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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason smiled "I will rest outside, I want to enjoy the night," he said walking out with his gun in hand.

Peace grinned "Please AJ, I don't need sleep I want to be outside," it said walking out, holding its bat.

Chilie shrugged "Can't argue with them, it is nice outside, ease up cat," he said tipping his glasses walking out.

(It is 7:13 pm for me so I ain't sleeping but don't start without me tomorrow ;-;, by California time, I will be on at 4:00. If you must I will understand.)
Shit AJ's going to kill me for drinking his vodka *favorite song plays* never mind I regret nothing
Freya puffed out her reddened cheeks and rubbed her face. She was tired. She was covered in sweat. If the world wasn't like it was now, she’d probably be disgusted. Her head tilted as she glanced at her brother. He was hoisting up several thick branches onto his shoulders. They’d be remaking their defenses later. Some of the Deadies had managed to cluster so thick around their previous ones they had snapped. Early on Freya and Nick had found a church in tiny little town. Most of the people there were dead, except for some of the more vigilant members. The siblings hadn't wanted to fight or..kill… but. As it turns out… The people remaining had turned to cannibalism. It was really killed or be killed at that point. From there they both turned into hardened souls.~*~*~*~Nick wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before glancing back at his sister. He smiled and made a pointing gesture back towards the church. Freya flashed a smile and nodded. Nick was always super alert when his sister was outside. Sure, the Deadies were a problem, but, they were even worse a problem when you had a deaf sister. ‘Well then again’, he smiled to himself in thought, ‘some times she knows the Deadies are there before I do.’ He smirked and started walking. He knew that since she had lost her hearing her sense of smell had heightened exponentially.~*~*~ She sighed and stretched her arms above her head. Her weapon of choice was an old English rapier. They’d raided the museum not to long ago and stocked up. She was surprised it was in such a good shape.
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Jason smiled and sat down near the tree "I haven't slept, only naps but I am happy that you found ya family again, not many can say that," he said putting his hand on AJ's shoulders.

"same on you, the 3 of you. Love em before you lose em" I see a vodka bottle fall down the roof "Well shit,is alcoholism genetic?"
Jason laughed "Maybe in ya but not in mine. My parents forbid alcohol because of my fathers past alcohol addiction," he looked at the 3. He smiled "I don't know how I got here but if those things over the horizon are what I think they are, I ain't losing them."

"I won't lie,it will be a fight. To travel in the night they have to have atleast 10 people with guns". Numbers don't matter though, I'm to stubborn to die" I laugh
"A drunk and a cowboy fight, why not? Hey slick you go ahead and tell us when to go" I pull out my machete, I still have my knife but I found this out at the hardware store "let's dance"
Chilie smiled "The nam ain't slick you hot heads. GO!" he yelled in a jumpy tone of voice.

Jason went towards AJ running and putting his blade close to the ground ready to swing it right at his head.

Two staggered out of the bandit's hideout with a branding iron in her hand. Her mind wasnt even thinking.. all she felt was the pain of the brand on her chest...broken ribs...bruises. Everyone inside was knocked out or unable to walk. They made one little mistake and it gave her an opportunity for escape. She was very weak.. and her system was still trying to get rid of various drugs. Her eyes scanned around, trying to make sense of where she was. At last she spotted something familiar in the distance and started to limp her way in it's direction. She reeked of unspeakable things, and what she was wearing didn't fit her at all. Her clothing had been cut and ripped a long time ago.. or so that's how she felt. She'd managed to steal the clothing from the smallest bandit. It still bagged and sagged on her. She was shaking, but at least she had hope. At least she could breath fresh air. Shoot, she was even glad to hear the familiar moans and groans of the z's.
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I block the machete and kick Jason back for his reckless charge I go for a swing with my machete whilst Jason is stunned
I couldn't sleep so I'm going to read,but that requires the lantern to be on. So I keep it on at a bright light
Jason blocked and uses his foot to sweep him under, and rolls away, gets up and runs to a other part of the area. He smiled and yelled"Try a little harder, I do get bored easily!"
"Heh,I'll go full Irish on yer arse" I make a dash for Jason using my machete to swing at his right and I then attempt to knock his machete out of the way to stun him
Jason ducked tucking his hand in before running behind him and pinning him down pointing the machete at his face "I just went cowboy on your ass," he pokes him with the back end of the machete before ripping the other from his hand. He laughed "That was fun wasn't it," he said hitting his machete into the ground, leaving it there.

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"Yea, I-tommorow I'll be taking point at the gate if the bandits want to 'talk',if I get captured or become one of those...things please shoot me"
*mini time skip on my char's part*...

The siblings had taken a break from their gathering to rest a bit. They'd climbed up in a tree for a little cat-nap. Freya's nose was assaulted with a grotesque smell. It definitely was not a z. She reached over and nudged her brother with a frown. He grumbled and rubbed his face before looking down at her. 'What?' he signed. 'Smell. Bad. Someone coming.' she signed back. His eyebrows raised and he drew out his pistol. He started to quietly look around. Freya spotted it before Nick did.


"T..That way..please.." Two told them as they helped her walk. She motioned towards the general direction of the Mansion. Blisters were apparent on her feet but she wouldn't let her new-old companions carry her. They'd been part of a group together a long while back. It was odd that now they'd somehow come to meet again. Freya and Nick knew better than to ask questions at this point. They'd been good friends two, even knew her real name. They could tell that she had just been thought hell and back several times. Her appearance was that haggard and different from her usual self.

Jason looked at him "We are going to practice, three man take down. I tackle, threat gets the legs, and Chilie shoots them down, we are going to be ready for tomorrow," he said looking at the others.

"Hate to break your little spar but, there's 3 people out in the fields!" I get out my rifle and zoom on at them just I case
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