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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(Jason: Silence the final sound after death, Peace: Things are getting slow, Amy: I have finished writing my fanfiction about grown up Threat and Le-*Stabbed*, Threat: Oh my god she is on the floor broken, Peace: *Crying* I am so proud of you, Jason: Now we are just talking in empty space, ???: WHEN THE FUCK WILL I BE CREATED >:( , Famine I don't know, but I do know I may bang a murder named Miya ;) , Me: Wow I have a house full of weirdo's)
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I crawl through the streets wincing and screaming. But i wanted to get home before dark and I wanted to stay away from any Zs that were knocking about.

I found an old Door just long enough to go under my arm as a crutch. I sit and break it until it's thin, with the handle allowing me to hold onto it.

This was slightly easier for me to walk.

I figured that if I stuck to the roads and kept going in the direction of the sun maybe id get there.

A few hours lateR, I come into few with something familiar. The old building that I'd come to know and love. I picked up the pace a bit. I was so tired, I wondered why I wasn't dead.

On the stairs was my crutch given to me by Markus. I use this instead and it's underarm rest was bliss on my blistered armpit.

I crawl up the stairs and open the door.

"IS ANYONE HERE?" I wheeze.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Famine I don't know, but I do know I may bang a murder named Miya ;)

(Miya: -Excited squeels- Yaaay sounds fun!)
(-Miya kneels down in front of Threat- when a woman, and a woman love each other very much. The cannibal of the two eats the other one, except in a good way. Then the other woman, non cannibal, repays the favor and eats the cannibal as well. -innocent giggle-)
Mira1 said:
(-Miya kneels down in front of Threat- when a woman, and a woman love each other very much. The cannibal of the two eats the other one, except in a good way. Then the other woman, non cannibal, repays the favor and eats the cannibal as well. -innocent giggle-)
(MIRA CONTROL YOUR CHAR!!!, Threat: Can men do the same thing, I WANT TO TRY *Screaming as running to SC*)
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(Miya: Yes men can do it too, but it's different you see wh- , -Mira covers Miyas mouth- t-thats okay, you don't have to explain it. Jas: you guys disgust me... -Adam shields Chikas ears- CHILDREN!!)
Yappi said:
I get some rope and tie her up, I tie her legs and hands up. "She's tied up"
Mira1 said:
Adam walks with her back to the bike and smiles. He flips up the seat and throws some of his t-shirts. "Wanna put your supplies in there too?" He asks, holding the seat up for her.

"Wonderful!" She say walking out of the room. "Can you drag her back to the apartment?" She asks, excited about all the ideas she had for torturing her.

Yappi said:
"With pleasure" I pick her up on my shoulder and go to the apartment

-=-=((Don't you need

@PixieDusts permission to do that to Layla?))=-=-

@Libra259 or @JPTheWarrior))=-=-
Slasher999999999 said:
(@Yappi pixie chars are off limit she won't be on today)
(No comment on Miya explaining lesbian s- Jas: We really need to get off this subject...)
Nobody around, I notice. I pull myself along the aisle to where my backpack had been this whole time. I find a bandage at the bottom that I'd kept for emergencies. I wrap it over my eye.

"Gonna need an eye patch. I'll look like long John Silvers." I laugh. My pain had gone numb. I was well and truly making light of the situation. "Give me a peg for my leg and I could play pirates with Threat!!"

Then I begin to weep. I wasn't even sure how long is been away. But id been worse than being sent to hell itself.
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CellistCat606 said:

"If life isn't fair, make it."

View attachment 256595

Name: Amber

Nick: Six Year Old Killer

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 4'0

Age: 16

Crush: Girl has never had a crush so if she had one she never would know

Personality: Amber is not one to be sentimental she'd rather laugh but would keep it to herself (even though being rude isn't something she hesitates on). She most likely will be seen teasing (just as a joke) or pulling pranks. She acts tough because she is tough okay or do I need to repeat myself? Sometimes Amber thinks that if she acted like a shy, kind, innocent girl, that she will probably will be helped more than if she acted like herself. Don't get on her bad side she has a HUGE temper.

