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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I arrive at the church and open the doors "I'm back, Amy or Jason anywhere around here?"
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Layla continued to walk. The coat was drapped over her arm as she walked into the woods heading for the church. She was ready to kick Mira's ass. She growled loudly and hit her head on a tree.
PixieDusts said:
Layla continued to walk. The coat was drapped over her arm as she walked into the woods heading for the church. She was ready to kick Mira's ass. She growled loudly and hit her head on a tree.
(Miyas* Mira is the nice one :3)
Mira1 said:
Mira looked back at him and smiles. "To get my workshop back." She giggles and cheers. "I'm going to invent stuff again!" She says happily before reaching the top.
@Dream Killer
Invent stuff..? Why would she need to invent stuff? All you need to get by around here is brute force. Avery had learned that the easy way... Through brute force. "Since when did you invent stuff?" Avery asked, as he climbed up the ladder next to her.
Miya walks into the church. Obviously more sane than before. "Threat! My little buddy are you here?" She yells throughout the church.

@White Shamrock

She smiles and holds his hand when they get to the top of the ladder. "Sense before we were together." She says with a smile then pulls out her sketch book. Showing him all the weapons she's been planning on making.

@Dream Killer

I see Miya calling for threat "So you have a soft spot for the kid?, I don't blame you Threat is the only one here I would die to keep alive"

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Miya smiles and nods. Continuing to look around for threat. He was the only person that seemed to like her for her.

@White Shamrock


Mira smiles at his reaction and puts the sketchbook away. She leads him out to the van. (Because Shammy isnt here to join us right now.) She vets in the drivers seat and waits for Avery to join her.

@Dream Killer
"Ppsshh... Women can't drive... Get in the passenger's seat." Avery mocked, as he knocked on the driver's side door. He was joking, of course. He actually had no clue where to go... But he still wanted to drive. Plus, didn't pregnant people go crazy or something? He was sure he'd heard that somewhere...

She glares at his remark and locks the doors to the van. She rolled down the windows and smiles at him. "I guess I will have to go alone then." She says and slowly drives to the road, slow enough to where he could easily keep up.

@Dream Killer
Avery rolls his eyes, and jogs along with the van, jumping on the side, and climbing in the window. "Ugh... I hate you so much sometimes." He joked, as he sat upright, with a fun grin.

I see her lookin around, Threat will show up eventually. Then again I'm waiting for Jason and Amy, so I'll just stay silent unless Miya talks to me. I drift into deep thought about the last 2 weeks and how fun/crazy they have been.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock](By the magic know as lucky charms, I have returned! *LIGHTNING STRIKE*)


-=-=((@White Shamrock Mira and Avery are heading off slowly to wherever so Jason can probably catch up, Miya wanted to talk to Threat, and AJ wanted to see Amy/Jason.))=-=-

Amy got out of the forest to see AJ, she krept up before pointing her katana at his neck "5 secs, before I cut your neck, Jason said to kill AJ, or as he calls you JA, Jack Ass," she said shoving him away.

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