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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"Nah,I lied" I smile with my crossed fingers begin my back slowly floating up. "So well I gave you a chance, time to have force the information" I click the radio and try to find a classical music station. I look around for the pressure point on the wrist and make a deep cut there. I then stab my knife into her hand. "That's as far as I'll go with the knife, ready to talk?"
Yappi said:
I take out my knife "I won't hurt her....just with Jason gone we need every bit of info" I get some rope and tie her to a chair. I get the radio and turn on some music. "So do you know anything about a group of kidknappers"
"leeme do it!" Kuro said, walking over to Serine, his Blood red eyes glowing. He lowered himself to Serines hieght, and got closer to her face, gripping her chin with his finger. His pupils had turned to slits, similar to a snake's. "let's start with you, tell me every thing about you, minus things like favorites and stuff like that." Kuro said, in a calm, yet cold, killing voice. The glowing blood red eyes did only more mental damage as he smiled sinisterly.

@Yappi @VampiresRule
I kick kuro out of the way "nah sorry this is my job, fine slick no more physical damage" I get a nearby whisky bottle and poor it on her and hold my lighter in hand and get in her face. I pretend to drop the lighter while its lit
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She glanced around to try and find something to pike the z with.. with a sigh she got up and walked over to the the side of the church. She slammed the bottle against it, glass and whisky flying everywhere. She squeaked and shook off some that had gotten onto her. "Hmmh.." she grumbled and grabbed a sizeable piece of glass. "Yep.. " she murmered and started walking towards the z.
She quickly piked the z then walked back. She pushed open the church doors and froze. "What. The. Hell." She said, loudly. Her eyes narrowed and her posture turned ridgid. A spark of anger flaired as she stared at all of them.... when her eyes fell on Kuro she flinched.

@White Shamrock @Yappi @VampiresRule @Kuroko
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Chris sighs "Very well. Looks like my friends died for nothing" he turns around and with Agni and the other two, he walks out of the house. Jane follows them. He is talking about something with them. Chris smiles and so does Jane.

"Stop! I dont know what you want! Its only me my family died 2 years ago im fending fo my self im sorry!!" She was crying "what has happened to humanity!!" She was broke out in tears

My smile does not falter "you know, you seem a little too innocent. I'll let them decide what to do with you" I close my lighter and throw it to Slick
Two stepped in and nabbed the lighter before the other could catch it. She scowled and glared at them all. "Sit." She said angrily aloud, it clearly wasn't a request.

@all you in the church
Yappi said:
I kick kuro out of the way "nah sorry this is my job, fine slick no more physical damage" I get a nearby whisky bottle and poor it on her and hold my lighter in hand and get in her face. I pretend to drop the lighter while its lit
"Ow. Man, your no fun AJ, i wanna help!" Kuro said, reminiscent to a child when they don't get what they want. Two chose that moment to walk in, and Kuro could tell she was pissed. She yelled, then glared at each or us, but when she got to me, she flinched." Uhh, sorry, being mean is a force of habit,I'll stop" Kuro told her, his pupils turning back to normal and the glow subsiding. He got up, and got some dirt off his pants. "sleep well, Two?" Kuro added, a smile on his face.

@White Shamrock @VampiresRule
Enmyira said:
Two stepped in and nabbed the lighter before the other could catch it. She scowled and glared at them all. "Sit." She said angrily aloud, it clearly wasn't a request.
@all you in the church
Suprised, Kuro instantly sat down where he was. He Knew she was pissed.
She went to the girl. She held out her hand, gesturing for her injured one. She was very...very...angry. "Why?" She asked aloud to them.

((@all yall.))
I reply "we have had 2 kidnapping s and possibly Jason. We have no leads, they could be a bandit or know something about them" I flick my knife out and start to sharpen it
She glances back at the one who talked. "So torture was your answer?" She said, her tone condemning, like she was talking to a group of children who got caught breaking windows.
"I'm sorry, i just woke up a little while ago, and there they were with her tied up. I thought we captured a bandit." Kuro said, Clearly ashamed that he partook in this interrogation, and distraught that his Best and first friend was mad at him.

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Yappi said:
"Lass,I'll torture everyone in a 100 miles if I could find those bandit sons of bitches"
She turned on her heels and flipped out the lighter. She flickrd the flame and got into his face. She held it under his chin, if he didn't fightback that was. "For every person you torture without trying to talk to first..." her eyes flickered up to stare at his. "I will not hold back on tortureing you."
"Lass your forgetting in not afraid to die" I grab the lighter and close it "Jason is my favorite drinking buddy and if he dies because of your 'humanism' I will take your life" I use my lighter and light a cigar "by the way I didnt do any damage that won't heal in a day" I walk into to the girl and cut her binds
Yappi said:
"Lass your forgetting in not afraid to die" I grab the lighter and close it "Jason is my favorite drinking buddy and if he dies because of your 'humanism' I will take your life" I use my lighter and light a cigar "by the way I didnt do any damage that won't heal in a day" I walk into to the girl and cut her binds
"Kill me." She smiled. "Please-do."

She glanced at Kuro. "These days.. words speak louder than actions."

(( also @Kuroko))
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