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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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The alpha wolf that was leaning against the wall would whine while breathing heavily gazing at the unregonizable corpses whining more with sadness in its crimson eyes, blood would be underneath dog showing that was wounded badly its breathing would become more shallow (this dog is the only living thing connected to Keon all the other wolves belonging to Keon are dead)
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"Don't fucking touch me!" she grabbed Keon's pistol and pointed it at Avery, her eyes were puffy and red. Pain filled her eyes and she winced at the gut feeling in her stomach. She wanted to vomit, but held everything in besides her tears. She looked down at Keon's corpse and gave another heart wrenching sob before dropping the gun to her side and gently grabbed Keon's bloody hand. She held if for a second until her vision got blurry and she sat on the ground next to him. Ignoring Avery was even there.
She had to look away from the scene. She couldn't handle this. If they'd come only a little earlier, they had a chance of saving him. They'd been so close. So close. Taking her ceremonial sword from its scabbard at her hip, she held it in both hands. She slowly brought it above her head, making someone think she was going to stab it. But she didn't.

She brought the sword down hard, burying it into the ground and fell to her knees, still holding the hilt in both hands. Tears came to her eyes. Thunder rolled in and it slowly began to rain, masking the tears that fell from her eyes as she sobbed, her shoulders shaking. As she let go of the blade, she took one of his pistols from her pocket, and put it by the weapon.

"Why" came her voice, choking on its own words. "Why do I lose everyone I love? First Matthieu, now him. Can I not get a break?" Now she was screaming. "I don't care if I died! There's nothing I can do in this world anyways! I'm a horrible mother, a horrible person, everything! But not Keon. He was nice, and he gave two shits about me. He made me love again." She continued to sob.

Her voice dropped as she spoke again. "If I died right now, I wouldn't care. Ashlie would be in better hands, and I'd be at rest. I would be happy. I would be with him."
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Avery sighed, and walked over to the dog, "H-Hey, pup..." He said, as he stroked his cheek. He looked down at his wounds, and sighed. "Sorry, pup... I-I can't remember your name... Silly me..." He said, with a weak smile, as tears continued to sneak down his face. He looked back to Keon's remains, and then back to the wolf... "Keon..." He said quietly, to the dog. He stood up slowly, and picked up the dog, attempting not to hurt his wounds, He brought him over by the girls, and sat down, treating his wounds silently, tears streaming down his face
(more deaths now) the wolf would struggle free from Avery grasp and painfully limb over to Keon's deceased body and curl up next to it slowly closing its eyes
[QUOTE="White Shamrock](Wait who would raise her if you died?)

{*sighs* probably Jason or sky. Anyone but Avery}
Avery's eyes widened, as he saw the wolf's chest stop rising. He got to his knees, and reached out to him slowly, before collapsing , and sobbing loudly, gripping one of the bricks on the ground with all his strength, cutting his hand badly.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock](Jason was found as...odd)

[QUOTE="White Shamrock](still is but now he is a little dangerous, and more agile)

Why Amber is going to be either hated or on the to kill list

1. She was either a murderer or was framed for murder at age 6.

2. She's been in jail for 10 years.

3. If she never was picked up then Keon wouldn't have been at the area at that bad time.

4. She's a liar, teaser, prankster, deceiver, and doesn't have that much good traits.

5. She is handcuffed and wearing a prisoner's outfit.

What I do in my spare time
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She took out her own gun and cocked it. She slowly put her finger on the trigger. "I can't do this" she said quietly. "Keep living like this. I just can't bear the idea that everyone I care about dies." She paused. "I care about everyone here. If I keep living, all of you will die as well. This is the best thing I can do. Please, do me one last favor, and raise Ashlie to be a strong girl for me. Make sure she's loved, and she knows she was by her father and I. Don't let this world corrupt her."
Miles away a unknown figure would stumble clutching a sword in its hand as it continued to stumble his cloths would be a mess (now don't get to exited I have decided to do another coin flip to determine if Keon is alive or dead this char will ether be Keon or a new char I have just made up)
(Time for some mental play now) Kira would hear what sounded like Keon "You have things more important to live and worry for then me" voice would fade away.
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