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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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CellistCat606 said:

-=-=((CellistCat606: "Okay I'm back I just snuck by Amber and Jaqluin so here are some very puny puns!"))=-=-

@AidanCee I hope that Threat will soon leave (the church) and Peace will come and save you (from getting eaten).))=-=-
The bandit screams in agony as the fire takes him slowly. His screaming calmed until he felt pressure building up behind his eyes. He screams loudly as a popping sound is heard.

Mira giggles and uses long pliers to pull the eye all the way out of the socket before dropping it into the bucket. "This bandit is a strong one!" She giggles looking at the different body parts in the bucket.


(I gtg! See you tomorrow morning! Have fun torturing everyone! Death yay! - (<3)Miya
Slasher999999999 said:
Javisco would speed up his sawing finally cutting off his leg he would grab a hot piece of metal and would cauterize his wound. "Honey I feel in the mood for some fingers do you want anything?"
My only plan was to move my fingers as much as I could. The rope was making it difficult. Shit firing my bow was going to be difficult without fingers.
I see Miya collect up the bandit...I slowly fall asleep, I know I shouldn't but I have little choice. I slowly fade into sleep, watching the slow embers fade away. My mind at peace.
Chili walked from the shadows and looked up seeing the new face "Hey cat, what ya doing out here. Without anyone around, ya want a bruising." He said, he could have been anywhere as he toy with the new man.

I wake up after Short nap "sorry Miya,I'll be back later" I walk out the door and to the church, after a while I go into the church and look for the phychologist chick not realizing that I didn't clean my clothes.
She balanced on her knife "Give me the leg hon, I am getting impatient. I may start to do this not so classy. Ya want meatloaf or want to skip to desert and have a pie, or some shit like that," she said acting like a Dr. Frankenstein in the kitchen.

@Slasher999999999 @AidanCee
Slasher999999999 said:
Javisco would pin the mans hand down and would take a kitchen knife and cut of his fingers in his left hand.
"FUUUCKK" I wail. How was I going to hold my bow now?!

My conciousness was back. And it was never going away. My body wanted me to remember every moment of this ordeal.
Javisco would grin sheepishly and would grab the leg and offer it to her and would give her a kiss as a apology "sorry honey" he would then go back and grab the mans hand and bite off the rest of his fingers for his right hand.

@White Shamrock

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Slasher999999999 said:
Javisco would grin sheepishly and would grab the leg and offer it to her and would give her a kiss as a apology "sorry honey" he would then go back and grab the mans hand and bite off the rest of his fingers for his right hand.
@White Shamrock

Shit this was a nightmare. Surely I was going to wake up soon. The mans teeth tore through my flesh, like it was made of cheese or something.

I start banging on the table. Like a sort of seizure.
@White Shamrock

"Lady you said to meet you today right?" I step to her, trying to hide the fact that I am covered in blood
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