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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She quickly backs away from the Zombies. Mowing over a few. When she gets into a clear area she turns around and faces twoards the exit. She blares her horn once again and waits for the rest of the hoard to leave the building.
(I can rp for a few minutes)

"That's good,been a while since I was in a group. And what's the matter?,hurt your ribs"
the hored would charge to the van amd surround ir preventing it from moving theynwould began banging on the window causing cracks to form
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She trys toove the van but it won't budge. She swears loudly and slams her fist into the steering wheel. She makes her way to the back of the van and tries to push the doors open. Those wouldn't budge either. She sits down in the back of the van, trying to think of what she can do.
"Yeah, we got into a scuffle with some huge mother fuckers and i think one cracked my ribs." He'd pull up to the front door. "Go inside and make yourself at home, but dont wake anyone up." He'd walk inside and plop himself on a couch.
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"Ok and for the future I'm a ok carpenter and even have a hammer in my bag" I sit on on a small mat that I layered out and fall asleep, haven't slept in at least 28 hours
Two was enjoying some alone time, on the roof.... with a can of peaches. The whisky still buzzed around in her system a bit and made her feel a bit nauseous. She wasn't drunk but, anything just a little mentally altering hit her a bit harder than usual. "Ick.." she grumbled to herself and dug out a slippery syrupy peach with her fingers.
After a short 4 hours I woke up, after the first few months of the zombie apocalypse I adapted to run on less sleep. I decide to wonder around a bit,maybe talk with the folks, I see most people are healing or resting so I just kinda wander
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Enmyira said:
Two was enjoying some alone time, on the roof.... with a can of peaches. The whisky still buzzed around in her system a bit and made her feel a bit nauseous. She wasn't drunk but, anything just a little mentally altering hit her a bit harder than usual. "Ick.." she grumbled to herself and dug out a slippery syrupy peach with her fingers.
(It was vodka sorry i have to correct you for the motherland)
(I don't exactly know what to do so I'll just, talk to the other peeps. Maybe that two girl)
I decided to walk up to the roof and maybe watch from above, I open the door to see a woman. I don't think she's asleep, I think she's buzzed
((She only had one shot.))

Someone was noisy. She scowled and glaredrug over at the noisy person. After assuring that it was seen she just turned her head back to watch the z's and munch on another piece.
Hm I don't think she cares to meet someone new so I decide to leave, maybe drink some whisky of my own until other people wake up
She growled, glaring at him. "You're making me run out of patience. Do you know what it's like to fall in love with someone, and then have to see his half eaten corpse?"she snapped. "No. You're young, you didn't have to experience that. Now, please leave me alone to think for a while. I can handle myself. You don't know what I did before this. Equal amounts of danger. I'll be fine." She turned her horse around and began going off. After a while of riding, she came across a building that looked like an old military base. Nearing, she jumped off the horse and grabbed a gun. "What the hell is this?" She sensed a presence near her, and cocked the gun. There were no Biters nearby. This must have been a human.
He'd take a drink out of the bottle of vodka and look at the man. "So whats your name?" He'd then proceed to pour some more mixture into his flamethrower.
"Names Anthony,but you can call me AJ. So what's yours"

I take a long swig of my whisky"by the way vodka is a great choice my friend,cheers"
She reaches to pinch another peach but all she grabs is juice. With a slight sigh licks off her sticky fingers and wipes them on her pants. Her eyes watch the z's for a few more minutes before slowly drinking the almost to sweet peach remnants. After the can is set aside with a slightly dull clang, she pulls out her sling-shot and a gear. She's never tried hitting a z from this distance.. it would be neat. With a small smile she loads the gear and pulls the sling back. After taking aim she lets it go. It oddly whistles slightly as it sails through the wind, and lands slightly off mark, but still downs the z regardless.
Jason woke up from the couch "Jesus, that was a crazy dream," he wipes blood away from his mouth, he gets up looking around.
"Mornin sunshine" I say with a slur extremely drunk after drinking almost a whole bottle of Jack just realizing seconds after I don't know this man
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