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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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He kept shooting until his pistol clicked a few times, turning around, he ran. He didnt want to get rid of the gun just in case he found some ammunition anywhere. He still had a full clip for his Mp5 and many more full clips at that, but he doesn't use it unless he's training or in a bad situation. He ran into a clearing still getting chased by zombies. He turned around and looked at the in coming horde "Well I guess its time to get bloody. He started to shoot at the zombies with his Mp5. He ran into the horde as much of them died before he got their, He pulled out a medium sized military knife and started to cut, slash and dismember all the zombies. He was fighting them in the middle of the field.
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Keon would nod. "you should go take it easy you are pushing yourself and may cause your ribs to crack more if you keep moving around" Keon would say in a slightly gentle tone as he walked back to the mansion he would stop and turn to Jason "where is my sword, pistols and combat knife?" @White Shamrock
(Jason and Keon are standing near the gate entrance, 2 is on the roof sniping, Mira and AJ are heading back to the mansion. Amber is on the couch sleeping and Pyro is in a bed. and 2 unknown people (theplauge) have just got saved by me and Jason.)
Slasher999999999 said:
(Jason and Keon are standing near the gate entrance, 2 is on the roof sniping, Mira and AJ are heading back to the mansion. Amber is on the couch sleeping and Pyro is in a bed. and 2 unknown people (theplauge) have just got saved by me and Jason.)
(Where is Kira?)


Amber opened her eyes to see she was on a couch that was inside the mansion from earlier. Annoyance struck her when she realized that she never got her answer from Keon 2.0. Amber wondered to herself why no one else was questioning how he's alive again or how'd he got the new hair (where did the hair dye come from? When did he have the time?). Amber basically jumped up from the couch she was laying on and cleaned herself up a bit (basically just brushing the dirt off of her orange jumpsuit). After that she left the interior of the mansion and walked up to Keon whom was next to Jaskeleton? Amber then started to talk "So can you answer my questions now or are you going to need another year?"

-=-=((@White Shamrock))=-=-

With a sigh she relaxes for a moment. Well. She didn't let them die atleast.. and she had half a mind to go after the wolves, but decided it wouldn't be worth it. After all, that would be a waste of ammo. She laughed quietly at her own thoughts and shook her head.
Keon would turn around and look at her "you should get out of those prison cloths, their are woman cloths upstairs in the master bedroom to the right drawer" Keon would say looking at amber @White Shamrock
Brianna Ackerman]She looked at Amber. "Also known as my room. Come on. I'll show you." She handed Ashlie to Keon and motioned for her to follow. @Brianna Ackerman [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28386-cellistcat606/ said:
She pushed her hair out of her face and tied it back with a bandana she had. It usually was wrapped around her slingshot handle, but it had more purpose being on her head.
He started panting after his last slash toward a crawler. He looked around and saw mansion type house in the distance along with two little shining lights "Snipers?" He asked himself as more zombies were coming "Give me at least 5 minutes of a breather" He yelled to the zombies. He the shot at them while running toward the mansion like house. He hated the feeling of retreat or backing down.
Keon would gently hold onto Ashlie and rock her back and forth in his arms. His eyes would soften as he gazed at Ashlie, he would coo at her causing Ashlie to start to make adorable baby noises and try to reach out to grab his face with her stubby hands. @White Shamrock @Brianna Ackerman
Keon would stop cooing at Ashlie and gaze at Jason "I would say about a few weeks." Keon would go back to cooing at Ashlie. @White Shamrock
Jason is about to yell something but doesn't "Can I at least do stuff around the house, I want to be able to do something," he tips his hat and grumbles something.

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Movement. She sighed. Of course there would be more. "Alright then, back to work!" She said cheerily. She laid back down on the roof, getting her rifle ready. She exchanged clips and started to zero in. "Gotcha.." she murdered and inhaled. She waited a beat before starting to fire. One headshot. Two. Three- wait no.. four. "And.. five." She exhaled and let the last one fly, straight through the the side of it's eye at an angle. It flew out the other side in a semi bloody spray and lodged into a tree.


@Death Reaper
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"I'll go change as long as Updated Keon answers my questions when I get back," she said while looking at Keon. "Yes I'm a runaway prisoner, just ask Kira she seems to know everything about it." Amber then started tapping her right foot on the ground again.

-=-=((@Brianna Ackerman, @White Shamrock))=-=-

Keon shrug "that doesn't mean anything to me, what you have done before the apocalypse has no meaning at this moment only your actions right now will determine if you are trust worthy or not" @CellistCat606
"oh and Jason here" Keon would hold Ashlie in one hand and would take his other and shove it in his trench coat taking out a bottle of pain killers. He would then toss it to him "that should help with the pain" he would say as he goes back to rocking Ashlie gently in his arms with a small smile on his face. @White Shamrock
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Jason smiled "Thanks I need to relax for a little, can you water the new potatoes near the pond. I wanted to water them today but can't right now," he walks back into the house.

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Amber sighs, "I wish but some people aren't willing to give second chances." Amber then looked at Keon again. "Back to my first question, are you going to tell me how you're alive again and with white hair when I come back?" She let out another sigh.

-=-=((@Brianna Ackerman, @White Shamrock))=-=-

"hmmm we will see." he would turn around and head to the garden he would start to water the plants while holding Ashlie securely in the other arm. @CellistCat606
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