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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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( xD I just got back on right now even a minute before you hopped in I was going to tell you the fence was locked and everything but you already posted that your character went through the gate xD @Libra)
(-.- just whatever void the part as she got inside. Well lets say she picked the lock since thats just one of her skills lol and for the fence she has everything that is needed in her bag. So lets say she used the rope in her bag and with two daggers tied together she climbed up it... xD )
(oh um their are 30 Canadian Idaho wolves outside the mansion guarding if your char steps foot on the mansion grounds they will attack you and you might want to look up Canadian Idaho wolves they are much larger then regular wolves and can way up to 190 pounds and more. Oh and its nights time out so........ @Libra259)
Slasher999999999 said:
(oh um their are 30 Canadian Idaho wolves outside the mansion guarding if your char steps foot on the mansion grounds they will attack you and you might want to look up Canadian Idaho wolves they are much larger then regular wolves and can way up to 190 pounds and more. Oh and its nights time out so........ @Libra259)
(Ok why are there wolves?... Now I see why I stopped rping... Ok um whatever Shayla's smart and she will figure something out and brb)
( xD ok you can get past the wolves if you mask your scent and is stealthy enough and they are killable but please reframe from killing them please because if this batch dies I will have to wait months to get more.) @Libra259
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Slasher999999999 said:
( xD ok you can get past the wolves if you mask your scent and is stealthy enough and they are killable but please reframe from killing them please because if this batch dies I will have to wait months to get more.) @Libra259
-=-=((Can't Shayla just get in the same way Johnny got in?))=-=-

Slasher999999999 said:
( xD ok you can get past the wolves if you mask your scent and is stealthy enough and they are killable but please reframe from killing them please because if this batch dies I will have to wait months to get more.) @Libra259
(... Shayla aint passing by them. Fine she wont kill them but she will still have a fight. Thats how she is.)

Appearance: View attachment 259479

(The eyes would be Brown instead and she wouldn't look insane)

Name: Jaqluin (Jack-lin) Bors (Boars)

Nick: Jaq-Jaq

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 3"4

Age: 10

Crush: Nobody

Personality: She's a sassy girl who's never worked a day in her life (unless you count whining). She'll start of being her sassy self but after a few hours she'll turn a lot nicer. Jaqluin is Known to be a big Blabbermouth so try not to trust her with any secrets. She is also really smart at science for her age.

Weapons: Syring and her heavy backpack

Leader of some sort of group: None

Likes: Teenagers, new science sets, getting spoiled, and her parents

Dislikes: Working (unless if it's science), kids, Things not going her way, Zombies, and sports.

Bio: Jaqluin was a pretty normal girl if you count being rich and really smart as normal. Jaqluin's parents were the very well known Nicole Bors and Nate Bors and if you don't know who they are well they created the cure for cancer! After that they became rich so Jaqluin was used to having everything handed to her. They also home schooled Jaqluin because they were worried of her having teachers who weren't as smart as they were. When Jaqluin was 8 years old she remebered her parents talking about some big research assingment from the government and how it would be the next big thing. 5 weeks after Jaqluin turned 10 her parents brought her into a room fully made from steel and that could only be opened from the inside. There they explained to Jaqluin that someone had broken in to the test facuility and somehow created zombies. 5 weeks later they were at there last bit of rations. The parents looked to see that the zombies were waiting for them outside. Seeing no chance of survival they gave Jaqluin a piece of paper that was hopefully the cure but not there was still a few things missing. The parents took a backpack and put the last of the rations, syringe, science equipment, a list of the cure (hopefully), and anything else Jaqluin should need. Her parents then opened the door and yelled "run!" All Jaqluin can remember hearing is the sounds of pain and a human screaming in pain. Jaqluin didn't go far and hid in one of the apple stores and has been hiding in it since then.

Other: She was spoiled rotten as a kid so she has an iPhone.

-=-=((One of the parents is still alive if anyone is interested in roleplaying as them))=-=-


It's been an hour an no response she knew he said it was going to be 2 hours, but still why no text? Jaqluin decided to make sure that he/she was still there.

Unknown #
Hello is anyone at the end of this? If yes please respond!
Yea,where are you
OMG thank god someone responded! I'm in an Apple Store. Here I'll share my location.
<Jaqluin Bors shared their location with Unknown #>
that's not very far away,I'll be there in a hour or 2
Thank you so Much!
You still there?

"According to my calculations...I'm going to need some help."
(can just have it that while he was walking he would see the horde around the store and would investigate and save you)
CellistCat606 said:

"According to my calculations...I'm going to need some help."

