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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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some thing falls out of his hand a paper that reads in scribbled crayon 'happy birthday we love you gra- the rest is smeared with blood (not Tomas')
"Ok I'll wait here for you 2" I sit on a pew

I see he is knocked out, I lay on his back and check for breathing. I do 2 rescue breaths and begin chest pumps.
Threat looked over at the road "Have you ever had a voice inside your head just go silent. Mines seems to not talk as much anymore, she is acting odd. It seems like she doesn't like talking anymore," threat said humming a little tune as they went.

Mira1 said:
(Miya: Three guys? I don't know doesn't that make me look like a slut? I'd rather wait for Nikky ;) Hey Nikky I almost forgot! I'm gonna still need to run into you some time. When will be a good time?)
(AJ:Miya your choice but she is a real gimp)
I stop "he will be fine, just let him rest" I pat Jason in the shoulder

I walk up to Jason "Jason I'm not good at explaining what i think so please just ask Amy. Knowing me I'll just get you pissed the second you mention torture." I walk to the basement and see if I had any of my stuff left

(Take the fucking hint Jason)

@White Shamrock
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Miya giggles as she approached the entrance of the city. "Yes actually, I have." She says and looks up at him for a moment. "It's called my sane side, and she seems to sleep in alot." She looks back at the road. "Tell me when we are there." She says, not knowing where she was going.

@White Shamrock
Que found his way to an odd shack... Obviously inhabited. He smirked, and took out his weapon of choice, his torture tool. He... He didn't actually have a name for it yet... But it was quite obviously a torture tool, and he knew how to use it in that way. It was just more fun to use it as a shiv. Especially because it was so rusty it gave people tetanus!! Rusty... That was a great name!! "Rusty the torture tool..." He mumbled under his breath. It had a good ring to it, to him at least. He made his way into the shack, and found a closet, hiding inside. He was only 14... They wouldn't hurt him on the spot. That was their weakness... Stupid people, they were. They couldn't see the cuts on his arms... The pain in his eyes. What he felt. But they could feel Rusty... Oh, yes they could... All in due time...

@Mira1 @Yappi
Threat looked at the road before seeing a shop and pointed "STOP!" he said jumping down "That'll do Miya, that'll do." He patted her head and grabbed her hand forcing her to follow "Do you think I could lead a team,...I am tempted to do something but I don't know," he said before almost falling but kept his balance.


Jason looked at AJ "I will talk to Amy later, I have a group to take care of," he said before looking at Thomas. He smiled "I beleive it was a heart attack, you fell on the floor," he said as he sat on the pew.


Yappi said:
(AJ:don't worry, 2 against one he has no chance. Besides I'm part Irish, a natural knife fighter)
(Miya: he mentioned a torture weapon! Maybe he will join us!)
Miya skids to a stop and watches as he jumps down. She smiles at him, only to be pulled by his hand. She knew she could easily escape his grasp lut decided not to for his sake. "I'm sure you could!" She said happily and tilted her head. "What are you tempted to do?" She asks politely, happy to be spending time with Threat again.
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