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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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((that works maybe it was a safe spot in the local town till now....hence the code green))
Kaylin said:
((that works maybe it was a safe spot in the local town till now....hence the code green))
(Kk. One more thing. If you are in that spot it would be difficult for you rp with other rpers. So I suggest you find a way)
((Well I know Rentition already asked and was accepted by me to play her father and her Dogma char was going to be posting tonight so if no one hears the music by then I figure her char will come looking for his daughter who was suppose to be out by then and moving stuff to her new place....well she probably wont be at the sorority after this incident and figuring she will stick around the areas Dogma is in.))



Reposting my intro-post so its not buried by our ooc



Appearance and details in spoiler


Name: Kaylin Renshan

Nick: Kitty

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 5"7'

Age: 18

Occupation: Waitress

School status: College Freshman Cheerleader

Over a local College field, Sirens started to go off like crazy. "A code green has been initiated...please get inside and lock the doors....I repeat a code green has been initiated..."

The cheerleading squad was blasting their music over the loud speakers on the field enough to not notice as they kept practicing their routine. Kaylin was sighing as she attempted to help in the pyramid and was on the second level of it. She looked down seeing the cheer captain Sarah giving her a smirk as she started to loosen her hold on Kaylin sliding out a bit from the position. Sarah tilted her head a bit acting as if Kaylin was too heavy or not in the right spot as she snapped, "HEY KITTEN YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO SHIFT THAT WA....YYY..." Sarah quickly moved out from under Kaylin causing the pyramid to fall over. She rubbed her side as she looked over at the blond rookie of the team. "SEE WHAT YOU DID."

Kaylin moaned slightly as she sat up rubbing her head, "I uh..uhm....Sorry Sarah I didn't mean to .." Kaylin would quickly try to get up and brush some of the grass off her uniform as she looked at one of the girls packing her bags. "Hey uh where is everyone going?" Kaylin sighed as she tried to follow and noticed Sarah's hand grab at her wrist, "Kaylin you are not leaving....the music has not stopped and I need to go over some more things you have not done yet for acceptance into Zeta."

Kaylin would frown as she muttered, "But the others...and its...huh...dad usually calls me by now. She would try to walk over to her bag for her cell phone but would be yanked back. Sarah gritted her teeth as she snapped, "No we still have to do some things for you to be finally accepted into Zeta Tau Alpha.." Kaylin sighs as she mutters, "Fine whatever...I mean if it is to stay in the Sorority...I already moved half my stuff in.."

Sarah would nod as she lead Kaylin to the bleachers and got rope. "So this is the first of the three tests Kitten...we are to tie you up to one of the goal posts and you are to get yourself free...this is to show you are not just any damsel...we do not want sisters who can not help themselves.." Kaylin would frown as she stood against the pole of the football goal post and felt herself being restrained. "Sarah can we at least shut off the music..." Sarah shook her head as she finished binding Kaylin up and got out her cell to tape. "Alright and...go..."

Kaylin would start squirming as she tried to get her hands free and paused smirking as she slid a shoe off and started to use her knees to get the ropes loose....it was clearly going to take some time but at least she had the right ideas.

Sarah watching after a few moments paused hearing her phone vibrate in her hands stopping her recording. "Great....hang on Kaylin.....Yeah what is it mom....oh..uhm...yeah no I am on my way...." She sighed as she walked off hanging her phone up. "Sorry kitty I gotta go my mother said something is happening in town and I need to get my sister right away....make it back to the sorority by nightfall and I will say you passed this and the drinking one alright..." Kaylin blinked as she saw Sarah leave fast without her getting a word but could still hear the music blasting.

Kaylin would look over seeing her phone in her bag lighting up as she muttered starting to squirm more. "Great...of course now he is probably calling....damn it dad you really are a dog."


((sry for the long post figured I would do a detailed intro post for getting me into the story....didnt know if it was day or night currently so left the details of weather and time out of it.))

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Kaylin said:
((Well I know Rentition already asked and was accepted by me to play her father and her Dogma char was going to be posting tonight so if no one hears the music by then I figure her char will come looking for his daughter who was suppose to be out by then and moving stuff to her new place....well she probably wont be at the sorority after this incident and figuring she will stick around the areas Dogma is in.))
(Oh ok)
he walks until he reaches Alexa "Hey... what do you feel about this? You know... beeing in this place?"

