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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason did a skid as he he raised his hand "Beat all your asses," he said walking into a diner and went to the back "I come here to eat, I never eat at the church. This place had a generator so I used it to keep the breakfast fresh...they are cold but edible. What do you guys want." He said as he looked around the place and sighed at the condition "Glad famine isn't here" he thought.

@CellistCat606 @Mira1
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(Couldn't find it @Slasher999999999 but it was something like this.)

Jasmine smirked hearing the shower turn off. She looked back to see his head roaming around in her kitchen. "There is plenty of food! Have at it." She giggles and waits for him to come back.

Snow wander into the kitchen and rubs her head against Dan's leg. She suddenly bites the towel with her teeth and puls it off. Then makes her way back to the doggy bed and pulls the tower over her and her cheetah friend.
Miya comes in last. "Whatever... I was buried underground for a while. I haven't really had time to work out..." She says and sits down. "I'll have anything that I can eat." She says to him. "Even if it means I have to become a cannibal." She jokes and waits for food to arive.

@White Shamrock

The moon is up but the living house is done. "Miya the house is done" it's sturdy and has some lights in it. Until I can make a bed we have to use cots
Jason machete flies by her head "DON'T JOKE ABOUT CANNIBALS, I HAVE DEALT WITH THERE SHIT ENOUGH!" He said as he brought out cold pancakes. "Here, oh and for the kid, you get the kid breakfast," he got her eggs, one piece of bacon, and one pancake. He smiled before sitting down and messing with his gun.

@Mira1 @CellistCat606
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Mira1 said:
Snow wander into the kitchen and rubs her head against Dan's leg. She suddenly bites the towel with her teeth and puls it off. Then makes her way back to the doggy bed and pulls the tower over her and her cheetah friend.
(I can't wait for Snow to meet my Snow :3)
Miya walks into the house and smiles. "Well done!" She says happily and lays down on her cot. She yawns and looks up at the ceiling.

@White Shamrock @CellistCat606
Jason sighed "Sorry, I have had to deal with a lot of shit this past 2 weeks. It has been hard for me since Skylyn died. The reason I snapped was because one of my horsemen Famine was a cannibal. She was dangerous and didn't care who she killed and ate, my son spent a lot of time with her. She tried to kill me many times and she is one of the reasons I left," he said running his hand through his hair.

@Mira1 @CellistCat606
Jasmine looks back to see what all the commotion was about. She quickly covers her eyes and looks away. "Jesus Dan! Can you not chase my tiger cub butt ass naked!" She says making sure not to look directly at him. "You'll traumatise the pokr thing." She jokes.

@White Shamrock@CellistCat606
I turn off the light and look at Miya for a second... I go out the gate and to the church, should tell them what happened.
Jason smiled "Glad you're still smiling after the world went to shit, I lost that kind of smile a while ago. How did you survive, last I check you were devoured by the horde." He looked at her, still dirty "We should probably wash you up, and get you some new clothes," he said ruffling her hair.

@Mira1 @CellistCat606
I walk into the church after a long walk to find it nearly empty, I sign and sit for people to come back...
Miya waves at him, watching him leave before passing out in her cot. She dreams of death, murder, and torture.

@White Shamrock

Jason looked around "We can either try and go back to the church, or you can at least wash your exposed skin in the sink," he said looking at his clothing, dirty and raggedy "I should get myself something else to wear huh," he put his hands in his pockets.

@Mira1 @CellistCat606
I sit on a pew exhausted from building the base. I start to slowly fade into sleep, images of killing,death and weapon ideas filled his mind as he drifted away into deep thought. His smile was no indicator of what he was thinking.
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