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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Kaylin Renshan



Name: Kaylin Renshan

Nick: Kitty

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 5"7'

Age: 18

Occupation: Waitress

School status: College Freshman Cheerleader

Father: Dogma Renshan


Kaylin shook her head a bit as she wiggled more and more. She pushed with her knees again and again for what felt like hours even if it was only ten minutes. She finally got the ropes loose enough to slide out of. The girl sighed as she rubbed her rope burned arms muttering, "Stupid hazing shit...how did mom put up with stupid things like this.....I know I am a legacy acceptance from her being here but still I don't want to live with these cruel bitches...." She walked over as she paused hearing sirens going off. She walked over turning the radio off to the loud speakers and paused hearing the announcement.

Kaylin fixes her skirt a bit as she puts her mp3 player inside her bag and starts looking through it. "Okay...books check.... clothes....check... computer check..... wait... where are my......" She glares at the note left in her bag from Sarah.

Oh little kitty cat...test two of three....we borrowed your bra and thong....it will be on the flagpole...please retrieve them before the faculty finds them....

Happy climbing....

....Your Zeta leader supreme


Moogle Voice
Moogle Voice: You have one new message from DAD: "Kaylin, answer your damned phone. Something is happening and people are.... look just answer it."
Kitty: Sorry I was at cheer practice....uh can you come pick me up....I don't want to go back to the sorority.... please dad...
Moogle Voice: Message can not be sent...please text your contact not your voice mail

She took a deep breath as she reached her phone seeing the missed calls. "Code green.....what the hell is a code green..." Kitty would frown a bit as she got her phone out reading the voice mail. She bit her lip as she quickly held back tears texting. Kaylin would look at her phone hearing a beep rather quickly and muttering. "Oh right...forgot..." She grabbed her bag as she started walking away from the field and the loud speakers. She placed her phone up to her ear as she walked not noticing the few shadows behind her shambling towards the noisy girl. "Hey dad....uhm....please pick up....come on..." She looked hearing it beep bout signal as she muttered, "Great...." The cheerleader would move a bit faster as she got towards the center of campus and stopped. "There we go that is a signal.." She quickly started to dial her father placing her phone to her ear as she sat down on a bench still not paying attention to the shadows moving from various sides towards the noisy girl under the speakers shouting the code green message.

@anyone, @Rentition
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Mathew sat on top of the roof, watching the zombies roam around the area kicking his legs back and forth. "Just another day" he muttered to himself
Kenjinx said:
(Yeah, I'm still here.)
Hartley quickly turned his head to look into the house as he heard his name being called, stepping towards it.

"I'm here." He stepped through the doorway and walked into the room where Mia was. "What's going on?"

@Talia xP
She pouted. "Can I have some water? ... I can get it, never mind." She slippex out of the bed and fell on the floor face first. "Ouch..."
Mathew stood up grabbing a small grappling hook that he had placed on a lawn chair and began to swing it making sure it latched to the building nearby he then tugged on it. Shrugging he began to climb across to the next roof
Rocket said:
Andy glanced up from the notes on the table as she pulled up her goggles to give the man a light smile. "Adabelle but around here, call me Andy" the girl then returned to the notes focusing on the content. "I'm gonna hang here for awhile ok doc?"
"sure thing andy,vut be careful, ve dont vant an outbreak in zhis hospital do we?" he chuckled as he goes to his office but the words he just said has a very noticable german accent
Salex said:
"sure thing andy,vut be careful, ve dont vant an outbreak in zhis hospital do we?" he chuckled as he goes to his office but the words he just said has a very noticable german accent
Andy laughed and rolled her eyes continuing her reading sitting herself back onto a stool
Rocket said:
Andy laughed and rolled her eyes continuing her reading sitting herself back onto a stool
he then goes back to his office where he fills in some paperwork "hmm... adding 4 new people in the base... there, registered" he said as he wrote them down, he then takes a sip from his coffee and looks out the window where he can see all the work he has made to make a safe haven
he continues too then jot down important notes about the cure on his research book trying to find out what is wrong with the antidote, until he forgot to take his coffee mug in the lab, he goes in the lab "your are still here andy? vell here, zhis may ve usefull iv you are able to zhink on how to fix zhe antidote" he says as he hands his research book to andy and steps back to his office @Rocket
(I'm so. SO SORRY! For not replying, but i'm having a hard time at school, and i need to keep learning, so... i'll probably disappear for a bit. Angela will be just sleeping..)
Feeling his phone vibrate, he snatched it from beside him and accepted the call. "kaylin!? kaylin is that you? Are you ok? please tell me your ok!" He was frantic and horrified.
Alexa Walker