Appearance: View attachment 259479

(The eyes would be Brown instead and she wouldn't look insane)

Name: Jaqluin (Jack-lin) Bors (Boars)

Nick: Jaq-Jaq

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 3"4

Age: 10

Crush: Nobody

Personality: She's a sassy girl who's never worked a day in her life (unless you count whining). She'll start of being her sassy self but after a few hours she'll turn a lot nicer. Jaqluin is Known to be a big Blabbermouth so try not to trust her with any secrets. She is also really smart at science for her age.

Weapons: Syring and her heavy backpack

Leader of some sort of group: None

Likes: Teenagers, new science sets, getting spoiled, and her parents

Dislikes: Working (unless if it's science), kids, Things not going her way, Zombies, and sports.

Bio: Jaqluin was a pretty normal girl if you count being rich and really smart as normal. Jaqluin's parents were the very well known Nicole Bors and Nate Bors and if you don't know who they are well they created the cure for cancer! After that they became rich so Jaqluin was used to having everything handed to her. They also home schooled Jaqluin because they were worried of her having teachers who weren't as smart as they were. When Jaqluin was 8 years old she remebered her parents talking about some big research assingment from the government and how it would be the next big thing. 5 weeks after Jaqluin turned 10 her parents brought her into a room fully made from steel and that could only be opened from the inside. There they explained to Jaqluin that someone had broken in to the test facuility and somehow created zombies. 5 weeks later they were at there last bit of rations. The parents looked to see that the zombies were waiting for them outside. Seeing no chance of survival they gave Jaqluin a piece of paper that was hopefully the cure but not there was still a few things missing. The parents took a backpack and put the last of the rations, syringe, science equipment, a list of the cure (hopefully), and anything else Jaqluin should need. Her parents then opened the door and yelled "run!" All Jaqluin can remember hearing is the sounds of pain and a human screaming in pain. Jaqluin didn't go far and hid in one of the apple stores and has been hiding in it since then.

Other: She was spoiled rotten as a kid so she has an iPhone.

-=-=((One of the parents is still alive if anyone is interested in roleplaying as them))=-=-


It's been an hour an no response she knew he said it was going to be 2 hours, but still why no text? Jaqluin decided to make sure that he/she was still there.

Unknown #
Hello is anyone at the end of this? If yes please respond!
Yea,where are you
OMG thank god someone responded! I'm in an Apple Store. Here I'll share my location.
<Jaqluin Bors shared their location with Unknown #>
that's not very far away,I'll be there in a hour or 2
Thank you so Much!
You still there?


Shayla reaches the top of the fence and throws the rope onto the other side. She climbs down warily looking around.
Slasher999999999 said:
(can just have it that while he was walking he would see the horde around the store and would investigate and save you)
-=-=((Probably not; I usually leave the event in the Rp when someone hasn't responded for two days when I tagged them.))=-=-

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The sound of growling could be heard emiding from the shadows, the shadows would seem to move around like they where alive. twisting and warping around. Soon 2 piercing crimson eyes could be seen staring out of the darkness its eyes staring at her as if piercing into her very soul judging if she was a friend or enemy. @Libra259
Shayla stares straight back at them, her gaze her faltering. She wasnt scared at all and from thw growl she could tell that they were wolves. Though they didnt seem like regular ones. She's had her fair share with wolves, having two as companions a few months ago. She figures they must be here to guard the place or something in general. She climbs down the ropes more but doesnt touch the ground. Wolves were finicky about there territory and she knew that all to well. By doing this she'd figure out some important things.

The wolf would raise its head and hollow in the air, its howl could be heard all throughout the mansion. The wolf would growl and tense up more as she got closer to the ground. Its body tensing up and ready to spring at her the moment she stepped on the ground. Its shackles raised exposing its sharp teeth, and its fur prickled up in aggression. @Libra259\[/uSER
Ah I see. Now.. I wonder if I can do this without having to hurt any of them. Im not worried about me, I can deal with them.. Shayla would continue to stare into the wolves eyes and wrap her left foot with rope and tie it. She then straightens her left leg and wraps her left arm around the rope. She was now in a standing position, a foot off the ground.

Faint laughter could be heard escaping from Christopher's mouth by anyone near by. He passed many shops on his way down the street. He twirled his blade between his fingers as he passed Zombies. A cross hung from his neck. It swayed slightly as he walks. "God giveth, and God taketh away. No one ever mentioned that he would give back again." He said as he drove the blade through another skull of the undead.
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