to Sandra calmly- That's what you should have done darling. -she motions for miya. Miya: -walks over- Yeh, yeh I know what to do. -she grabs Sandra and ties her up, slowly ripping one strand of hair from her head at a time-

Me, and my other characters: -eating popcorn watching kill bill volume 2)
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Threat covers her eyes "NO I DON'T,...she forced me into a bath with her. I broke the door down, afterwards." He grabbed her hair as he tensed up "Y-you won't kill me right, I do-don't want to die," the kid said as tears ran down his eyes.

Avery smiled a bit, happy that he may not have to help her with her little, err, project... He grabbed her hand, and pulled himself up. "Oh yeah, and what might that be?" He asked, with a smile, still holding onto her hand, more gently now.

(Boe: Damn, that's cruel... Hey, hon, remember that one time I flew her around by her hair? That was fucking hilarious... Sandra: Ow!! Hey, Bitch, watch it!! Reiko: *Is still deded as hell*)
(-Sigh- Tag me when you and AJ get into your home. Que is waiting :3 I'm going inactive for a bit. Will still reply every now and then. Just gonna, err, do, things... Don't fucking judge me. Kybi: Can I join? :3 Boe: *Grabs Kybi and runs to the bedroom* Night guys!! *Slams door*)
After the quick rest the two went out, found a few zombies wondering around but killed them with their melee weapons, Dalton did quick stabs with his Bowie and Dallas with big swiped from his Machete. The two then packed up the fortifications and fencing and left, getting back on the road to get to their destination. Smashing and running over zombies along the way, Dalton listened to his msic through headphones and Dallas listened to his on the dvd player.

(Dalton's music: [media]

[/media] Dallas's song:[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQTCS6aWRSc[/media])
Miya giggles slightly at his reaction. She wasn't ready to feel her hair being grabbed. She was about to say something when he heard him stutter as he talks and see years streaming down his face. She stops in her tracks and sets him down. She hugs him closely, and gently rubs his back. "Hey, it's okay kiddo, I would never hurt you. She pulls away and smiles at him. "I promise." She says sincerely.

@White Shamrock

Mira leans in and pulls him close. "You know, we never got to finish earlier." She purrs in his ear and pulls him into a kiss. "Maybe, we can continue where we left off?" She wraps her arms around and looks up at him with puppy dog eyes.

@Dream Killer

(Jade: Yeh, I remember. Now I know why you did and I'm not bad about it anymore. Miya: -Pulls put a large chunk at once- don't call me bitch! )
[QUOTE="White Shamrock](o-0, Nikky: And that my friends is what we call fucking ;) )

(Miya: -leans on a wall near Nikky- That could be us.)
Threat smiled "T-thank you, I needed that. I am happy to have you as my mom, Jason told me my mom was a cannibal who would have killed me. I never knew anyone like that except Nikky.....Jason and her kept calling each other by my last name." He said before hugging her legs, and then continued his walk.

Miya smiles, seeing he had cheered up some. She never meant to scare him like that, and knew she would never do it again. She raised an eyebrow. "Nikky hu?" She said rhetoricaly. "Hey bud, I got an idea. Let's screw with Jason." She said, pulling him back on her shoulders. "Lets go see Jason, and when we talk to him, tell him all you fun you had with mom." She said with a smile. Speeding up so they could get to the church faster.

@White Shamrock
Threat smiled "Ok just don't kill him, I don't want him to die," he said as he looked at the church and pointed a arrow near it, he threw it into the building with extreme force "YAS!" was all he said clapping.

She looks up at him and smiles. "Fine!" She says and giggles. Hoping he knew that she wouldn't harm Jason. Jason may hate her, but she couldn't kill him if she wanted to. Not because of sheer power, but because she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Not long later they arrived at the church. She approached Jason with Threat on her shoulders. "Hey! What's up cowboy?" She asks, her insane side trying to kick in but she fights it back.

@White Shamrock
Jason got up and looked at the two "So where have you two been. Threat I have been nervous don't scare me like that,...Miya you seem less insane and murderous then usual." He said as he smiled at the two.

Miya giggles slightly and takes Threat off her shoulders. "No comment on how the girl who spread bandit guts all over the frunt of the church was with Threat?" She shrugs. "Me and kiddo were just hanging out." She says ruffling threats hair. "Hu Threat?"

@White Shamrock
Threat nodded "You two talk, I need to go do something," he ran and climbed down the ladder "LEXI CAN WE TALK!" he yelled as he looked around carrying one of the walkies in his hand.


Jason's eyes seemed to fade as Threat left "I know that isn't the only reason you came here, something must be up. I have lived long enough to know when something is happening under my feet," he said as he showed his cane pike again.

The officer, or rather, ex-officer of the law would have finished the rice and beans meal, then gently climbed out of the sun-roof of the white Explorer. She gently stood, perched between life and flesh-eating douche-bags. Luckily for her, only one was near Iddy and her truck. She slide down the side gently, and took out her saber. In one swift draw and stroke, the zombie lay slain, half of his head removed, along with half of his brain. She cleaned off the blade with her 'blood rage' and continued towards a semi-fortified looking building. She'd climb atop the pile of rubble and scrapped cars, careful for any trip wires and the likes.
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