Alexa blushed slightly and bit her lip as she watched the boy walk away. "T-thanks." She mumbled with a slight smile. Putting her bag back on both shoulders and putting her hands in her pockets, she set off into the base; hoping she'd find something useful to do.@JPTheWarrior
iChaotic said:
Alexa WalkerAlexa blushed slightly and bit her lip as she watched the boy walk away. "T-thanks." She mumbled with a slight smile. Putting her bag back on both shoulders and putting her hands in her pockets, she set off into the base; hoping she'd find something useful to do.@JPTheWarrior
he smiles "No need to thank me. See ya around" he turns a corner and he cant be seen anymore
he walks until he finds @Salex "Hello. I have some questions" Jane didnt seem very friendly has he didnt trust this man yet
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Kaylin Renshan



Name: Kaylin Renshan

Nick: Kitty

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 5"7'

Age: 18

Occupation: Waitress

School status: College Freshman Cheerleader

Father: Dogma Renshan


Kaylin let out a sigh as she leaned against the bench, "Dad....dad I'm fine...." Clearly her voice shivered and her nose sniffled showing how she was crying. "I just I dont want to be in this sorority mom was apart of....I don't want to go back there please....can you come pick me up....I am at the center of the university.........and its cold..." She would look around noticing some of the shadows coming into view and seeing a few kids with blood on them. "Hey are you okay?" She would stand up as she looked over at the kid and paused trying to figure out where all the blood was from. She shook her head, "Dad...there is some injured students...do you recall what a code green is on campus...." She would start going through her bag as she held the phone still a good distance from the infected. "I am going to get my first aid kit please just sit down your bleeding everywhere....Dad I....I'm putting you on speaker alright this kid is really messed up..."
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[QUOTE="Talia xP]She pouted. "Can I have some water? ... I can get it, never mind." She slippex out of the bed and fell on the floor face first. "Ouch..."

"Yeah, I can get you some." Hartley started to move, Mia falling shortly after. He quickly moved over to where Mia was, kneeling down and helping her up. "Hey, you all right?" He tried to pick her up and set her back onto the bed from which she had fallen. "Don't worry about gettin' your own stuff, just ask and I'll grab it."
Kenjinx said:
"Yeah, I can get you some." Hartley started to move, Mia falling shortly after. He quickly moved over to where Mia was, kneeling down and helping her up. "Hey, you all right?" He tried to pick her up and set her back onto the bed from which she had fallen. "Don't worry about gettin' your own stuff, just ask and I'll grab it."
She continued pouting a little, but nodded. "Thank you Mister Hartley..." She stared at her leg that was looking increasingly more ugly. She covered it up and frowned. "Do you think I'll walk again...?"
(So I'm new and I don't know what's going on but I'm assuming some of us are on a... College campus? Ivenn, my character, is a college senior so I guess I'll say he's heading back to his apartment at night, which is the time I'm assuming it is. Let me know if I got any of this info wrong so I can make changes)

Ivenn shoved his hands in his pockets and sucked on a lollipop. "Hoof.. It's cold out," he said, shivering softly. He could see the breath in front of him and he slipped the hood on his hoodie on. Ivenn began crossing the field and courtyard in the center of campus, leisurely taking one lazy step at a time. He was in no rush to get anywhere. He was just tired and it was late. Ivenn saw some students by some bench (@Kaylin). The light post didn't quite illuminate them enough to make out any details but he didn't suspect anything. Ivenn didn't have anything more interesting to do so he observed them casually as he walked by.



Kaylin Renshan



Name: Kaylin Renshan

Nick: Kitty

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 5"7'

Age: 18

Occupation: Waitress

School status: College Freshman Cheerleader

Father: Dogma Renshan


Kaylin would put her phone down on the bench as she started to walk towards the what looked like an injured student. "Hey stop moving your hurting yourself more." She quickly froze as she saw the bottom of the kid's jaw fall off onto the ground and saw he had no teeth. She slowly started to back up as she heard the animalistic roar come out of the guy. "DAD!!!!!!!!" Kaylin fell backwards as the creature grabbed at her shoulders and tried to bite her neck making his blood drip and run all over Kaylin's throat and uniform. As it moaned more moving it's gums trying to get a taste, Kaylin would be pushing and screaming feeling the infected's tongue going all over her neck.
Kaylin said:



Kaylin Renshan



Name: Kaylin Renshan

Nick: Kitty

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 5"7'