Weapons: Her bracelet (it's the sharpest thing she can have because of her predicament).

Leader of some sort of group: Was a leader of a couple of fellow prisoners at one point.

Likes: Being in charge, Joking around, Being better than someone, Having a good laugh, prisoners she knows.

Dislikes: Pets, cops, people of the law, and people who act all overprotective with her.

Bio: Amber was a normal girl. She was mostly kind, joyful, cheery, & empathetic. She never knew her parents since she was an orphan. One day when Amber was 6 years old she woke up to seeing cops looking around for clues of who murdered all the other orphans last night. Amber was the only orphan to survive the attack which made her highly suspicious to the police. The owner of the orphanage also recalled last seeing Amber holding a knife, the owner took it away from Amber and put it on the counter so Amber wouldn't hurt herself. Amber got upset at this and immediately ran to where she slept sobbing. The case was then immediately closed because the cops thought they had found the killer whom was Amber(was it Amber or someone else? not even Amber knows) because they found no evidence otherwise. Amber then spent her life getting pushed around by the other prisoners for being only a measly 6 year old. Ten years went by and Amber's personality changed from a nice little girl to a rude teenager. Amber gained respect from the other prisoners by getting stronger and faster, soon she had her own group! They were planning an escape route when the zombies attacked. Out of confusion the group split up and Amber was on her own. Except a cop found her 3 days later and hand cuffed her so he could bring her back. When the cop was at the gate to the jail he got a surprise sneak attack from the back. Seeing her chance Amber escaped the cop, but is still unable to take off her hand cuffs. So now Amber is looking for helpful survivors before the zombies get her.

Other: Amber can be seen with bruises and cuts everywhere on her from the brawls she had with the other prisoners. Her height and speed lets her be able to go into small places fast. She also is best with a two handed weapon.
CellistCat606 said:

CellistCat606 said:

"According to my calculations...I'm going to need some help."

CellistCat606 said:

Appearance: View attachment 259479

(The eyes would be Brown instead and she wouldn't look insane)

Name: Jaqluin (Jack-lin) Bors (Boars)

Nick: Jaq-Jaq

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 3"4

Age: 10

Crush: Nobody

Personality: She's a sassy girl who's never worked a day in her life (unless you count whining). She'll start of being her sassy self but after a few hours she'll turn a lot nicer. Jaqluin is Known to be a big Blabbermouth so try not to trust her with any secrets. She is also really smart at science for her age.

Weapons: Syring and her heavy backpack

Leader of some sort of group: None

Likes: Teenagers, new science sets, getting spoiled, and her parents

Dislikes: Working (unless if it's science), kids, Things not going her way, Zombies, and sports.

Bio: Jaqluin was a pretty normal girl if you count being rich and really smart as normal. Jaqluin's parents were the very well known Nicole Bors and Nate Bors and if you don't know who they are well they created the cure for cancer! After that they became rich so Jaqluin was used to having everything handed to her. They also home schooled Jaqluin because they were worried of her having teachers who weren't as smart as they were. When Jaqluin was 8 years old she remebered her parents talking about some big research assingment from the government and how it would be the next big thing. 5 weeks after Jaqluin turned 10 her parents brought her into a room fully made from steel and that could only be opened from the inside. There they explained to Jaqluin that someone had broken in to the test facuility and somehow created zombies. 5 weeks later they were at there last bit of rations. The parents looked to see that the zombies were waiting for them outside. Seeing no chance of survival they gave Jaqluin a piece of paper that was hopefully the cure but not there was still a few things missing. The parents took a backpack and put the last of the rations, syringe, science equipment, a list of the cure (hopefully), and anything else Jaqluin should need. Her parents then opened the door and yelled "run!" All Jaqluin can remember hearing is the sounds of pain and a human screaming in pain. Jaqluin didn't go far and hid in one of the apple stores and has been hiding in it since then.

