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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I listened. He'd gone. Not At me anymore. I should have ran. There and then

But I was sick. Very sick. And this time I couldn't keep it quiet.
I pull my knife and I cut her ear off. I throw it to the side close to Aiden not paying attention. I shove my knife into her chest.
Yappi said:
I pull my knife and I cut her ear off. I throw it to the side close to Aiden not paying attention. I shove my knife into her chest.
AN EAR?? A motherfuckin ear?

My legs suddenly start to work and I attempt to make a break for it. My knees were like Jelly. And I buckled.

Subconsciously I grabbed the door handle to catch myself. But it just opened the door and made me fall through it. My knee smacked the floor hard and I was sure I heard a crack.

I was ther face to face with AJ on the floor.
I knew he was there so I just sit there "why are you so afraid rabbit?" I sit with my legs tucked and I spin my knife "I won't hurt you....your my friend"
Kuro woke with a start. 'i overslapt.' he thought as he got out of bed and put his shirt and shoes on. He walked upstairs and sat on a pew, tilting his head back and sighing in boredness. 'what an i gonna do'
Yappi said:
I knew he was there so I just sit there "why are you so afraid rabbit?" I sit with my legs tucked and I spin my knife "I won't hurt you....your my friend"
"You promise?" I murmur. But I don't believe him for a second the way he spun his knife did not seem friendly. I subtly feel for my knife on my belt. But it's not there. I look, it had fallen out when I fell and was closer to AJ than me.
I drop my knife and throw his knife back. "There are 2 things I will never hurt Children,and my friends. I see that you think that I do this to anyone, I only do this to people that I don't care about. You I care about,no matter what feelings of wanting to hurt others or kill I could never hurt my friends"
Yappi said:
I drop my knife and throw his knife back. "There are 2 things I will never hurt Children,and my friends. I see that you think that I do this to anyone, I only do this to people that I don't care about. You I care about,no matter what feelings of wanting to hurt others or kill I could never hurt my friends"
I nod. Bewildered. The old AJ was back.

" I want to go home, I think" I manage and I slowly stand up.
"Give me a second". I walk up to the girl pull out my knife and stab a butterfly knife in the same place.
I go dizzy at the sight and from the shock of it all. It was now I realised I still didn't have a shirt on under my jacket. I must have been calmer because I cared how I looked slightly. But I still was tense.
A knock could be heard at the door and a feminine voice could be heard from the other side "P-please can someone else, I need a place. I don't want to die out here," the women said in a scared and nervous voice.

@Yappi @AidanCee
You see a person in a coat charge in tackling AJ down "Thanks sweet, I really appreciate your stupidity. The damsel in distress works very often on people like you," she said with a laugh as she brought a katana and pointed it to his head.

@Yappi @AidanCee
I couldn't help but think the woman had made the biggest mistake of her life coming in here. Something nigh go terribly wrong. I'd hoped shed see the stabbed girl in the corner and flee. She needed help, but the best help shed get was to run. But i couldn't tell her.

But then he was tackled and a Katana was put to his head.

"Wait" I blurted
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"You want to end up like her" I point to her and while she is looking I pin her on the ground and slam my foot on her foot. "You have 2 chances,give up or end up like her"
She smiled "Oh did I mention my poor, poor kitty," she whistled as a jaguar used its full force to tackle him off. It hissed as it went back to its master "Tisk, tisk, hurting people you just met. You two are burning in hell for that. Grim taught me that torturers go to hell," she said bringing out a shot gun and pointing it at the other man.

@Yappi @AidanCee
She lowered the gun "Ya know Muerte, haven't seem that failure for a while," she said before whistling to the Jaguar, as it went to the other man and sniffed him, before leaning against him.

@Yappi @AidanCee
"Don't hurt the other guy, he followed me here when I went out here." I am right next to my gun "I can show you to where me and Jason are, and why did you call him a failure?"
She looked over at his hand and shot near it "Jason also taught me that, he became soft and didn't want to kill anyone anymore." She smiled at the other man "He won't bite, he is too lazy to kill the innocent," she said as she shot again near AJ.

@Yappi @AidanCee
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