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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Amy's eyes light up as she sees it, she snatches it from his hands. She takes a giant swig of it before putting back on her mask "Thanks, for a bastard you can really help someone out," she picks up Threat barely due to her own size.


Peace looked at AJ "Should I stab her, or just let her live," Peace said giving a devious smile to the new woman.

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"I already asked Jason,he said no" I tap my hand and feel my bandages on my head, there is still quite the mark there and it is still bloody. Brain damage and internal bleeding are more than likely he case. "Well I don't drink anymore so...have it, I traded on bad hobby for another"
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"I was scrounging for drink wen I heard something, I turned around and a bandit had a pipe and clocked me 6 times,broke my leg, and hit my head across the concrete" I left the rape out of the explanation
Amy frowned before slamming him on the pew "Why the fuck are you standing then, I know that wasn't all that happened. Bandits just don't clock you out, they are more devious than that." She went and studied the gash, and sighed "You can't go running off like that, it is bad for you," she said in a strict tone.

[QUOTE="White Shamrock](AJ and Aiden tortured Daisie, they met up with Amy War (My other character) and now we just took her down and dragged her to the church.)

((No torturing other people = - =............ not in this SOON TO BE SETTLEMENT...... we want people... not to scare em away...))
"Well are you a phychologist or nuerologist because I'm a tough son of a bitch but I think getting hit this many times affects your psychological state" I get uncomfortable at the fact that she says she knows...
She sighed "Neither, it is just common sense, a god damn broken leg. Keep standing and it could get worse, and also I have dealt with Plaque. He was always getting injured, or sick, did the bandits mmhmh you," she said not wanting to say the word around children.

I nod with my eyes closed ashamed "my leg is getting better,he only damages it a bit. But....I'm not worried about that because my leg will heal. I'm worried about my mind, I never payed attention in school and well... If you could do anything that would help I would love it"
She looked at him "Look I don't know shit about the brain, didn't care about it. You're mentally scared, and since you are alive I would guess you murdered the bandits who did this. Something else I can notice is that you have been cracked, the eyes of a broken man. The horsemen trusted me to keep there secrets, also for problems, I could read eyes and faces. It was what I was good at that so I decided to use it," she said grabbing his face and studying it.

"But I don't feel broken,I feel alive. When I was torturing that bandit I felt more happy than any other time in this hell which is not me, or maybe it is. Before the bandits I cared about all life and felt bad about killing people...now I enjoy it.
She frowned before back handing him "Sorry that is creepy even for me, this is your first taste of blood to someone who hurt you. Let me ask if the kid was shot in front of you by your best friend would you kill that person." She said pointing towards the kid, her voice more serious and aggressive.

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"Yes" I say Coldly "children and friends are off limits but once a friend is no longer a friend I'd be more than happy to" my eye twitches
She placed the katana right on the kid's head staring coldly at him "Even if your own life was taken, even if you knew the kid could get you killed," she sank the katana til it hit the kids head just to let it rest there.

Threat looked at AJ terrified at what the women would do, the kid was frozen "I-I don't want to die here." The kid said in a stiff voice, tears rolling down his face, not even Peace tried to fight back.

"Mam,I won't stop you because it's your choice but if you lay a finger on him I'll cut yours off and feed them to you by the knuckle" I ready to tackle her if need be
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She smiled "Ya, really care for the twerp don't you, alright I wouldn't kill a child. But maybe hurt on a little," she grabbed the katana and aimed it to the kids arm, but before it could sink in a bullet hit her arm and she fell.

Chili stared at the girl grabbing her head as she fell "That's my niece skirt, so piss off," he said kicking her in the jaw, and placing his foot on her chest and the heater at her face.

Threat ran over and grabbed AJ's leg "She, She tried to kill me, I was almost killed. No one could have stopped it," the kid said as he grabbed his head and sat on a pew covering any exposed skin with his jacket.

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"Know how I was talking about the enjoyment of hurting others...I'm about to enjoy this a lot" I i take my brass knuckles and punch the lady until she's knocked out "slick let me take it from here" I drag her to the back of the church
Chili nodded and went to comfort Threat over the experience. He pet him, singing a old song from his youth, the kid hugged Chili as he did.

Amy giggled after waking up "Ya bastard, you are so uptight. I was just showing the kid, the fun of actually being hurt," she said kicking her feet and using one of her hands to rub where he hit her.

Before she woke up I tied her up

"Ok well ya see now your not a friend and remember what I say about people who *arent* friends?"
She smiled "Just wanted to see if you had the guts to try and stop me. Oooh a knife so scary, what are you going to do, let me pick my teeth with it," she said as she reached for the handle of the Katana slowly from behind her back.

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