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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Slasher999999999 said:
(-makes cake that says "CALLA SECOND POST"-)
(( yay ! ...... soo -checks her watch-))

Yappi said:
(So CALLA, you ran into the church that my 2 characters are in? Well if so AJ pointing a shotgun at you)
((ohh i don't even know who aj is great i'm going to check the cs ))
Slasher999999999 said:
(Wait like a new rp or are we continuing it in your rp I'm confused?)
(( lol i think she meant new rp, we will rp in- I'm so slow at typing))
CALLA said:
(( lol i think she meant new rp, we will rp in- I'm so slow at typing))
(Ik how you feel I was so slow at typing But I took a typing class program and can now type really fast (^U^))
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Slasher999999999 said:
(Ik how you feel I was so slow at typing But I took a typing class program and can now type really fast (^U^))
((Thanks that makes me feel so much better (-n-) . . . . lol jk i'm taking a typing class now))
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-=-=((I got my okay, so I'm posting))=-=-


Amber heard Keon yell "Group Meeting!" and decided to ignore it because since when was there groups involved(especially ones with Keon ugh)? Amber continued to practice frantically and tripping up almost every time the people inside yelled. Amber then took a nap for a while until she heard someone yell "Food!" Amber sighed and walked inside the mansion to see 3 strangers, 1 familiar face, and annoying Keon. Amber sat down at the table. She then heard talking about going outside, since she was hungry (and still mad at Keon) she rolled her eyes, walked outside, and responded. "Why are we going outside when there is food still ready to be eaten?!" Amber was obviously annoyed with them having to go outside after she had just gotten inside.


@Libra259, @Enmyira))=-=-
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CellistCat606 said:

-=-=((I got my okay, so I'm posting))=-=-


Amber heard Keon yell "Group Meeting!" and decided to ignore it because since when was there groups involved(especially ones with Keon ugh)? Amber continued to practice frantically and tripping up almost every time the people inside yelled. Amber then took a nap for a while until she heard someone yell "Food!" Amber sighed and walked inside the mansion to see 3 strangers, 1 familiar face, and annoying Keon. Amber sat down at the table. She then heard talking about going outside, since she was hungry (and still mad at Keon) she rolled her eyes, walked outside, and responded. "Why are we going outside when there is food still ready to be eaten?!" Amber was obviously annoyed with them having to go outside after she had just gotten inside.


@Libra259, @Enmyira))=-=-
So much hate for Keon (:'()
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