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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Kuroko said:
"Yes...Pissing me off is about the second worst thing you can do in your life. The first would be pissing Miya off or Two" kuro said in the most sinister voice he could, his pupils turning into slits, like a snakes, and his blood red eyes glowed.... then al of a sudden he was back to normal again, smiling as he tossed him an apple. "so don't. ok? Here you go."
@AidanCee @everyone in the church
She glanced up at Kuro. Wow, he could be scary too! She smiled to her self and held up the peach to him.
Kuroko said:
"Yes...Pissing me off is about the second worst thing you can do in your life. The first would be pissing Miya off or Two" kuro said in the most sinister voice he could, his pupils turning into slits, like a snakes, and his blood red eyes glowed.... then al of a sudden he was back to normal again, smiling as he tossed him an apple. "so don't. ok? Here you go."
@AidanCee @everyone in the church
Catching the apple and taking a bite. Holy hell it was so sweet and juicy. "Oh...kayyy, thanks for the warning.." I say sitting on a pew a little further away from Kuro quietly.

I better stay bloody quiet around here, I think

Smoothing down my shirt from Peace's pull. I nodded and muttered "I won't piss you off I swear"
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(Mind if a capture one of the bandits,He did say he was being followed so I figured we can bring this massive rape train to a end)
Enmyira said:
She glanced up at Kuro. Wow, he could be scary too! She smiled to her self and held up the peach to him.
"Thanks Two, here, we can share it." Kuro said, looking down at her. He took the peach and sliced it in half, then handing half back."Oh? Was Keon really that scary? Can't wait to meet him again." Kuro said to Threat, unwavered by the sinister moment he had seconds ago.

@White Shamrock @Enmyira
Yappi said:
(Mind if a capture one of the bandits,He did say he was being followed so I figured we can bring this massive rape train to a end)
(don't say it me...(Dark humor resistance Jutsu!) sure, capture him, as long as i can at least help "interrogate")
Threat walked over "Mr. Weirdo maybe, he doesn't scare me but who knows," the kid stands on the pew and put a chocolate on Kuro's head. Threat smiled "Didn't give you yours, I do that to everyone. I packed a lot when I was out on my own," the kid said putting his hands in his pockets.

Kuroko said:
(don't say it me...(Dark humor resistance Jutsu!) sure, capture him, as long as i can at least help "interrogate")
(I want to help...I could shove my knife down his throat and sees what happens~Peace)
On watch is boring but..... Oh shit a bandit, his markings are no doubt a scout. "Everyone there's a bandit incoming, get ready but don't kill him. We have to get some information out of him"I set up next to the door and put my gun to where i can hold him up
Threat grinned "I love how you love chocolate," the kid said making a heart with his hands. Threat noticed the bandit alert and brought out a bat "I need a aluminum one," the kid said carrying the broken, blood stained bat.

Yappi said:
On watch is boring but..... Oh shit a bandit, his markings are no doubt a scout. "Everyone there's a bandit incoming, get ready but don't kill him. We have to get some information out of him"I set up next to the door and put my gun to where i can hold him up
((You should probably wait for jp or slasher ))
(I'm going to write in third person. Because it's easier)

Aidan took out his bow and mounted an arrow and aimed. They protect me, I protect them, he thought.
Enmyira said:
She smiled and happily munched into the peach. That's one thing the bandits didn't ruin for her... fruit. @Kuroko
"Glad you liked it. Now stay here, i'm going to the roof so i can take him out if need be." Kuro said, grabbng his sniper rifle and stealthily climbed to the roof. There, he got down in prone position, his pupils changing to slits, alowing him to see in the dark, like infa-red (predator). He saw the bandit's heat signature and aimed down the scope, at his head.Kuro became deadly still, never moving the scope from th spot between his eyes.

@anybodyy in the church.
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The bandit walks through the door and gets knocked out by a pistol whip

"Ok, whoever wants to help me get some information can join my in the basement" I pick him up over the shoulder and carry him to the basement. I go to a room and tie him up waiting for him to wake up
Yappi said:
The bandit walks through the door and gets knocked out by a pistol whip
"Ok, whoever wants to help me get some information can join my in the basement" I pick him up over the shoulder and carry him to the basement. I go to a room and tie him up waiting for him to wake up
Aid let down his bow. "I'm going to stay here, I think. I'm going to rest"

Bandits were a bit too much to take in right now. He was feeling dazed a confused. He took off his boots, lay on a pew with his backpack for a pillow. He sighed and said "good night y'all. Have fun in the basement"
Yappi said:
The bandit walks through the door and gets knocked out by a pistol whip
"Ok, whoever wants to help me get some information can join my in the basement" I pick him up over the shoulder and carry him to the basement. I go to a room and tie him up waiting for him to wake up
"YES! ME!" Kuro said, beginning to follow AJ. But he stopped, staring at Two "If that's okay with you, Two..." Kuro didn't want a re-run of the last time he interrogated Serine.

Kuroko said:
"YES! ME!" Kuro said, beginning to follow AJ. But he stopped, staring at Two "If that's okay with you, Two..." Kuro didn't want a re-run of the last time he interrogated Serine.
She glances at him. "Get it out of the basement then sure... We live in the basement and places... dont want gross baddie guts everywhere..." She mumbled and took another bite of the peach.
"Sure kiddo but after I get my fun" I tie him to a chair and splash him with water to wake up up

The bandit stays quite

"Talk about your group" I take out my knife "I'll only ask once

He spits at me

"Have it your way"
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