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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She put one hand around his waist, smiling up at him slightly. She looked at Amber. "You asked a question, and added a demand to the end of it. He only had to answer the question. Not give into the demand. He could totally bullshit it if he wanted to." She pointed out nonchalantly.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]Jason smiled "Good I don't want my team trying to commit suicide, also what is a Santa," he asks confused.
@White Shamrock

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Threat walks in hearing the conversation "Zombie Santa isn't real aww," it looks sad and sits on the coach refusing to get up.

Jason heard this and frowned "Zombies Santa isn't real aww," he looks sad and sits on the couch not wanting to get up.


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I would turn my head to face Jason and threat "who knows maybe he is real, if the dead can walk then I believe anything is possible" @White Shamrock
They get up and walk out "I am going to the garden, tell me when AJ's ass is kicked," Jason gives Keon a thumbs up.

Threat follows him "I gonna go grow strawberries, and apples," Threat runs out as well.

Yappi Slasher999999999
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"It wasn't at the end it was the 2nd word!" Amber's breath sped up again. Amber turned her head to Keon, "answer this honestly, What happened from you getting hit into the wall from the demolisher attack on the day you rescued me to now? That is my question, do you need me to explain this also?!"


She bit the inside of her lip and laughed, preparing for Keon's smartass answer. She knew it was coming, and decided to let him say it. Not her.
sighing "again you are demanding me to be 'honest', Tell me last time I check was me having to tell the truth in the deal yes or no answer" @Brianna Ackerman
"Lets stop this drama, i hate this shit. He survived, be happy that he didnt die" i Get up and follow Jason into the courtyard " And Keon if you ever want to spar just ask.

@White Shamrock
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Amber calmed her self down and breathed in and out at a normal speed again. "I'm sorry for getting upset Keon I should've not gotten mad. You are right." Amber took a deep breath."To show I'm truly sorry could you follow me?"


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I look from the door frame"Have fun...,what am i saying Keon will have lots of it getting laid and all" i laugh and finally step out of ear shot
CellistCat606 said:


Amber calmed her self down and breathed in and out at a normal speed again. "I'm sorry for getting upset Keon I should've not gotten mad. You are right." Amber took a deep breath."To show I'm truly sorry could you follow me?"


(.............that right their is suspicious as hell.................. but what the hell)
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Jason and Threat were both in the garden, working. Jason sees AJ and waves "Want to help, we just killed a squirrel rooting through the garden.

Threat smiles waving at AJ "Sansy really likes squirrels," it smiles as the cat continued to eat the squirrel.

She quietly started humming. Her head tilted and she looked out into the forest. After a few moments she brought out the music box heart and wound it up. A small smile pushed onto her lips as she listened.. "next time, I'm putting music box on my to-find list.." she murmured to herself.

((@GeneralPost. Meaning read or not, doesn't really matter too much))
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