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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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In the basement, Kuro ran in, telling them to stop." lets tie him to a tree outside, Two said she dosen't want it where we sleep! We don't want another problem like with Serine."

Kuroko said:
"Thank you!" Kuro smiled, the petted Two's head. Then he ran for the basement.
She smiled slightly and kept munching the peach. She bit into it, and held it like that while she went to walk up the stairs to the church's tower. She wanted to be outside.
Peace couldn't take it and jumped on his lap and yelled "TALK! OR ELSE I'LL HAVE TOO,....WELL I SHOULD JUST SHOW YOU!." The kid stabbed his knife into one of his shoulders before hitting him a few times with a bat.
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"Your lucky day,you get to die in nature" I drag his chair to a tree and tie the chair to the tree. I start the interrogation

I make small cuts around the arms,guy and face area. I stab my knife into his hand and ask him "how about now"

He stays silent only screaming I pain

"Ok well I didn't want it to come to this but" I start to pour whisky on him and I take out my lighter he calls my bluff so I cut off his ear an throw it to the right "do your thing" I take a drink break and throw Koro a lighter "burn him when your done"
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The bandit cringes at the words burn him after but lays there broken an out of energy from the severe pain he has gone through
Peace goes out and sits near the bandits Knees putting both knives in his legs "Hold them for me, I want to watch you cry," the kid said laughing as it happened.

JPTheWarrior said:
Chris sighs "Very well. Looks like my friends died for nothing" he turns around and with Agni and the other two, he walks out of the house. Jane follows them. He is talking about something with them. Chris smiles and so does Jane.


Amber finished up when she found a loaf of stale bread. She looked down at the floor to see pots, pans, etc. everywhere but she decided to just ignore them. Amber noticed a group of people leave the house with Jane. She then looked to her right after taking a chomp off of the bread to see Keon (ugh...). Amber was a bit confused and upset about the situation so she figured she would demand why Jane was outside with the strangers. Amber hit her scythe with her right hand on the ground "Why did Jason go-," she takes another chomp off of the bread, "-outside with those strangers!?"



"FUCK YESSS!" Kuro said, fist bumping the air.He walked up to the bandit, eyes glowing, and pupils turning into slits. "hello, my Name is Kuro Murasama, and your going to tell me everything you know." Kuro pulled out his combat knife and pried off each of his finger nails. "First question, are you in a group?" Kuro said in a insane, Sinister voice, laughing as he talked.

Peace smiled at his idea "I'll get the nails and a piece of wood, lets jam them into his toes," the kid said a devious smile on his face.
"Why dont ya tell him,I hate to set you on fire" I hold the lighter next to his whisky drenched hair

"I don't belong to a group you have to believe me, please no more of this.... Just kill me!" The bandit replies to the questions

"Awe that would be to nice to just kill you did you know dying in a fire makes you eyes explode WHILE your still alive" I smile and laugh almost creepily. I pretend to drop the lighter toying with him as he jumps and screams all the while.

"Please just kill me" he pleads
[QUOTE="White Shamrock](We are awful people, and the best at torturing xD )


"Great Idea. go get them." Kuro said, beggining to cut each of his fingers off,by each joint. Then, he cut off his eyelids, so he had to watch everything.

@White Shamrock
Peace smiles and grabs nails and wood, he take off the mans shoes and then whacks the nails under his toes, singing a weird song "ONE DAY I'll KILL YOUR FRIENDS, AND FAMILY TO REMIND YOU OF MY LOVE," the kid said with a warped laugh.
"Five seconds to answer any question This man gives you truthfully and complete, or you lose more then fingers." Kuro says, pointing to AJ.

He then laughed as the nails pierced the bandit's toes.

@White Shamrock
he stays silent during those five seconds,bleeding out.

"Well I gave you the chance" I throw the lighter unlit to scare him and he screams and starts talking.

"They are some bandits in a complex,they Killed and raped my friend. They are I a apartment complex. Now please just kill m-"

"Shhhhh, let the other two have there fun. I'll throw my cigar on you when there done. leave him alive, I want to watch him burn alive"
"Yep,I'll look at my map for any major hotel complexes" I take a puff of my cigar and watch the other two have there fun
"Hai~ Kuro then took his combat knife and stabbed it through the bones of his hand, cutting it off. then he proceded to cut his arm in to tiny pieces up to his elbow. "does the hotel have a name?" he Maniacly said, laughing.

@White Shamrock
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[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
Peace smiled and walked towards Kuro "Did I do good, this was my first time with friends," the kid said giggling as Kuro laughed.
@White Shamrock

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