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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jaqluin looked through her backpack again. Useless, Useless, don't know what it is. Jaqluin's hunger was growing and she had just eaten 2 hours ago! Jaqluin took out her iPhone and began to text to hopefully someone alive.

Unkown Number
Hello is anyone at the end of this? If yes please respond!


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*bsss bsss* what the hell my flip phone hasn't gone off in ages, I check the phone and see the text. "Not my problem"
Keon would continue to shake Raven shoulder in denial chanting "no.no..no" But like how the sun must set and the moon must rise, it all came crashing down onto Keon the reality. Hugging Raven corpse tightly he would lift his head would cry to the heavens, his tears streaming down his face his cries of pain and sadness ringing Cleary everywhere. The wolfs ears would flatten down to its head and it would lift its head and howl loudly being heard to the mansion the howl spoke of sadness and pain for its self and its master.
Kira watched Keon go. She had a bad feeling about this. Raven...she would have been back by now. Something was wrong. She went and slumped into a chair as she thought. Something was definitely up. She was sure of it. When she heard the wolf's howl, she straightened again. "Something happened"
I hear the howls "Shiiiiet Ravens dead, and I liked her too. Oh well it's the way here, still depressing though" I go to the roof a cry a little for the loss of a dear friend
keon would cry and howl in pain for a half hour the tears stop flowing down his face. he would just clutch into raven dead body "this........is my falt" he would say barely above a whisper his voice hurting from all the crying, he would rest his head on raven shoulder and silently weep.
Jason and Threat hears this and stop what they are doing "Something happened and I don't know what it is, but I know it is bad," Jason walks with Threat to the front gate.

"According to my calculations...I'm going to need some help."

Appearance: View attachment 259479

(The eyes would be Brown instead and she wouldn't look insane)

Name: Jaqluin (Jack-lin) Bors (Boars)

Nick: Jaq-Jaq

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 3"4

Age: 10

Crush: Nobody

Personality: She's a sassy girl who's never worked a day in her life (unless you count whining). She'll start of being her sassy self but after a few hours she'll turn a lot nicer. Jaqluin is Known to be a big Blabbermouth so try not to trust her with any secrets. She is also really smart at science for her age.

Weapons: Syring and her heavy backpack

Leader of some sort of group: None

Likes: Teenagers, new science sets, getting spoiled, and her parents

Dislikes: Working (unless if it's science), kids, Things not going her way, Zombies, and sports.

Bio: Jaqluin was a pretty normal girl if you count being rich and really smart as normal. Jaqluin's parents were the very well known Nicole Bors and Nate Bors and if you don't know who they are well they created the cure for cancer! After that they became rich so Jaqluin was used to having everything handed to her. They also home schooled Jaqluin because they were worried of her having teachers who weren't as smart as they were. When Jaqluin was 8 years old she remebered her parents talking about some big research assingment from the government and how it would be the next big thing. 5 weeks after Jaqluin turned 10 her parents brought her into a room fully made from steel and that could only be opened from the inside. There they explained to Jaqluin that someone had broken in to the test facuility and somehow created zombies. 5 weeks later they were at there last bit of rations. The parents looked to see that the zombies were waiting for them outside. Seeing no chance of survival they gave Jaqluin a piece of paper that was hopefully the cure but not there was still a few things missing. The parents took a backpack and put the last of the rations, syringe, science equipment, a list of the cure (hopefully), and anything else Jaqluin should need. Her parents then opened the door and yelled "run!" All Jaqluin can remember hearing is the sounds of pain and a human screaming in pain. Jaqluin didn't go far and hid in one of the apple stores and has been hiding in it since then.

Other: She was spoiled rotten as a kid so she has an iPhone.

-=-=((One of the parents is still alive if anyone is interested in roleplaying as them))=-=-


Jaqluin heard her ringtone go off and saw someone responded. Jaqluin smiled so much to see it wasn't a waste of time. She also was relieved to see 1 more hour 'till dinner.

Unknown #
Hello is anyone at the end of this? If yes please respond!
Yea,where are you
OMG thank god someone responded! I'm in an Apple Store. Here I'll share my location.
<Jaqluin Bors shared their location with Unknown #>


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Her shoulders drooped as the melancholy howls reverberated every spare atom it could. Her eyes closed and she shook her head. Wolves had many howls, and many moods to accompany them. Just the feeling they gave off would awaken a sense of quizzical dread in almost anything that had ears. This time.. the questioning trepeditions would turn to hurt, despair, perhaps guilt and longing... depression, sadness, anger.. How a single sound could produce so many different emotions is hard to describe, never mind trying to find out how.
as keon was crying slightly a piece of paper would fall out of mira pockets, Keon would pick it up with tearstained face and blood shot eyes henwould open and it read, his eyes would widen slightly and fresh tears would leak out of his eyes, the note said

"If you find this, more then likely I'm dead. My one request is that you are not to mourn over my death. To Keon in particular, Thank you for being there my whole life. You were my best of friend. Even through this hell we call earth. I hope you aren't talking my death to hard. I do, however have a gift for you. Please, return to the spot we met. You fill find it under a slab of concrete. -Mira"

keon would clench the card fresh tears leaking out of his blood shot crimson eyes.
Threat heard the buzzing as it went to the roof to relax "What do you got there, someone calling you. Who is it, are they someone you know," the kid ask very curious and interested.

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Two glanced over at the kid and narrowed her eyes. She slowly sat up to signify she was indeed there.

@White Shamrock
"Thanks kid, I just can't believe Ravens gone.... I need a drink" I go to my bag and get my bottle whisky, before I go down stairs I answer the text "that's not very far away,I'll be there in a hour or 2" I could get there much sooner but I want to drink first
keon would fet up slowly and gently pick up raven corpse and walking to the place they first meet his black trench coat blowing in the wind his crimson sull and looked shattred, the walkers would not attack them because Raven corpse masked keon sent
They looked over for a second and says "Look meanie 2 is up here, ya chocolate hater, Jason told me you were a sniper, and your name," they stick out there tongue while walking to the hatch, it looks at AJ "Can I come, please," they yell down.

Enmyira Yappi
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