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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Peace clenched its head and looked around "That JACKASS! He left so he could find Sky, shows how much he cares about Threat." The kid said tears running down its face.
"Your not fooling anyone mister Kuro.. I know fake smiles all to well.. I might be young but I know when somethings wrong. You swore after you said your last name... Im not gonna ask since it's obviously painful.. But.. If you ever wanna tell.. Ive had my fair share of bad past. You can call me Chika." She replies with a small smile.

"Kid im sorry, he wasn't going to not go. Come here" I open my arms to the kid of a hug, something I don't do often exept to my brother
"He feels strongly for the group, he didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry. That backfired and well this happened. Skylen was captured and he did it out of anger. " I pat threats back
Two wanted to shoot the gun. She opened the bottle and took a small drink.. then closed it and quietly walked up to her 'friend' and a girl she recognized but never talked to. She kinda stood off to the side watching them.

@Libra259 @Kuroko
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Threat smiled and said in a low voice "Thanks I needed that. You are a good friend Johny don't let anyone tell you different," the kid said as the tears dried from his face.

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Libra259 said:
"Your not fooling anyone mister Kuro.. I know fake smiles all to well.. I might be young but I know when somethings wrong. You swore after you said your last name... Im not gonna ask since it's obviously painful.. But.. If you ever wanna tell.. Ive had my fair share of bad past. You can call me Chika." She replies with a small smile.
"saw through me, did you, well i will tell you about it when i can see you as a friend. I just met you, chika. Thank you, though. You are really kind." Kuro said, then added, "and actually, i'm only 19.". Kuro Smiled, a real one this time. Then, noticing Two, he waved. "Sup Two, you ready to try and see if you can handle my 50. cal sniper rifle? if you are, let me just grab it."

Kuroko said:
"saw through me, did you, well i will tell you about it when i can see you as a friend. I just met you, chika. Thank you, though. You are really kind." Kuro said, then added, "and actually, i'm only 19.". Kuro Smiled, a real one this time. Then, noticing Two, he waved. "Sup Two, you ready to try and see if you can handle my 50. cal sniper rifle? if you are, let me just grab it."
She nodded all quick-like and slightly hugged the whisky bottle.. She managed a tiny smile at the two of them.
Chika just chuckles, ".. Well it takes someone who feels the same way and hides their true emotions behind a fake smile to know know someone who does the same I guess.. And your still older than me, Im 11. Plus I bet your kind too." She says and begins to walk towards the forest then turns around and says, "and id be glad to become friends with you, and just because we met just now means nothing. Its whether your willing to trust someone right away and whether you know there trustworthy. Thats what I believe at least. Well cya both later imma explore." She then turns back around and continues to walk through the forest.


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Threat got out of the hug and smiled "Do you still have my gift, I hope ya do," the kid said sitting on one of the pews and looking around at the church.

Enmyira said:
She nodded all quick-like and slightly hugged the whisky bottle.. She managed a tiny smile at the two of them.
"Okay, see you later Chika, now Two, let me grab it and we can go." Kuro said, while walking to the gun stowed near his bed. He grabbed it, and walked back outside."lets go, first, well see how you hold and aim the gun. Lets see it." He added, handing her the 50.cal sniper rifle.

(not heavy for Kuro, but actually quite heavy)
She smiled then spread her legs shoulder length apart. She carefully positioned it where it needed and leaned her head just-so. She'd had tons of practice with other rifles.. courtesy of her pappa. She pressed her lips into a line and aimed at something in the distance. "Yuhuh.." she mumbled quietly.

Chika wanders around the forest wondering if her dirt bike is anywhere near there. She doubted that but she still looked. She honestly didnt want to lose that think. It took her forever to get that working and she does not want all that work to be in vain.
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