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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Slasher999999999 said:
(are group is sort of a mess and its my fault for unleashing the bandits onto everyone xD )
(Yeah, you picking everyone up one by one like fllliiieeessss. :-p. Makes it interesting to be fair )
He glanced at Freya with interest in his eyes, taking the last puff from his cigarette.

"Hey." He said simply, still leaning against the wall. Were this any other situation he'd be a gentleman and approach, but maybe she'd understand upon seeing the blood from his shot knee on his pants. He wondered if these were all the people Jason spoke about, or if there were still more. @Enmyira
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[QUOTE="White Shamrock](I have a damn thing called school so I must go bye ;- ;)

-=-=((I have something called a 'teacher work day' today.))=-=-

Ash tripped over a piece of cord, she looks back the dead are almost upon her. She reaches behind her for her gun, but it is stuck. Ash pulls on it, the mothers and father are a few feet away. Ash gives up on the gun pulling out her knifes. Ash is ready and she waits for the first one to be upon her. But something happens, someone helps her ((@White Shamrock)) he cut off two of there heads shooting the other one. Ash takes the opportunity to untangle her foot, she stands. Her knife still in her palm. "Thank you..." She stutters to the boy trying to catch her breath.
Couldyoustfu said:
He glanced at Freya with interest in his eyes, taking the last puff from his cigarette.
"Hey." He said simply, still leaning against the wall. Were this any other situation he'd be a gentleman and approach, but maybe she'd understand upon seeing the blood from his shot knee on his pants. He wondered if these were all the people Jason spoke about, or if there were still more. @Enmyira
Freya blinked. There was a guy leaning against a wall. With blood on his pants. Shw frowned and approached him. "Areh yooh hurt?" She asked. Her voice sounded off, like she was talking with a stuffy nose and underwater. She was deaf after all..
Adam makes his way speedily down the street, holding his katana out, slicing cleanly through the skulls of the undead. Not paying attention ad their bodies fell lifeless to the floor. He smirked and stopped at a motorcycle, taking a swig of water and hopped on. Swiftly driving off in the direction of the church.
*muffled what is love*I turn a corner and I hit a motel cycle, I stop the car and wonder if I should help him. I decide to help him.

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"Welp I'm going out, I'll be back in a while if not in dead" I walk into the woods towards the city and bring a piece of paper to map out unraided locations
Yappi said:
"Welp I'm going out, I'll be back in a while if not in dead" I walk into the woods towards the city and bring a piece of paper to map out unraided locations
(Do you still have my shirt wrapped around your leg hahahahahaaa)
I limp to a pharmacy and search if. Most of the anti depressants and anti-biotics are gone but there is a split over here. I grab it and put it on, I can walk a little now but atleast I can out walk zombies.
Aidan went on a hint for his jacket... With AJ gone with Aidan's shirt around his leg, he was feeling the chill. He found his leather on a pew. And he put it on. He didn't do it up... It wouldn't do up, ever.

He looked around. Everyone was beginning to look battered and worn.

"Please god let nothing else happen. This group can't take it. We're going insane" he said to himself.
I walk through the back and look at some prescriptions that were never picks up. pain killers,specialized anti biotics,sleeping pills, the works. I grab as much as I can, but this place was cleaned over.... A half used bottle of cloreform, don't mind if I do. I pick the bottle up and put it in my bag "that may be useful" I see a cloth on the ground, "someone got knocked out"
Slasher999999999 said:
(and keon is just getting raped and one one is helping him...........you all are low key shady)
(ANOTHER RAPE?! Jesus H Christ on a bike this is turning into A Clockwork Orange. I'd save but I don't think my character knows of their existence. So it would be entirely coincidental?)
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