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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Freya tilts her head and grabs a bottle of Vodka. She turns around and waits a few seconds for any reaction from anyone. After nothing she shrugs to her self and walks back to the stairs. She carefully approaches Nick and Two with the bottle behind her back and a slightly mischievous grin on her face. Two dares a few fleeting glances at who ever was coming up the stairs. When she noticed it was Freya she un-tensed a little bit. Nick glanced over at his sister then narrowed his eyes. "What did you get into now?" he asked her. She triumphantly grinned and slid the bottle out from behind her back. Nick's eyes lit up almost instantly and he chuckled. "Ya always find the good stuff."
Jason smiled "We'll see if they try anything stupid be ready, also if anything happens to me somehow there is a case underneath the sofa, DO NOT OPEN unless something happens to me," he said about to go down the hatch.

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Chika grows slightly antsy wanting to go and explore the forest again. There didnt seem like much to do and she is easily bored.
Daisie growled and pushed herself upstairs. She swung open the door and grabbed her bags and her bat, swinging it lightly in her hand. She placed a pair of sunglasses on her head and growled, walking back downstairs, holding her bag and her bat in her hands. She tried not to bother the people around her, but accidentally hit one in the head with her bag. She whispered "Sorry" Softly to them and continued to walk.
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"Ah I just want to explore the forest further. Ive never been to this part and Im curious." Chika replies while looking at the gate.
"I would take you but there might be more of those strange people out there, but once this is all over I will take you out for a walk" he would ruffle her hair and head inside to call a group meeting (first one ever) @Libra259
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AJ would just begin to open his 'well shit or end of the line' whisk when he heard Keon. He skunked downstairs with the bottle of high grade whisky
Nick winced and rubbed his head. "It's fine!" He called out while rubbing it. Two was crazy on edge. Freya was giggling at her brother.
Keon would yell loudly "GROUP MEETING" Alerting everyone. (yeah i know don't judge me)
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Two flinched at the yelling and jumped up- ready to bolt. Nick got up and put his arm around her shoulders. "It's okay, someone just called for a meeting." He told her while signing with his other hand. Freya stood and slid her free hand into Two's. She smiled and started to lead their little entourage down the stairs to join everyone.
Jason heard this and ran down stairs sliding by the group before going down "So ya finally decided to call a meeting," Jason said to Keon tipping his hat, and smiling.

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Chika also walks inside still full of curiosity. That should be fun! Though those are some strange people.. She thought. She then hears Keon shout group meeting. Hm wonder what thats for..
Keon would still be waiting for Miya, Chili, Kira, Jane, Kira, threat, Amber, Daisie, Jaquilin And Johnny (your other chars have to be their too) @White Shamrock @J I N X @Brianna Ackerman @JPTheWarrior
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