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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Threat tiled its head "How come, are they going to-" before he could say anything Jason did a stop signal

He smiled "He is just joking, RIGHT," he said watering the plants.

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"ehhhhhh i dont know if they really will or not just a prediction." I shrug"of course then again Keon might turn her down, but that would be a damn shame"
Yappi said:
"Uhhhh you may be hearing squeaky bed springs later from Keon/Amber's room, just sayin"
{it's Keon and Kira that are a thing, not he and Amber. xD He damn near got laid by Kira earlier, but they were interrupted. }


"Thank you follow me." Amber walks to the garden and sees the little boy and thinks "maybe he cares about the next generation." Amber crouches down to the little boys level. Amber looks the boy in the eye with a warm smile and asks "I would like to tell you a very important lesson," Amber turns her head and looks at Keon with an evil grin then turns back to the boy with a warm smile. "Remeber that battle Keon and I had? Well we also put a bet on it. Since I won I got to ask him 3 questions. For every single question I asked he lied, so here's your lesson if you ever get upset just lie it's what uncle Keon did." Amber pats the boy on the head with a warm smile. She then looks at Keon "Thank you for letting me show you how sorry I am," she says with a smirk. Amber then goes inside the house leaving Keon behind.

-=-=((@White Shamrock))=-=-


She stifled a yawn and stretched her arms high above her head. Yet again she did a whole lot of nothing. It was getting boring around here. Everyone was engaged with each other, so she really didn't want to just barge in. It was Rude.
CellistCat606 said:
"Thank you follow me." Amber walks to the garden and sees the little boy and thinks "maybe he cares about the next generation." Amber crouches down to the little boys level. Amber looks the boy in the eye with a warm smile and asks "I would like to tell you a very important lesson," Amber turns her head and looks at Keon with an evil grin then turns back to the boy with a warm smile. "Remeber that battle Keon and I had? Well we also put a bet on it. Since I won I got to ask him 3 questions. For every single question I asked he lied, so here's your lesson if you ever get upset just lie it's what uncle Keon did." Amber pats the boy on the head with a warm smile. She then looks at Keon "Thank you for letting me show you how sorry I am," she says with a smirk. Amber then goes inside the house leaving Keon behind.
(I am siding with her xD )
"Well for how happy everyone is rations are really low, I'm going to head out soon with two"

@White Shamrock
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(......that's it....... xD I expected something much worse)

Keon would chuckle slightly "well kid that is where she is wrong she made a deal without being specific, putting blind faith in someone, the lesson of this story kid is make sure there are no loopholes when you make a deal especially in this world" Keon would ruffle his hair. "it could save your life one day"
((Dude, Rations are still pretty good. We just made two hella supply runs. One when a group when to an army base, the other with what 2 brought back. ))
shrugs "I never lied I just used the deal to my advantage their was no lying she is just upset she couldn't get her answers"
Threat looks at everyone "I am....something years old so I don't fall for a lesson, but my dad told me it is bad to lie or not keep your promise Mr.Weirdo," the kid continues to water the strawberries.

Slasher999999999 CellistCat606
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Slasher999999999 said:
(......that's it....... xD I expected something much worse)
Keon would chuckle slightly "well kid that is where she is wrong she made a deal without being specific, putting blind faith in someone, the lesson of this story kid is make sure there are no loopholes when you make a deal especially in this world" Keon would ruffle his hair. "it could save your life one day"
Slasher999999999[/URL] CellistCat606
-=-=((But how do you know that Uncle Keon isn't lying right now? hmm?))=-=-

CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((But how do you know that Uncle Keon isn't lying right now? hmm?))=-=-
(Siding with Amber, so he meant Keon lying about how he survived, or not keeping his promise)
"well then you should follow your fathers example" he was about to walk into the mansion when he stopped. "wait where is Raven?" Keon would start to walk around the building looking for her, he would not find her anywhere in the mansion. "she may have been gone out but it has been to long I'm going to look for her" he would walk to the gate with the black alpha wolf following him, he would turn to Jason "Kira's in charge" he would say as he opened the gate and stepped outside and closed the gate and would start to following the wolf which had Raven sent.
after miles of walking the wolf would stop and would bark at a few zombies hovering over something eating what ever it was, Keon's eyes would widen and realization and would sprint and shoot the zombie downs and would slide down to the corpse.....It would be Raven corpse. Keon's eyes would widen and he would slowly shake his head "no...no....No....NO....NO!!!" he would grab Raven shoulder and start to shake it in denial "come on Raven this is a sick joke tell me it IS!!!!" you could hear the desperation in his voice.
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