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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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JPTheWarrior said:
"Dude! No! Why are you going to shoot him! He is a normal human!" he screams
@TheWingedCrusader @Rocket
"i highly doubt that her father will come, with the zombie apocalypse i presume he's already dead considering he has no one's help" he said
Salex said:
"i highly doubt that her father will come, with the zombie apocalypse i presume he's already dead considering he has no one's help" he said
"There are people thay can survive alone!"
Ivenn moved to stop Kaylin but froze up the second she called him her boyfriend. He gaped for a moment before gathering his wits. The armed people were talking about.. Killing?! Ivenn stormed over, gun in hand. "If you so much as touch my girlfriend I'm going to put a bullet in your head," he growled.
TheWingedCrusader said:
Ivenn moved to stop Kaylin but froze up the second she called him her boyfriend. He gaped for a moment before gathering his wits. The armed people were talking about.. Killing?! Ivenn stormed over, gun in hand. "If you so much as touch my girlfriend I'm going to put a bullet in your head," he growled.
Jane gets scared and points his gun at him "I-If-If you do that you will only kill one of us. We are at least 5 here"
suddenly from outside shouts can be heard, a man comes in and shouts

-/- "doc we need to go now!!! a horde is coming!!!"

"goddamnit, we dont have time, you and your boyfriend, are you gonna come with us? we have a safe place, make your decision quick" he said

from outside the voice of heavy machine guns firing can be heard

-/- "sir, a chopper has gone airborne and now is attacking from the skies, we have to hurry!"

TheWingedCrusader said:
Ivenn moved to stop Kaylin but froze up the second she called him her boyfriend. He gaped for a moment before gathering his wits. The armed people were talking about.. Killing?! Ivenn stormed over, gun in hand. "If you so much as touch my girlfriend I'm going to put a bullet in your head," he growled.
JPTheWarrior said:
Jane gets scared and points his gun at him "I-If-If you do that you will only kill one of us. We are at least 5 here"
"We have to go now!" The girl urged the couple on "Come with us unless you want to get killed!"
Rocket said:
"We have to go now!" The girl urged the couple on "Come with us unless you want to get killed!"
"Zombies..." he would start to panic. he lowers the gun "If its a big group then we have no chance. They only die with headshots! The best we can do is close the door and stay here for the night!"
Ivenn's eyes widened. Damn... Could he trust these people? Honestly... But if they really wanted them dead, they'd have killed them already. Hesitantly, Ivenn decided he'd have to follow along with these people. It was best for Kaylin. "Fine... " Ivenn told them, grudgingly. He hated being outplayed. "What's the plan, hole up or make a dash?" Ivenn asked. His eyes burned with determination to get rid of these military people. The second he has the chance, he's gone, and he'll bring Kaylin with him. They didn't need these people.
TheWingedCrusader said:
Ivenn's eyes widened. Damn... Could he trust these people? Honestly... But if they really wanted them dead, they'd have killed them already. Hesitantly, Ivenn decided he'd have to follow along with these people. It was best for Kaylin. "Fine... " Ivenn told them, grudgingly. He hated being outplayed. "What's the plan, hole up or make a dash?" Ivenn asked. His eyes burned with determination to get rid of these military people. The second he has the chance, he's gone, and he'll bring Kaylin with him. They didn't need these people.
Jane looks a thim. He knew what he was thinking. He was like him
JPTheWarrior said:
Jane looks a thim. He knew what he was thinking. He was like him
TheWingedCrusader said:
Ivenn's eyes widened. Damn... Could he trust these people? Honestly... But if they really wanted them dead, they'd have killed them already. Hesitantly, Ivenn decided he'd have to follow along with these people. It was best for Kaylin. "Fine... " Ivenn told them, grudgingly. He hated being outplayed. "What's the plan, hole up or make a dash?" Ivenn asked. His eyes burned with determination to get rid of these military people. The second he has the chance, he's gone, and he'll bring Kaylin with him. They didn't need these people.
JPTheWarrior said:
"Zombies..." he would start to panic. he lowers the gun "If its a big group then we have no chance. They only die with headshots! The best we can do is close the door and stay here for the night!"
"well let's see... if we stay for the night we wont survive, we have to get back to the hospital now, trust me the place is safe with a concrete wall 10 feet tall and sentries surrounding it with enough supplies to last for 10 years" he said
"and we have 5 choppers standing by outside, but once the horde is here they aint gonna stick for long" @TheWingedCrusader
Ivenn looked at Kaylin to make sure she was ok with his decision. The last thing he wanted to do was put her in danger. Unfortunately, the situation was much worse than it seemed. Ivenn thought he had more time till the hordes got here. Seems he was wrong. Hopefully he wasn't wrong in deciding to go with these guys too. Jane seemed to watch Ivenn and he matched his glare. He didn't say anything but Ivenn sent a message. 'You got a problem?'
TheWingedCrusader said:
Ivenn looked at Kaylin to make sure she was ok with his decision. The last thing he wanted to do was put her in danger. Unfortunately, the situation was much worse than it seemed. Ivenn thought he had more time till the hordes got here. Seems he was wrong. Hopefully he wasn't wrong in deciding to go with these guys too. Jane seemed to watch Ivenn and he matched his glare. He didn't say anything but Ivenn sent a message. 'You got a problem?'
JPTheWarrior said:
Jane looks a thim. He knew what he was thinking. He was like him
"you two, break it up... if you want to die, your more welcome to stay here, actually dont, i need everyone alive" he said

