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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(Well we needed someone to be kidnapped so a girl volunteered to become captured so I rp a bandit kidnapping her, the other one it was a suggestion and she agreed oh and don't worry no one safe not even boys all of the bandits came from jail.........so yeah)
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(( oh . . .well lets just hope i'm not caught i'll keep a look out . . . except i'm at the church already (x_x) ))
((collage is a hand full i have loads of hw but i just need an hour to finish whats the point of giving hw if its not hard))
(( I'm also doing my homework ahh i keep checking my macbook good for nothing computer it does the weirdest things sometimes i think its possessed it starts playing music in the middle of the night for no reason . (-n-)))
CALLA said:
(( I'm also doing my homework ahh i keep checking my macbook good for nothing computer it does the weirdest things sometimes i think its possessed it starts playing music in the middle of the night for no reason . (-n-)))
(-calls a exorcist to her house-)
CALLA said:
(( I'm also doing my homework ahh i keep checking my macbook good for nothing computer it does the weirdest things sometimes i think its possessed it starts playing music in the middle of the night for no reason . (-n-)))
((Update your anti-virus. When things like that happen it usually means you're hacked.))
Slasher999999999 said:
(-calls a exorcist to her house-)
(( seriously.))

Enmyira said:
((Update your anti-virus. When things like that happen it usually means you're hacked.))
(( that would probably be the case i just bought this last week though , best buy i will sending the law crashing down on them . .. my friends a lawyer ! wait he's for divorces can he still do that? ))
((Lets get this partyyy startedddd..........................*flops over asleep*))

(and lol @CALLA . Just get Sophos if you're running mac. *its what my professor recommended*))
Enmyira said:
((Lets get this partyyy startedddd..........................*flops over asleep*))
(and lol @CALLA . Just get Sophos if you're running mac. *its what my professor recommended*))

Slasher999999999 said:
(And if that doesn't work call a exorcist or priest)
((( -_- ") uhhh i don't have .....(-n-) thats a great idea i'll try that ))
(So CALLA, you ran into the church that my 2 characters are in? Well if so AJ pointing a shotgun at you)
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