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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"Kid just, I want to talk to Jason" I walk downstairs and to the front gate"Jason, I... Ravens dead. Im sure of it" I throw the whisky cap on the ground." A toast to the girl known as Raven, one of my best friends"I take a long swig of the whisky,
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keon would make it to the place they first a beautiful hill looking out oveer the horizon. keon would lay Raven down on the floor gently and would walk and grab a shovel and start to dig a hole for raven body to be barried
((Okay @Yappi i have to put my foot down again. You can know somethings wrong but you can't automatically know exactly what it is without more foresight or someone telling you. This RP is just like Real Life but with story elements... Or its suppose to be anyway.))
Jason smirked "Ya don't know yet so don't assume, also what did I say about drinking in front of the kid," he glances at Threaten standing there smiling, very jumpy.

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Jaqluin sees his most recent text of coming soon. She would've screamed for joy if she wasn't in a zombie apocalypse. Jaqluin checks for the 10th time this house to make sure the list was still there, luckily it still was.

Unknown #
Hello is anyone at the end of this? If yes please respond!
Yea,where are you
OMG thank god someone responded! I'm in an Apple Store. Here I'll share my location.
<Jaqluin Bors shared their location with Unknown #>
that's not very far away,I'll be there in a hour or 2
Thank you so much!


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keon would finish digging the hole and would gently pick up mira's corpse and gently lay it inside the hole, tears streaming down his face slightly. He would fold Mira arms over her chest and would close her eyes giving her the appreance that she was in deep sleep. keon with blurry cission and shaking slightly, would take the combat knife he gave her and gently lay it in one of her hands as if she is holding it and would take her knife. With more tears streaming down his face he would proceede to start barrying Raven body
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CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((gtg I'll see you guys in the morning good night!))=-=-


Yappi said:
(Yay ok... I'm sorry, won't happen again)
((Alrighty. Just.. try and maybe reread if you think it may not pass. Everyone, including myself, had problems with this from time to time. No worries, just take your time, it'll become easier before you know it.))
"Those wolves don't make a howl like that for nothing, that and she would have come back by now if she was alive. It's good to hope but to hope at a almost determined outcome just leads to disappointment."

((Yes he's a drunk but he's not dumb, after this long and The wolf guy rushing out along with the howls. He is pretty sure so as a man who is negative at these things it's his first prediction.))
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"The kid will be alright Jason, we may be getting a new survivor soon" I open my flip phone and hand it to Jaso showing him the text
once finished barying Raven he would place a wooden cross made outmof sticks on the grave and would procede to fall to his knee from tirdness. after half a hour of staring at mira grave keon would get up on shakey legs and would stumble down the hill to where the slab of concrete was, and would stick his arm underneath the slab beggining to search for what Raven said.
Jason looked at the phone and smiled "We going on a rescue mission for this survivor," he stood up.

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Skylyn was limping along the edge of the road, sweat streaming down her face and her scarf was tan and covered in soot and zombie blood. She limped on a hand made cane and stuck her splinted leg out and hobbled along. She hated the fact of going back into the city, but she needed to get to the pharmacy. Injured, dehydrated, and alone, she would die without meds. Sky pushed passed a few straggling walkers, ready as she ever would be if something came after her.
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