-/- "sir!!! one of the choppers is in critical condition, we need your permission for it to return back to hq!!!" a soldier said

"send him back" he said

@TheWingedCrusader @Kaylin @Rocket



Kaylin Renshan



Name: Kaylin Renshan

Nick: Kitty

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 5"7'

Age: 18

Occupation: Waitress

School status: College Freshman Cheerleader

Father: Dogma Renshan


Kaylin trembled more as she closed her eyes hearing them all going about it. She looks over at Ivenn as she started to turn pale and nodded her head. She clearly did not know where to go or what to do. She would look over at the couch where her cell was still sitting as she spoke trembling, "Can I at least grab my cell....my father uses the gps on it to track me and he was on his way...."

She would look down a bit as she muttered, "Ivenn....please she was nice to me....and no I understand you need to check me for weapons but my only weapons are in my purse on that couch....pepper spray, a taser, and my cell phone if its even considered one.."
"sorry missy, the only way an electric current can kill the undead is if its too much and the brain literally cooks inside out or explode, and those zombies cant feel pain so both of your weapons and quite pointless, so grab your cell phone and leave the rest, itll only weigh you down. less chatty more runny, LETS GO!!!" he said as he walked out the door @TheWingedCrusader @Rocket @JPTheWarrior
Ivenn shot a look at the man, before turning to go back into his apartment. He came back shortly afterwards with Kaylin's purse. Then he took Kaylin's hand and reassuringly told her, "Hey, we're gonna be fine ok? Nothing's gonna happen. We're gonna fly outta here and then we're going to figure everything out." Ivenn turned to the rest of them. "Lead the way, captain grumpy."
TheWingedCrusader said:
Ivenn shot a look at the man, before turning to go back into his apartment. He came back shortly afterwards with Kaylin's purse. Then he took Kaylin's hand and reassuringly told her, "Hey, we're gonna be fine ok? Nothing's gonna happen. We're gonna fly outta here and then we're going to figure everything out." Ivenn turned to the rest of them. "Lead the way, captain grumpy."
Salex said:
"sorry missy, the only way an electric current can kill the undead is if its too much and the brain literally cooks inside out or explode, and those zombies cant feel pain so both of your weapons and quite pointless, so grab your cell phone and leave the rest, itll only weigh you down. less chatty more runny, LETS GO!!!" he said as he walked out the door @TheWingedCrusader @Rocket @JPTheWarrior
Andy begins running "hurry up!"
"its doctor, and this way" he said as he held the door for everyone to leave, outside 4 choppers with gatling guns are still on the ground but firing their guns

-/- "MOVE IT WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME!!!" the pilot said

"yeah we got it!!!' he shouted while shooting his crossbow
he proceeds to get in the helicopter and shoot the gatling guns "BE QUICKER" he shouted as he kills 16 zombies by spraying lead across them @TheWingedCrusader @Rocket
Kaylin would stumble a bit but turn red as she used Ivenn as support. She looked down at her purse and phone muttering. "Damn it dad where are you..." She would gag a bit as she looked at the blood covered top in disgust.
"goddamnit move!!!" he said as he keeps on shooting the gatling gun "dont take your time miss girlfriend and boyfriend if you aint here in 30 seconds we're taking off without you!!!" he shouted @TheWingedCrusader @Rocket @JPTheWarrior
"Ooooh... survivors..." Nathan smiled as he ran towards the Gatling gun firing sound. "Don't shoot!" he yelled when finally spotted them in the distance. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" he yelled again as he was getting closer.

@TheWingedCrusader @Rocket @JPTheWarrior
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