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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Slasher999999999 said:
(and keon is just getting raped and no one is helping him...........you all are low key shady)
-=-=((Amber: You get used to being forgotten about (I've been at the mansion for who knows how long and no one once wondered where I was).))=-=-

I'm at the church... Asleep... On the ground.... WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!!! ONE MORE RAPPING ACCIDENT AND I'LL BEAT Y'ALLS ASSES!!!!! Thank you... #Miya is dead.... -_- )
I walk out to the streets and look around for houses that are unraided. I search through all the ones In a street.

( @Miya1 your choice if AJ finds you)
PixieDusts said:
I'm at the church... Asleep... On the ground.... WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!!! ONE MORE RAPPING ACCIDENT AND I'LL BEAT Y'ALLS ASSES!!!!! Thank you... #Miya is dead.... -_- )
(-Holds her back from kicking everyones asses)
(OH and sorry about that @CellistCat606 there have been so many people around that is has been hard for me to keep track of everyone and to get everyone involved here i'm throw some bandits at you)
I sing a little song to take my mind off the pain in my leg and head (I know I'm not the only one- Sam Smith)
A zombie would jump out of behind a car and would tackle AJ and start to claw at him its sharp claws digging into his skin causing blood to leak out in small amounts. Its head would lunge forward trying to bite off AJ face, Its eyes would shine with hunger and hatred.

He smirked slightly, shaking his head "I'm fine, one of these assholes shot me yesterday." Coriolano extended his hand, making direct eye contact with Freya "My name's Coriolano, even though people here have found much better nicknames like 'asshole', 'fuck tard', and 'bitch'." @Enmyira

Lol sorry I was studying
(Can claws infect?)

I take my hand and hold it back by the neck and jam knife through its temple I throw its lifeless corpse to the side and pull out my revolver for encounters later
As it was dying it would let out a screech which would soon be answered by more screeches, Soon 5 infected would be running at AJ a few of them hopping over cars.
"Oh more customers" I shoot them with my revolver...lucky shot and I start to move towards the church. I reload my revolver and start to move through the traps in the woods
Daisie growled lightly as the heat poured onto her face. The short girl laied there, no shade, not water, just the heat. She pressed her face into Scarlet's chest and let out a small whimper. Her heart started pounding out of her chest as she clenched her stomach in pain.

(No zombie shit... I'm not home yet...)


Amber turned away from her conversation. "excuse me for just a moment strangers and Jane." Amber walked to the gate to see a group of bandits whom were definitely more armed than she was on the other side. As she held onto her scythe in her right hand she thought "hey maybe they're from the same place I came from!" Amber then yelled to the bandits "any of you guys from prison!?"

@Slasher999999999 I swear if one of your bandits call her shorty I'll...))=-=-

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