Age: 18

Occupation: Waitress

School status: College Freshman Cheerleader

Father: Dogma Renshan


Kaylin would put her phone down on the bench as she started to walk towards the what looked like an injured student. "Hey stop moving your hurting yourself more." She quickly froze as she saw the bottom of the kid's jaw fall off onto the ground and saw he had no teeth. She slowly started to back up as she heard the animalistic roar come out of the guy. "DAD!!!!!!!!" Kaylin fell backwards as the creature grabbed at her shoulders and tried to bite her neck making his blood drip and run all over Kaylin's throat and uniform. As it moaned more moving it's gums trying to get a taste, Kaylin would be pushing and screaming feeling the infected's tongue going all over her neck.
Ivenn continued watching and stopped. He raised an eyebrow as he noticed... Zombies. "Shit shit shit shit shit," he muttered repeatedly as he immediately turned and sprinted over to the girl. He leaped over a bench and kept running, taking out his army knife. When Ivenn got there, he was traumatized by the fact that he might've been too late as the zombie was already on top of the girl. That didn't mean he wasn't gonna try. Sticky situation he got himself into. This girl might already be dead and he might very well join her. "Imbecile," he scolded himself. He shoved the knife into the temple of the zombie attempting to bite the girl. The zombie fell limp and he threw it off her. He was shocked to see that she was still alive, and better yet, not bitten. How he didn't know and he didn't care. He turned to the two remaining zombies. Studying their position. They were close enough together that if he tried to take out one, the other could get him from behind. Nonetheless, he stood in front of the girl. "Hey.. Get up quick. I might need your help taking out these two wankers," he said, his eyes darting back and forth between the two undead. They were creeping closer and he didn't want to feel rushed into deciding a strategy. He had a few seconds tops, but first he needed to make sure the girl was safe.
[QUOTE="Talia xP]She continued pouting a little, but nodded. "Thank you Mister Hartley..." She stared at her leg that was looking increasingly more ugly. She covered it up and frowned. "Do you think I'll walk again...?"

Hartley nodded, giving her a pat on the back as he stood and started to leave for her water. Hearing Mia speak, he stopped and turned to look back.

"Yeah... I think that can happen. We'll figure somethin' out." He disappeared through the doorway.

Hartley returned a few moments later with water in hand, bringing it over to Mia and handing it to her. "There you are. If you want anything else, let me know." He looked around for a moment, spotting the chair that he had been sitting in earlier and pulling it over to himself. He removed the rifle from his shoulder, setting the stock into the floor as he took a seat near the bed. Seemingly absorbed in his own thoughts, he idly inspected the action of the old rifle.



Kaylin Renshan



Name: Kaylin Renshan

Nick: Kitty

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 5"7'

Age: 18

Occupation: Waitress

School status: College Freshman Cheerleader

Father: Dogma Renshan


Kaylin quickly gets up with the stranger's help and stands behind hI'm confused. :What the hell is going on......" She keeps brushing at the blood on her neck in panic and looking at her phone hearing her dad. "DAD I'M FINE PLEASE COME GET ME AND THIS KID....."
TerminallyTired said:
Mathew stood up grabbing a small grappling hook that he had placed on a lawn chair and began to swing it making sure it latched to the building nearby he then tugged on it. Shrugging he began to climb across to the next roof
Under the building which Mathew was climbing around on, Havlar creeped through the shadows and alleyways. The heavy RPG on his back, and the assault rifle in hand were mere training weights to the soldier. He scanned the area ahead as he came out from an alleyway. A clanking sound quickly drew his attention, he looked up and noticed a grappling hook striking and catching the edge of a building. Moments later he also noticed a man began to use the grappling hook to climb across from roof top to roof top.

~ Clever. ~ He thought to himself, as he looked left and right before doing a crouch run across the street to the building Mathew was climbing onto. He darted inside the office-building and quickly made his way to the nearest staircase. A Zombie turned at the sounds of Havlars footsteps, and fell to the force of his combat boots landing on the Zombie's chest. He chose not to fire as to not attract unnecessary attention. Using the guard rail as support he ran up the stairs quickly, skipping every third step.

As he got to the top floor he looked down a hallway and saw a few Zeds on the floor, not moving. He took a very deep, slow and steady breathe to calm his heart rate down after running up the stairs. Slowly but efficiently he tip toed around the zombies to ensure that even if they were alive he would be able to react to the sound of any movement. At the last zombie he had to cross however, he accidentally kicked a can with his foot. The sound echoed throughout the silent hallway. A zombie grunted, and began to rise from the floor and moaned loudly as Havlar quickly turned and sprinted towards the last four steps and door which led to the roof. He bursted through the door, which Mathew would be able to see as by now he would surely have made it across the building. Havlar turned and slamned the door shut, and leaned his back against it using his body as a barricade.

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JPTheWarrior said:
he walks until he finds @Salex "Hello. I have some questions" Jane didnt seem very friendly has he didnt trust this man yet
"yes? vhat vould you like to ask me?" he asked in a german accent
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