Alexa Walker

Alexa took a quick glance up at the boy. "Um, well, I'm not too sure.. It seems alright. Probably the only secure place in this dull wasteland." She muttered. @JPTheWarrior
iChaotic said:
Alexa WalkerAlexa took a quick glance up at the boy. "Um, well, I'm not too sure.. It seems alright. Probably the only secure place in this dull wasteland." She muttered. @JPTheWarrior
"You trust them?" he look confused "people you dont know?"
Alexa Walker

"Not really to be honest.. No offence to you of course." Alexa shyly said as she gave the boy another awkward smile. "I just have trust issue due to, um-" She could feel her throat tighten slightly and some tears well up in her eyes. "Past experiences." Alexa mumbled.@JPTheWarrior
iChaotic said:
Alexa Walker"Not really to be honest.. No offence to you of course." Alexa shyly said as she gave the boy another awkward smile. "I just have trust issue due to, um-" She could feel her throat tighten slightly and some tears well up in her eyes. "Past experiences." Alexa mumbled.@JPTheWarrior
(is she using a mask?) "Oh I see... I had some bad experiences too. But by the way you said it. Mine are nothing compared to yours. Well if you want to talk about them I am all hears"
(Yea, forget to say.)

Alexa Walker

"Can't really come to that conclusion but I guess they probably are." Alexa said as she started to relax. She smiled slightly under her mask, the boy seemed nice and it was someone that she could actually talk to. "And thank you, by the way, what's your name? I didn't catch it before we got onto the helicopter." @JPTheWarrior
iChaotic said:
(Yea, forget to say.)
Alexa Walker

"Can't really come to that conclusion but I guess they probably are." Alexa said as she started to relax. She smiled slightly under her mask, the boy seemed nice and it was someone that she could actually talk to. "And thank you, by the way, what's your name? I didn't catch it before we got onto the helicopter." @JPTheWarrior
"Jane" he smiles "Yours?"
Alexa Walker

'Jane, hm. Never heard of a boy called 'Jane' before.' Alexa thought to herself. "Mine is Alexa." She said with a smile. Taking off her gloves and headgear she stuck out her free hand - offering the boy a handshake. "Won't really be needing these for the time being." Alexa smirked. @JPTheWarrior
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iChaotic said:
Alexa Walker'Jane, hm. Never heard of a boy called 'Jane' before.' Alex thought to herself. "Mine is Alexa." She said with a smile. Taking off her gloves and headgear she stuck out her free hand - offering the boy a handshake. "Won't really be needing these for the time being." Alexa smirked. @JPTheWarrior
he chuckles "true" he shakes her hand "And Alexa... a pretty name"
Alexa Walker

"Thank you." Alexa replied with another smile. Unzipping her bag she placed her gear into one of the pockets. "I like yours as well." She added. No one had been this nice or polite to her before, Alexa had always been in fear of others because of what her father always told her and what he did to her if she even thought about interacting with anybody outside of their family. "So.. What happened to you for you to become a lone wanderer?" Alexa asked inquisitively. @JPTheWarrior
iChaotic said:
Alexa Walker"Thank you." Alexa replied with another smile. Unzipping her bag she placed her gear into one of the pockets. "I like yours as well." She added. No one had been this nice or polite to her before, Alexa had always been in fear of others because of what her father always told her and what he did to her if she even thought about interacting with anybody outside of their family. "So.. What happened to you for you to become a lone wanderer?" Alexa asked inquisitively. @JPTheWarrior
"Oh..." he looks down "I was never good at surviving... I was in school preparing for my life and stuff like that. When this hell started... Well I saw my classmates getting ripped apart. I ran to my house where I found my parents and my sister in the same way. Then something strange happened... I didnt felt anything... Just like the colour grey... I grabbed a knife and killed them. It was the right thing to do. But I just screamed... Then I ran away. I found a group of two girls. They were both crazy. I ran and found you with the others. The rest you already know"
Alexa Walker

"Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that." Alexa said sympathetically. "My parents weren't zombies when I found them, wish they were. I would have gladly killed them. They deserve it after what they put me through - sick bastards." She growled. Her voice had changed from soft-spoken to irritated and hurt. Alexa had never stood up to her father but she wish she did. No one knew about what was going on at home, not even people outside of her immediate family. And Alexa couldn't tell anybody, if her father found out that would be it for her. He was a cruel and sadistic man with absolutely no affection for his daughter. Alexa would never forgive her father or mother for what they did, all it would have took was for her mother to stand up for her and take her away; but no, she just watched every event and saved her own skin.@JPTheWarrior
iChaotic said:
Alexa Walker"Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that." Alexa said sympathetically. "My parents weren't zombies when I found them, wish they were. I would have gladly killed them. They deserve it after what they put me through - sick bastards." She growled. Her voice had changed from soft-spoken to irritated and hurt. Alexa had never stood up to her father but she wish she did. No one knew about what was going on at home, not even people outside of her immediate family. And Alexa couldn't tell anybody, if her father found out that would be it for her. He was a cruel and sadistic man with absolutely no affection for his daughter. Alexa would never forgive her father or mother for what they did, all it would have took was for her mother to stand up for her and take her away; but no, she just watched every event and saved her own skin.@JPTheWarrior
he puts his hand on her shoulder "Hey... its not my business so unless you want to I wont ask what happened. But if you are talking about that is because the must have done horrible things... Im sorry. I wished there was someone who stood next to you and helped you"
Alexa Walker

Her muscles relaxed as she looked back up at Jane. "My, um, dad abused me every day. I couldn't go outside without the fear of being hit or being judged about my injuries, I was always locked up in my room and wasn't allowed to make friends or even interact with the outside world.. And guess what? My mum did nothing, she wanted to save her own skin and not get involved. These scars on my face, these are scars from when my father had hit me one night and actually cut my cheek open with a belt; they weren't from branches I ran into." Alexa sniffled as she wiped her eyes.@JPTheWarrior
iChaotic said:
Alexa WalkerHer muscles relaxed as she looked back up at Jane. "My, um, dad abused me every day. I couldn't go outside without the fear of being hit or being judged about my injuries, I was always locked up in my room and wasn't allowed to make friends or even interact with the outside world.. And guess what? My mum did nothing, she wanted to save her own skin and not get involved. These scars on my face, these are scars from when my father had hit me one night and actually cut my cheek open with a belt; they weren't from branches I ran into." Alexa sniffled as she wiped her eyes.@JPTheWarrior
he had a sad smile. "If you dont mind..." he passes his fingers on the scars "Well I never thought I would say this but maybe with this world you can start a new life. Get friends. Maybe like someone." he sighs "I think your mother was a coward. Your father... he was even worse than one of those things out there. At least they were lucky their daughter was different from them" he smiles
(Yeah, I'm still here.)

Hartley quickly turned his head to look into the house as he heard his name being called, stepping towards it.

"I'm here." He stepped through the doorway and walked into the room where Mia was. "What's going on?"

@Talia xP
Alexa Walker

She flinched slightly as the boy ran a finger over her scars. "Well, if I'm honest, my life has actually been better ever since this apocalypse started." Alexa said as she bit her lip. "I'm hoping I can find someone. I'm um, well, I'm bi-sexual. So I guess I won't run out of options." She grinned slightly. "And thank you. No one has treated me this nicely before."@JPTheWarrior
iChaotic said:
Alexa WalkerShe flinched slightly as the boy ran a finger over her scars. "Well, if I'm honest, my life has actually been better ever since this apocalypse started." Alexa said as she bit her lip. "I'm hoping I can find someone. I'm um, well, I'm bi-sexual. So I guess I won't run out of options." She grinned slightly. "And thank you. No one has treated me this nicely before."@iChaotic

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Dogma's phone speaker rang as he tried to reach his daughter. He finally found a hidden spot in a tucked away corner of a grocery store and had to get a hold of Kaylin. My Daughter. Thats all that was ringing through his head, as the phone rang against his ear. He knew his predicament with his daughter, always being away from home tends to drive a wedge between a man and his teenage daughter. His heart skipped a beat as the phone met the voicemail. "Kaylin, answer your damned phone. Something is happening and people are.... look just answer it." He hung up and looked over the counter and saw those things shambling, tackling, biting. He ducked back behind the counter and took deep breaths. 'This is fucking night of the living dead.' He thought to himself. People were going and eating other people! This wasnt just some junkies biting other people, these things gnawed and chomped and chewed. It was carnage. Absolute chaos.
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