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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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JJKab said:
Angela looked confused at Mia
"Huh?" She looked at the car, and widened her eyes

"Jesus Christ! Let's go!" Angela started running towards the zombies, pulling out her knife.
Mia ran after Angela and pulled out her little dagger. "Those two men as still in the car! We can't let them die!" She rushed towatds the zombies and started stabbing them in the head the best she could. "No time for questions @billthesomething! Are you two alright? @billthesomething @Kenjinx" She hopped on a zombies back and started hitting it with her fists. "GO AWAY ZOMBIE."
Angela quickly ran up to zombie Mia was on, and quickly stabbed it in it's head, frightened as hell about her.

"Mia! No! Stay Back!" She ran up to next zombie, and backstabbed it, then stabbed it in it's eye, disabling it.
JJKab said:
Angela quickly ran up to zombie Mia was on, and quickly stabbed it in it's head, frightened as hell about her.
"Mia! No! Stay Back!" She ran up to next zombie, and backstabbed it, then stabbed it in it's eye, disabling it.
Mia fell down when the zombie did with an "oof" and giggled. "That was fun... " She saw a zombie approaching her and froze. "BAD ZOMBIE." She stabbed it in the stomach, but her dagger got stuck. She pulled at it and started to get scared. "Uhhhh sisty???"
Crow hacked away zombies with his shotgun having pulled it out of his bag, BANG! He shot one that closed in on Mia "GET BACK IN THE CAR!" he didn't mean to shout but a child had no place in dealing with zombies @Talia xP
Angela looked behind her, as she shrieked, covering her ears when she heard the shotgun blast. She staggered, but started running towards Mia. She quickly grabbed her, and ran towards the car, having troubles with breathing.
JJKab said:
Angela looked behind her, as she shrieked, covering her ears when she heard the shotgun blast. She staggered, but started running towards Mia. She quickly grabbed her, and ran towards the car, having troubles with breathing.
Mia looked confused and looked up at Angela as they got in the car. She frowned at @billthesomething, wanting to help fight in one way, but in another way was too terrified. She was startled when she heard the glass windows starting to crack from the weight of the zombies. She whimpered, "WE NEED TO GO..."
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Angela nodded, as she quickly turned on the engine, and put her foot on the gas pedal, pushing it with full force.

The car's tires screeched, as the car blasted forward, knocking almost all zombies off the car. The one zombie on the windshield stayed for a while, before Angela shook it off with one swift turn. Mia was still on her knees.

After all of this, Angela had troubles with breathing, coughing. Her shirt was covered in zombie's blood, and her eyes were slightly glossy.
Talia xP]Mia looked confused and looked up at Angela as they got in the car. She frowned at [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26979-billthesomething/ said:
@billthesomething[/URL], wanting to help fight in one way, but in another way was too terrified. She was startled when she heard the glass windows starting to crack from the weight of the zombies. She whimpered, "WE NEED TO GO..."
"Just Go I'll Be fine i have traveled long enough on my own!" he shouted to them, he had no attachment to them and he trusted woman to aid the child in whatever way she can, Crow slammed the butt of his shotgun into the face of a zombie then blasted the zombies head with a shot from his gun
When Crow shooted the gun again, Angela shrieked, starting to cough louder. The pain in her lungs was slowly starting to be unbereable.
JJKab said:
Angela nodded, as she quickly turned on the engine, and put her foot on the gas pedal, pushing it with full force.
The car's tires screeched, as the car blasted forward, knocking almost all zombies off the car. The one zombie on the windshield stayed for a while, before Angela shook it off with one swift turn. Mia was still on her knees.

After all of this, Angela had troubles with breathing, coughing. Her shirt was covered in zombie's blood, and her eyes were slightly glossy.
"You look like a good person... we won't leave you. @billthesomething" She smiled. "I'm Mia." She reached out her hand, but with the sharp turns, she tumbled in the back seat and hit her head on the door. "Ouch." She crawled up in the seat and buckled her belt. "Are you okay Sisty?"
Angela shook her head, coughing

"N-No... i can't breathe" She mumbled quietly, lookign for a place to stop the car. Mia could see that Angela's hands were shaking.
JJKab said:
Angela shook her head, coughing
"N-No... i can't breathe" She mumbled quietly, lookign for a place to stop the car. Mia could see that Angela's hands were shaking.
Mia's eyes widened. "Sisty pull over!" She grabbed her satchel and tried to remember what her mother said. "Do you have any problems?" She grabbed the bottle she showed Angela earlier and shook it.
Hartley had still been facing the driver's side when the commotion happened, kicking at one of the zombies that had tried to slip through. He scooted over to the passenger seat as Angela started the car and began to drive, looking back around the car.

