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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Hades sits down on the ground, cracking his knuckles and watching his sister. He scratches a bit at an open wound on his forearm, and tries to fend off the idea that it could become infected. "What're you cooking?"

Athena turns to look at her brother and gives an obviously fake smile. "Why do you think I'm cooking anything?"

"You made a fire."

"Yes, Hades, but if you will look closer, you will note that there is no lit fire."

Hades chuckles. "You said lit."

"Are you fucking kidding me," Athena growls, yanking a few blueberries from a bush and shoving them in her mouth. "If you're so hungry, go kill some poor, defenseless animal. I am content to not kill more than I have to."

Hades grins. "Tree-hugger," he says as he trots a bit deeper into the woods to hunt down a squirrel or something.

Athena flips him off as he walks away. "Such a douche."
JPTheWarrior said:
"You are trying to make a record?"
"No." Was all she said in reply. Her eyes traced down to the person outside. She watched through the scope, then heard the whistling and howls. Her eye brows quirked up, then something else caught her eye. Movement. Not z-like.

@theplagued @JPTheWarrior
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Hades continued traipsing the woods, searching for any signs of life. Should've brought Navi, he thought, regretting not having the bloodhound by his side. Navi always comforted him. Even though she wasn't large, she could smell literally anything in a thirty mile radius, including walkers. He blew out a breath and kept walking, oblivious to the people watching him.
theplagued said:
Hades continued traipsing the woods, searching for any signs of life. Should've brought Navi, he thought, regretting not having the bloodhound by his side. Navi always comforted him. Even though she wasn't large, she could smell literally anything in a thirty mile radius, including walkers. He blew out a breath and kept walking, oblivious to the people watching him.
She carefully tuned her scope and kept following the movement. A person. She smiled to herself, then she noticed more movement. She groaned and then took a deep breath in. It was a z. Following the human. She'd wait and keep an eye on it. She wasn't going to let this person die..
Enmyira said:
She carefully tuned her scope and kept following the movement. A person. She smiled to herself, then she noticed more movement. She groaned and then took a deep breath in. It was a z. Following the human. She'd wait and keep an eye on it. She wasn't going to let this person die..
Hades' footsteps were loud, leaves crackling violently beneath his feet. His assault rifle was hung over his shoulder as his eyes darted around, looking for a squirrel, a bird, a... Growl? He ripped the rifle from his shoulder and spun around, aiming it at the zombie. It was still a ways away, but that was no reason to let it live. He stomped up to it, raised the butt of his gun, and smashed it into the rotting skull o He f the walker. He then bent down, as he does after he kills anything, laid his hands upon the shattered skull and brain matter, and said, "I'm sorry for your passing." He then stood, wiped his hands on his pants, and continued walking again.
theplagued said:
Hades' footsteps were loud, leaves crackling violently beneath his feet. His assault rifle was hung over his shoulder as his eyes darted around, looking for a squirrel, a bird, a... Growl? He ripped the rifle from his shoulder and spun around, aiming it at the zombie. It was still a ways away, but that was no reason to let it live. He stomped up to it, raised the butt of his gun, and smashed it into the rotting skull o He f the walker. He then bent down, as he does after he kills anything, laid his hands upon the shattered skull and brain matter, and said, "I'm sorry for your passing." He then stood, wiped his hands on his pants, and continued walking again.
She snickered to herself and nodded. "Good job random man.." she mumbled and kept following him. She suddenly felt like a stalker and kind of regretted it..
keon would open the gate and 30 black wolves with crimson eyes would walk through looking around the mansion growling @Brianna Ackerman @White Shamrock
Jason saw the eyes and lifted his gun in the air signalling 2 "What the hell are those things," he said in a low voice." He stands there silent and frozen.

She immediately turned sighs and aimed at the first wolf. She was watching.. ready... if he signaled again, she would take it out..

@White Shamrock
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Hades heard footsteps behind him again, except these weren't slow. They were fast, panicky... He felt the weight of someone slam into him, shoving him forward. "Go, go, go," the shrill voice of Athena demanded, grabbing her brother and continuing to try and run. "Walkers," she breathed, yanking Hades' hand. He nodded and took off in the direction of a mansion.

"How many?" He asked.

"Six, seven."

"Why didn't you just get them?"

"I only have fucking katanas," she hissed. He nodded, still sprinting towards the mansion, Navi at their heels.
the wolves would approach kein, he would lift his hand up and place it on the wolfs head petting it. the would would push its head against keons hand and purr loudly the other wolves would start to rub up against keon purring @Brianna Ackerman @White Shamrock
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