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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I take my knife and put it next to his neck, "I've seen you talking to him so tell me god damnit or I will slit your damn throat"
Adam watches as the young girl shoots the zombie with her nail gun. He smiles widley and pats her shoulder some. "Nice shot." He says and thinks for a moment. "You know... We haven't been properly introduced have we?" He asks then holds out his hand. "I'm Adam."

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Yappi said:
I take my knife and put it next to his neck, "I've seen you talking to him so tell me god damnit or I will slit your damn throat"
Okay, this is a bit too much, I think. Time to try another tact.

"Ooohhhhhhh AJ" I nod half sarcastically. "I know him. Dunno where he is though."

Again I shrug. I feel I look cool as a cucumber. But I think my buckling knees give me away.
"I'm not my brother,I do not enjoy smart Aleks" I press the blade enough to simulate cutting a throat but not hurting anything (pressing Into skin but not dragging)
Adam let's go of her hand and smiled. "Good to meet you Chika!" He says and continues to walk with her, keeping an eye out for any undead. "So, how long have you been with the group?"

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Yappi said:
"I'm not my brother,I do not enjoy smart Aleks" I press the blade enough to simulate cutting a throat but not hurting anything (pressing Into skin but not dragging)
"Honestly" I say "he may have gone forever..."

I ‭shrug. It wasn't total lies. I didn't know where he was...

This is the type of shit that will end with me being tied up, AJ best appreciate it, I think.
"Not long.. Only a few days.. But people keep disappearing and I dont know why.." Chika replies with a frown. She had forgotten about how little people had been in the church and how that was the reason for her boredom.

I lift the blade and pick him up. I and walk to the church with my shotgun in his back. I let him go and run back to my trapped up camp. "My brothers there, he is a bad lair"
"Yeh, I've been here about as long as you. Maybe a little less." He says and shrugs. "I never really noticed that, but it does seem to be happing hu?" He says thinking about it more.
"Getting dropped off by a gun, that's a new one" I say to myself and laugh. Shit, I've got to find AJ and tell him. I run outside and pick up my bow and arrows, splitting the picture in half as I do. I run back in the church and start shouting AJ. If he's not here, then I'm screwed.
Chika nods. "Yeah It has.." She says with a sigh. I really wonder whats going on... Theres like never anyone in the church or around it..


-=-=((Here is the repost))=-=-


Amber shrugged as she made an evil grin "you could say that." Amber then held her scythe behind her back and asked with a bored expression "so why come to this place on this significantly horrible day?"


-=-=((Amber wins the achievement of being able to talk to a bandit before getting whacked in the head.))=-=-

-=-=((Also a request if (
if) your bandits capture Amber please no Rape (I'm completely fine with her getting tortured though).))=-=-
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Thinking the stranger who just cut my neck up slightly had gone far, I go outside to look, maybe he's sitting in a tree somewhere?

I look around calling his name. I go into the woods, and nothing. There's nothing I can do until he gets back.

"Godamn he's in trouble" I mutter. I begin tidying up the scattered remains of the painting over the road.

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CellistCat606 said:

-=-=((Here is the repost))=-=-


Amber shrugged as she made an evil grin "you could say that." Amber then held her scythe behind her back and asked with a bored expression "so why come to this place on this significantly horrible day?"


-=-=((Amber wins the achievement of being able to talk to a bandit before getting whacked in the head.))=-=-

-=-=((Also a request if (
if) your bandits capture Amber please no Rape (I'm completely fine with her getting tortured though).))=-=-
The bandits would grin at her with evil eyes eyeing her to see f she was a challenge "What prison you from?" The supposed leader of the group would say with a sick grin on his face. "and why we came to this place well it is far away from the prison which means less of those walkers around" He would say happily his eyes still dilated he would start to twirl his sword with ease.

(again coin decides)
He looks at her, thinking quickly. He chuckles slightly and places his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure they are alright kid." He says, hoping she wasn't upset about the subject. He couldn't tell, but he just wanted to make sure. He was very bad at this.

Threat tried to climb a tree using the arrows as sickles in the ground, he stood motionless. He understood why the place was dull, not many children. He looked over at the church and smiled "I AM KING OF THE WORLD!" he said to anyone who could hear.

Amy was sleeping on the pew before waking up "Jesus not another dream about fanfiction. Who the hell are Keon and Kira, and why was I enjoy it," she got up and walked around stretching. She hummed and thought "Why does Jason choose the dumbest people as friends, I had to go doctor Phil on the drunk" she tested her knife inside.
Chika shrugs. She knew he was trying to help her but whenever someone said that it was never right. "Look Adam.. I appreciate your trying to help but dont say things that you arent actually sure if they are true.." She says while walking a bit faster so his hand falls from her shoulder. Chika still didnt know how to deal with emotions so she hid behind a smile. She looks behind her and gives hims a very convincing and reassuring smile. "But dont worry."

"Brilliant. But be careful, once those bows go blunt they won't puncture the skulls of your enemies anymore, okay? Look, I can do something EVEN COOLER" I climb the tree using my arms and legs. I'm surprised I haven't done that for years. "Good eh? Look, have you seen AJ. Some blokes just been holding a gun at me and asking" I say casually.
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