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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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JPTheWarrior said:
"Well welcome to the group. By the way do you know where does the church is placed? jane only knows the general direction" he smiles at her


Amber gave the man a confused look. "What about a church? Why would we need to go there?" Amber then began to calculate how much taller they are since she is only 4 feet.

CellistCat606 said:


Amber gave the man a confused look. "What about a church? Why would we need to go there?" Amber then began to calculate how much taller they are since she is only 4 feet.

he looks down on her "Because there is where Keon's friends are. Jane told me" he smiles "And right now our group is small and so we need other people. Or we will die easily"
JPTheWarrior said:
he looks down on her "Because there is where Keon's friends are. Jane told me" he smiles "And right now our group is small and so we need other people. Or we will die easily"


Amber shook of her confused look "No I don't know where the 'church' is." Amber then shook her scythe from side to side behind her back.


-=-=((Got to go be back ASAP))=-=-
Coriolano frowned at the obnoxious morning light, blinking so to make his irises used to the sun's rays. "Good morning." He muttered to himself in italian, retrieving his things.

The italian scratched his chin, feeling it's light stubble, and glared at the content of his backpack.

Only three soups left, great!

He'd have to find another group soon. Sighing and wishing his own self good luck, Coriolanus put on the most innocent facade he could manage and started to walk, looking for trays.
The forest had always been his friend, ever since he was just a little kid. His father had always told him that the wilderness could save him, or kill him. So far, it'd only saved him. Gettin had been wandering around the forest for weeks now, shooting any game he could and slowly consuming what little things he had, he knew he would have to scavenge, or hunt soon. So, when he woke up this day to the rays of the sun hitting him square in his blue eyes, he sighed and sat up. It was like someone was telling him to get a move on, to do some hunting. So, he picked up his M40 sniper rifle and started down the road that ran directly next to the forest. His combat boots barely made any noise as he crept along, the wind blowing both his hair and his jacket around. Eventually, he came upon a church and, what's better, there seemed to be movement inside. So, he set up behind a car, propping the end of his rifle on the torn up hood, and waited, sooner or later, someone would have to come out.
I go over to Jason and Koro nearly panicking "I know you two got in a fight but AJ has been missing for 6 hours now, I think something happened"
The italian threw on the ground the finished and disgusting tomatoe soup, spitting on the ground to get the taste out of his tongue.

"Bleah." The young man had his axe in his hands, not sure wherever there could be just parazytes or humans there. He carefully studied the trees, until he saw the vegetation become less and less. His eyes cunningly glared at the spot in which a little dirt road brought away from the forest's safety.

"Well then." He muttered, following it. The streets were empty but further, in the road's end, he could see a crucifix. Coriolano rolled his eyes and started to take out his K-47, suspecting there could be humans there.

"Churches aren't that useful now." He started to walk in it's direction, eyes opened for every single motion in the air.
After a moment's observation Ferron noticed someone walking down the road directly at him. He turned his rifle toward the approaching individual, and put his head in the crosshairs. "Well hello there." He mused as he considered whether to shoot or not
Coriolanus had been slightly distracted, counting in his head how many bullets there were left.

'Twenty or twenty one?' He had been about to actually check when the voice reached his ears. Immediately, the italian turned his weapon toward the individual it came from, observing the man calculatingly. He had a nice weapon, perhaps he was into a group?

No, those idiots never travel alone. He waited, hoping that maybe he wouldn't have to die with some random stranger that day.

"Good morning." He said almost cheeringly, a raised eyebrow toward the stranger.

"Pleasure meeting you, I have an offer for you. This is a M40 Sniper Rifle, capable of blowing that head of yours to bits. Now, I will refrain from blowing your head to bits if you will put down your supplies and walk away."
Where someone else would have complied or shot the stranger, Coriolanus grinned.

"That's cute." He cracked his neck, meeting the stranger's blue eyes with his own green ones. "But you see, this thing I have here hurts too." He nodded down toward his weapon "And the moment you shoot me, I'll shoot you. And we'll both die, and for what? Two disgusting tomatoe soups?"

The italian raised his eyebrows in a suggesting manner, and threw his backpack in the man's direction. "See for yourself, if you please."
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BlueOctober said:
"Pleasure meeting you, I have an offer for you. This is a M40 Sniper Rifle, capable of blowing that head of yours to bits. Now, I will refrain from blowing your head to bits if you will put down your supplies and walk away."
(uhh, no it cant, the M40 is a bolt action sniper rifle that uses 7.62 mm bullets. That will only kill you, not explode your head,)
Kuroko said:
(uhh, no it cant, the M40 is a bolt action sniper rifle that uses 7.62 mm bullets. That will only kill you, not explode your head,)
(Intimidation tactics, things sound more deadly if they blow things to bits)
The man shrugged slightly, moving his eyes toward the church.

"I know, but I'm not really one for hunting. People are much easier to mess with, am I right?" He smiled knowingly at the stranger. Perhaps this situation could turn.

"But you must not be in much better position if you were about to steal from me. I'm Coriolano, by the way, and I really have no interest in stealing that weapon of yours if that's what you fear. It's too loud."

He eyes the man's weapon and then his own. If it was for the italian, he'd gladly keep conversing with no guns. He knew little about this zone, maybe the man could tell him about some pity party groups which he could steal from.
Yappi said:
I see Kuro walking away and I grab his arm "AJ has been missing for 6 hours, I think something happened"
"What was AJ doing before he went missing?" Kuro said, looking at him. Then kur looked at jason with a look that said, "Good, now lets find out what happened to AJ". Kuro went inside and grabbed his Berrett M82A1. He went outside again, and said, "i'll go find him, you guys stay here and watch over everything. If i'm not back in an hour, i'm dead."
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He chuckled, also lowering his gun, and pointed to his own self.

"Me? In a group? Nah."

He observed the church, apparently seeing no one out of it's structure. "Those fuckers never go alone, it's hard to get anything from them." He moved his eyes slowly from the church to the man.

"Maybe we could work together, for this once. One of us causes a distraction and while they are distracted the others gets the supplies, then we'll share. Doesn't it sound good, whatever your name is?"
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