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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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James sees a phone on the ground and picked it up. James was desperate for the situation and began to dial his mom. "Wait a sec.. do I have a mom? Anyway, I will call a random person..." James pressed random buttons on the phone and waited for the person to respond. But they won't respond after he waited for a few seconds. "Urgh... They are probably not at home...." James tossed the Samsung Galaxy onto the ground and kicked it elsewhere into the sky. He sees zombies coming towards his way to the train station. "No way... they also know where I'm heading!" James started to run.
James trips then falls and continues running from the zombies. "Shit... they are everywhere!" James headed for the slide in the park.
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purplepanda288 said:
Amy smiled, though the baby made her uncomfortable. Mostly cuz of the food shortages that would face them. " Let's get a move on." She pulled on him, toward the door
Jason followed her, happy he had found someone in the apocalypse, "I know of a ride around here if you are in for it," he shrugs playing with Ashlie.

(Welp, I think Cole is going to be pissed when he wakes up xD )

Boe said:
Avery sighed, and rested his head on hers. He would have put his arm around her, but she went to his left side... Somehow he knew he'd never be the same after all of this... Losing his wrist... Losing Keon... It was sad... Avery looked over at Mira, and his face brightened up. Hey... At least I have Mira... He thought, as he turned his full body to face her. He put his arms around her, and pulled her into a gentle hug, a few tears falling from his face. He didn't know if they were happy, or sad tears...
She looked up at Avery and smiled into the hug. She reached her arm up and wiped the tears from his face. She put her head back down and leaned against his chest. "Avery." She said quietly. "Why do you think all of this happened?" She says backing away looking out into the destruction of the city. "Were we being punished?" She said looking back at him. She wanted to say something else but couldn't find the words she sat down an leaned on the raining.

(Sorry missed it ;- ;)
James stopped running and sits on the slide. "Man.... I'm tired..." he said and started looking at his bruises on his legs. They are small but he ran out of energy to run. His hands was all dirty from landing on the ground. He also is very confused that he may be a serial killer since there were proof.
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Mira1 said:
She looked up at Avery and smiled into the hug. She reached her arm up and wiped the tears from his face. She put her head back down and leaned against his chest. "Avery." She said quietly. "Why do you think all of this happened?" She says backing away looking out into the destruction of the city. "Were we being punished?" She said looking back at him. She wanted to say something else but couldn't find the words she sat down an leaned on the raining.
(Sorry missed it ;- ;)
Avery continued watching her, and eventually looked down, with a sigh, "It was humanity being cocky..." He explained, as he looked out with her, "Is it just the U.S.? Does anyone know?" He asked, knowing she wouldn't know. There was nothing on the news after it initially started... He didn't wait for an answer, and he walked back into the room, taking off his shirt, and his gear, before laying down in the bed. He stared at the ceiling, with a slight smile. @Mira1
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After a huge marathon, James has become very tired, but thirsty. The drinking tap was nearby and his legs were all worn out. James is still panting from exhaustion.
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Ash had just finished scavenging through a tall building, a few stories tall, it was risky so she decided not to go on any floors, but 1 and 2. She was with a group at the beginning. But after a few months most of them were gone. So she decided it was best to go on her own. She hasn't seen anyone since the beginning she was beginning to think she was the last one left... Ash started walking away from the building, her eyes fall on to an ally as she walks past, part of her wants to take it. But she has learned the streets are safe. Ash start to walk away when a low growl comes from the shadows. The smell of rotten eggs, a dead cat and stale vomit catch her off guard and she doubles over like she is about to puke. The smell gets stronger, the growling comes closer and Ash decides to leave...
(Well im change it to a month and it's going to slowly sink in I won't be sitting there and like throwing Godzilla at youXD)
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She sighed and stood from where she was sitting. She walked into the room without saying anything. Mira had began to take off her shirt, she looked back at Avery nervously. "Do uhh... Do you mind?" She says pulling her shirt back down. She blushed slightly and looked away, afraid of what his response would be. @Boe
"The knife... All the dead people... and everyone is after me... I really must be the serial killer... But am I really the killer? They may know my internet history and they probably got my mom..." James muttered.
Avery yawned a bit, "Go for it." He said, not actually looking at her to know what she was talking about. He simply responded, not thinking it to be too much of a worry. @Mira1
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