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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason smiled getting in, "Wow haven't been outside for a bit, so this will be fun," he sits in the passengers seat. He looks out at the gate "This is a new experience, saving a random person while being on the rode," he gives a thumbs up ready.

Yappi said:
"Jason get inside, that was a gun shot" I turn off the car and get inside"wait for him To come in, he may be a scout we need to knock him out and interrogate him"
((Remember the reality thing. In normal circumstances gunshots would mean someone is getting chased by zs.))
Skylyn winced as Keon picked her up. Instantly, she wrapped her closest arm around his neck and leaned her head in. She was 5'4" and all muscle, very small and light. She looked up at him as he spoke and she nodded, shivering in the heat of the day and dozed off, still shivering as signs of shock set in.
(Well I just thought what I would do,so you know. If it's not realistic enough I'll delete it :/ )
(sorry bro but you cant tell the diffrence from someone shooting at z's and a bandit shooting)
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She cursed and immediately dove back. One of the shots grazed the roof and small chunks of wood and cement (?) rained down as proof. Her eyes lit up dangerously as she crawled on her belly twoards the roof hatch.
Snipers gone, time to go to work, I walk through the gate doors and open the mansion doors.
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Yappi said:
(Well I just thought what I would do,so you know. If it's not realistic enough I'll delete it :/ )
((I appreciate the try, just try to think of it as if you were in that situation though.. since most of the shots in rp thats been heard has been from survivors, it would more than likely be assumed that it was just another wayward survivor))
(Ok well I'll try harder next time, I still suck hard at rp and this is my first times using 2 characters in one rp)
She scowled and slid down, inside. With a haggard deep breath she shook her head. 'That aim was too precise to be a mistake..' she thought. Her head tilted as the sound ofthe mansion doors opened. 'Oh no..' she inwardly groaned, automatically assuming the worst since no one was calling out anything. She slid her hand down to her pocket and pulled out her sling shot, ready for walkers or crazies..
feeling skylyn shivering would cause keon to run quicker to the safe house, he would reach it their in 20 minutes pushing his body to its limits, he would kick open the door and run upstairs to the master bedroom and would lay skylyn gently on the bed. He would run down stairs and grabs blankets, hot water and towls and would bring them upstairs. "were going to have to get you out of those cloths" keon would begin to strip skylyn of her dirty, torn, wet, bloodstained he would cut her pants off so he didnt cause her pain with her broken leg leaving her in her bra and panties.
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Yappi said:
(Ok well I'll try harder next time, I still suck hard at rp and this is my first times using 2 characters in one rp)
((You'll get the hang of it. Try using 3rd person, its a lot easier usually.))
No one here? More supply's for me, I open the pantry door and and start transferring food water and 3 bottles of ...whisky?
Skylyn groaned as she was set down on the bed. She curled up and watched Keon hurry around the room. She helped pull off her shirt and curled up in a hot blanket that Keon had brought up and leaned back, her body covered in dirt and dried blood. Her leg had dark bruising and a gash from when she pulled herself from under the tree that was dark, still bleeding. She stared at it without saying anything before looking back at Keon, "It's not so bad..." she chuckled nervously
She silently slunk down the stairs. Noises of someone hastily shoving things into other things assaulted her ears in the otherwise quiet place. She slid a gear from her pocket and readied it in the sling before stepping out from behind the corner that separated the kitchen from other spaces. She had the sling pulled taunt and was ready to fire at any second. "Drop your weapons to the floor, bag included. Hands on your head- slowly turn around and kneel." She said, her voice low, quiet, and dangerous.
Ok lady look, im not scared off you so knock me out. Because trust me the second I talk I'm going to pull a gun. By the way I've never see so much whisky in one place who the hell drinks this much.
keon would lean in and inspect her leg, he would then sigh in relief. "you didnt break, it you dislocated your kneecap and may have cracked a bone, the bruising is from the tree falling on you and the gash is probally from a tree branch." keon would then turn to look at skylyn "I'm going to have to pop it back in place ok, on the count of 3 ok?" he would say,then he would gently positon her leg so he could easily pop her kneecap back in place.
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