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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Threat laughed "You win, you win. I am beat, ya red eyed dope." He said joking as he struggled.

Jason smiled "Aww, my little boys found himself a girl, I may be a grandpa after all." He said jokingly looking at the two.

Two brought the hot water to a room, just off the main corridor. She had a torch lit in there, and a curtain guarding the mouth of the little cave room for privacy. A porcelain bath-tub was sitting there, propped up on several bricks for height and support. Underneath its drain lay a huge container that would catch the water from the bathtub. If all else failed, they could use it to water the plants. Several warm coals were placed under the tub, to keep its underside pleasantly warm while the user bathed. She carefully poured the water into the tub and moved the coals around a bit before stripping down. She unraveled the cloth-bandages that helped bind her chest burn. She poured some milk and honey- that they'd kept on a shelf- into the water and swirled it around. With a nod she slowly lowered in, careful of the slippery bottom. She pushed her hair over the side, so it wouldn't get wet yet. She closed her eyes and sunk in as far as she could. The water level had risen when she'd gotten in, so now it was about half way up the walls. It felt wonderful... just to take a bath...

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Miya walks down the street nude and covered in blood. Both her blood, and the bandits. Her head was still twitching every few minutes. She made her way into a clothing store and attempted to put on a shirt. The contact with her severely damaged skin wouldn't allow it. She screamed and ripped the shirt in half with her bare hands. She needed to be patched up soon.

Jason got bored and decided to take a walk through the city singing "You could have it all," he spun his machete.

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(Wooo! Thanks shammy!)

Miya heard the singing and chuckled. Then started whistling loudly to the song so he could hear, but trying to keep her distance so he couldn't see her nude. She covered herself well just in case.

@White Shamrock
She gives a Harley Quinn sounding giggle and continues to whistle, not answering his question. She was enjoying this, but her head starts to twitch more often.

@White Shamrock
(wow. in the time i took a shower, 2 kids make out and start doing ___ positions, girls walk down streets naked, and Johnny Cash.)
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