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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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PixieDusts said:
(We were in the mansion... I think I was asleep... I forgot xD .... WEEEELLLLLL my brother unplugged the internet and we all thought we lost it.......)
(Ok we left the mansion when Keon died, he died at one point, he wasn't dead so we all came back, Avery and Mira are dead by zombies, bunch of new people, and bandits on the horizon right now,...also Keon is step daddy of the apocalypse, this is my sum up)
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Nick shifted and drug a worn pack of cigs from his pocket. He slid a lighter from the other and brought them both to his mouth. He took a long drag to light it then slid the lighter back. He watched them all carefully, his head tilted to the side in a play of boredom. If Freya were close, she could easily depict that he was slightly on edge. Deaf people are exceptionally well at reading body language... his sister ever more so.
Chika frowns at the mentioning of someone dying. She would grip her frying pan tighter and look between everyone.
Daisie moved around lightly and her eyes twitched lightly. She gasped and clutched her stomach, groaning ass he rolled a little bit around. She slowly began to sit up. She grabbed her head in pain and then fell back down.
Slasher999999999 said:
"Now you have to choices ether leave or die" he would say in a dark tone.
"I would you say too. I am just here to talk. I don't any guns or nothing. Now your choice. What do you say? Do we just all talk? Or just fight each other and suffer losses?"
( xD it's always Keon I don't think Keon live through a shot in the forehead(:'())
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Two would slowly startle awake, shaking. Freya held her tight, in which Two slightly flailed. She didn't know where she was, or who was touching her. "Heyh- Its okayh." Freya told her. Tears sprung to Two's eyes and she stilled slightly, but was still trembling.
Slasher999999999 said:
"We can talk right now because I am Not lowering my gun"
he chuckles "Very well." he looks around seeing everyone that had their guns pointed at him "I can see that you don't trust people very easily... hm.. I wonder how did you get so many people. I bet it wasn't with that attitude... anyways Will you give us a place to stay or not? We are just like you. A group trying to survive. So what is your answer?"
Daisie slowly got up. She looked around a moment, not being able to see clearly. Her head was pounding and she tried standing up, falling back down. She groaned lightly and sighed, shaking her head.
"So bud, So tell me. Why should we trust you when you have high powered assault rifles and snipers around us"
2 small cloaked figures would be watching the events that were going down they would notice the Red laser dot on Keon's head and would frown. They would follow where the line went and see the sniper. They would move to where the sniper was stealthy not being seen by anyone.
Keon would stare at the man "Do I have your word that your group will not harm anyone in my group" He would say while slightly lowering his gun
Slasher999999999 said:
2 small cloaked figures would be watching the events that were going down they would notice the Red laser dot on Keon's head and would frown. They would follow where the line went and see the sniper. They would move to where the sniper was stealthy not being seen by anyone.
though the sniper didn't see them, there was guys around him. They were looking in every direction
Slasher999999999 said:
Keon would stare at the man "Do I have your word that your group will not harm anyone in my group" He would say while slightly lowering his gun
"As long as you don't hurt my group then yes, we won't harm anyone"
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