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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Mira rolls her eyes and giggles slightly. "Let's be honest here, who doesn't have a crush on Keon." She says jokingly, and continues to listen to what he had to say about AJ. 'They sound like the perfect couple." She purrs then suddenly goes serious. "The name sounds familiar why..." She says, now suddenly very worried.

@White Shamrock
Jason sighed "AJ tortured and killed her, I knew because he left a butterfly in blood on her chest. He won't listen to me or anyone, I am at my end with him," he walked into the church and saw AJ "Speak of the devil," he said jokingly.

@Yappi @Mira1
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Kuroko said:
(wad up everybody. whats happinin')
(Jason found Mira, the children are....bathing, Nikky and Javisco finished there mealsand desert, some new char's have come, and Aj and Miya made a settlement)
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Jas looks at him, sighing with relief. "Thank you." She says with a smile and turns twoards him, now getting a nice view of his bare chest. She tilts her head, then looks at the cubs. She sees them curled up together and giggles. "They seem to be getting along fine hu?"

@White Shamrock @Yappi
Mira chuckles nervously and steps behind Jason, clinging to his arm. Obviously terrified of AJ now. "Y-yeh AJ h-how was it?" She asks, chuckling nervously.

@White Shamrock
Mira1 said:
Mira chuckles nervously and steps behind Jason, clinging to his arm. Obviously terrified of AJ now. "Y-yeh AJ h-how was it?" She asks, chuckling nervously.
(Wow Jason is the best barricade xD )
"Oh it was great I went into a bandit camp with Miya, stabed a guy shoved a knife into his throat blood everywhere and the leader had his throat slit thin and sat there struggling. Then We captured one lit him on fire and roasted hotdogs on him so it was fun." The more I talk to more crazed my smile and eyes get
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Jason kept Mira close as he walked up to AJ "Sounds nice, why are you here. Thought you would be having to much fun to actually come visit," he said as his eyes showed anger, and he gripped his cane.

@Mira1 @Yappi
Mira starts to shake slightly. "S-sounds f-fun..." She says nervously, gripping Jason's arm harder. She didn't feel comfortable around this Psychopath. "C-can we go somewhere else..." She whispers to Jason in a shakey voice.

@White Shamrock

Slasher999999999 said:
(yes I am and like hell im listening to you....you raped me -keon)
(Miya: Oh you know you likes it. -she purrs- And now I bare your child. Also, if you fix AJ I will just have to brake him again. > :) )
(Trust me,you would have to do some Dr.phil shit to come close to helping AJ. If you tortured him his sane side would go more and more insane)
Jason looked at him, his voice seemed strict "And you tell me this because, you came here just to tell me you're leaving." He gripped the cane tighter and looked at Mira and whispered "Don't worry I won't let him hurt you, he would have to kill me first," he took off the top of the cane revealing a sharp metal point.

@Mira1 @Yappi
Slasher999999999 said:
(or a bullet to the head i hear that is a exclent cure for your problems)
(Miya is suddenly defensive over AJ. "You won't! I won't let you!)
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