"Are you all right?" His words were cut off by the increasingly loud coughs coming from Angela, prompting him to shift his gaze over to her.

"Hell, it was the noise. That's why she can't breathe." Hartley peered out to the road, trying to figure out where they were and where there could be a safe place.

"Over there, near that garage." He pointed towards what seemed to be an abandoned house, one with a small garage that had been left open.
Angela turned left towards the garage, and drove into it, and nearly immidietely shut off the engine.

"I... My lungs hurt like hell.." She mumbled, breathing heavily, letting go of the steering wheel, holding her throat with one hand. Her face was distorted with pain.
JJKab said:
Angela turned left towards the garage, and drove into it, and nearly immidietely shut off the engine.
"I... My lungs hurt like hell.." She mumbled, breathing heavily, letting go of the steering wheel, holding her throat with one hand. Her face was distorted with pain.
"So... like a panic attack? @Kenjinx " Mia was scared. She would do anything to save Angela. "Sisty... drink some of this... it may not completely help, but it should help some... PLEASE..." Mia started to tear up, and looked up at Angela. "Don't die..." she whispered.
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Hartley looked over to Mia and her satchel, idly sheathing his knife that he had pulled out earlier.

"What is that, medicine?" He shifted his gaze between the two before responding to Mia.

"I don't know, might be somethin' like that. I just know what causes it and what it does. I saw it happen to her before."
Angela slowly looked over at Mia, and forced a small smile on her face

"I-I-I w-w-won't d-die... sweatie" She was still coughing, but it seemed to slowly go away.

"I-I'll just rest... for a-cough- bit..." She added, slowly looking at the front windshield, closing her eyes.
Kenjinx said:
Hartley looked over to Mia and her satchel, idly sheathing his knife that he had pulled out earlier.
"What is that, medicine?" He shifted his gaze between the two before responding to Mia.

"I don't know, might be somethin' like that. I just know what causes it and what it does. I saw it happen to her before."
Crow slammed the garage door shut "My Bag might have some medicine i raided a hospital not long ago" he threw the bag over to Hartley
JJKab said:
Angela slowly looked over at Mia, and forced a small smile on her face
"I-I-I w-w-won't d-die... sweatie" She was still coughing, but it seemed to slowly go away.

"I-I'll just rest... for a-cough- bit..." She added, slowly looking at the front windshield, closing her eyes.
Mia nodded. "Yes, mom said this helps when people have res... respurratt... resporitary... problems." She couldn't quite get the name. She looked over at Angela and shouted, "NO... DON'T GO TO SLEEP!" Mia flipped out, sobbing uncontrollably. "M-mom... went to s-sleep... and never came back..." she curled up in Angela's lap and cried.
Angela looked at Mia, shocked from what she heard

"S-s-She... she died?" She said, really suprised. She slowly hugged Mia

"Shhhhhh... i'm okay... i won't go asleep..." She was stroking Mia's hair with her hand, shaking slightly

"Don't cry... or i'll cry too, sweatpie..." Angela was slowly getting back to her senses.
JJKab said:
Angela looked at Mia, shocked from what she heard
"S-s-She... she died?" She said, really suprised. She slowly hugged Mia

"Shhhhhh... i'm okay... i won't go asleep..." She was stroking Mia's hair with her hand, shaking slightly

"Don't cry... or i'll cry too, sweatpie..." Angela was slowly getting back to her senses.
She sniffled, "I t-told you they died from zombies... but mommy said she was fine.. a-and... told me she was just going to s-sleep..." Mia cried quietly, relieved that Angela was okay, but now remembering the scene of her parents dying.
Angela slowly started to cry, sad that she let Mia to this state

"I'm sorry... i'm sorry about your parents... and i'm sorry that i made you cry" She said, shaking slightly.
JJKab said:
Angela slowly started to cry, sad that she let Mia to this state
"I'm sorry... i'm sorry about your parents... and i'm sorry that i made you cry" She said, shaking slightly.
Mia sniffled and hugged Angela, trying to comfort her as well. Mia was now drained, and fell asleep doing this.

(I'll be right back.)
Hartley caught the bag, opening it up and walking over to set it on a small table that was in the garage.

"I didn't see anything around, but I'm not sure if this place is clear. I don't know how long her symptoms are gonna last." He rummaged through the bag as he spoke. "Doesn't seem like they need anything right now." Hartley looked back over to Angela and Mia as they hugged, not interrupting.

"Do you know anything about this town up ahead?" He closed the bag up, walking over to the Crow as he spoke to him and handing his belongings back.
Angela quietly kissed Mia on her forehead, as she smiled slightly.

"L-L-Let's get out to the house.. i'll go have some rest" She said, slowly getting out of the car, carrying Mia. She was sobbing quietly.
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