Other: She was spoiled rotten as a kid so she has an iPhone.

-=-=((One of the parents is still alive if anyone is interested in roleplaying as them))=-=-


Amber had beaten Jaqluin in the race to the end of year tire tracks! "Ha ha! I win!" She said with joy. Amber then noticed a hunchback walking to a tiny building. She hid in one of the bushes and watched.


Jaqluin crossed her arms "no fair your older!" Jaqluin hen felt a drag by Amber to go behind a bush. Amber pointed at someone and Jaqluin saw a man limping towards the church. "What about him?"


Amber made an evil grin as an idea came to her mind. She looked at Jaqluin with her evil grin as she shoved her out in the open towards the hunchback. "Go find out!" She yelled. Amber then went back in the bushes and watched.


"Fine!" Jaqluin nervously walked up to the man and tapped on his shoulder. "What's your name?" She said with a frightened face.

@AidanCee You also probably heard them yelling btw))=-=-
Jason looks at the knife and looked around as Amy came towards him smiling. "Hey what ya got there, a knife," she said hanging on the pew. Jason stabs the knife into the wood "Famine is back, and I think we are missing someone bloods outside," he said nervously. She backed up "Aidan's been gone for a while..." she grabbed her Katana and her shotgun. He took out his machete "If famine is here, then Plaque isn't far behind her. However let us wait till nightfall" he said putting his weapons away. She nodded and sat there writing something on her paper.
CellistCat606 said:


Amber had beaten Jaqluin in the race to the end of year tire tracks! "Ha ha! I win!" She said with joy. Amber then noticed a hunchback walking to a tiny building. She hid in one of the bushes and watched.


Jaqluin crossed her arms "no fair your older!" Jaqluin hen felt a drag by Amber to go behind a bush. Amber pointed at someone and Jaqluin saw a man limping towards the church. "What about him?"


Amber made an evil grin as an idea came to her mind. She looked at Jaqluin with her evil grin as she shoved her out in the open towards the hunchback. "Go find out!" She yelled. Amber then went back in the bushes and watched.


"Fine!" Jaqluin nervously walked up to the man and tapped on his shoulder. "What's your name?" She said with a frightened face.

@AidanCee You also probably heard them yelling btw))=-=-
(I've just gone back inside I'll go outside to be sick if you want. And then I'll answer ?)
(Edward, and Amy are terrified of Nikky, Jason is more aggressive keeping her from killing the rest)

[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
Jason looks at the knife and looked around as Amy came towards him smiling. "Hey what ya got there, a knife," she said hanging on the pew. Jason stabs the knife into the wood "Famine is back, and I think we are missing someone bloods outside," he said nervously. She backed up "Aidan's been gone for a while..." she grabbed her Katana and her shotgun. He took out his machete "If famine is here, then Plaque isn't far behind her. However let us wait till nightfall" he said putting his weapons away. She nodded and sat there writing something on her paper.

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Mira1 said:
(Should I send Keon on a feels trip? I feel like slashes char needs to be sad. What do you think @Slasher999999999 should I send Keon kn a feels trip?)
(Slasher here is your backpack, and your lunch bag. Have fun on your feel trip :3, also Miya I am inside your house *rustling*)
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Libra259 said:
Chika nods and places her art supplies into the seat. She then puts her helmet on.
Adam puts the seat down and smiles at Chika. He sits on the bike then pulls her on behind him. "Hold on!" He says reving the engine, waiting for her to hold onto him.
I stand back up. Wih my crutch. I know I should really be resting but I need to be sick... I gobble outside.

I see two girls looking at me frightened. I know I look dodgy right now so I hold out my hand. Then I realise it's fingerless. So I just ‭shrug and half smile.

@CellistCat606 (back out now so you can reask my name if you want)
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