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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"Fatass is a weaboo?" He asked, surprised, as he dropped his spoon in his large bowl of cereal, "AND Fatass is American? Today is full of surprises!" He said, before taking another spoonful of cereal.
He smiles "He could have been on my strange obsession," he reminisces "I loved that show."
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"Sir @Mask, if you're sad about your pillow, I could fix it up for you. My sister taught me how to sew, where is it at?" (This otaku must have his body pillow at all time xD )

-Edit: I never said this-
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"Actually, I'm not a weaboo. The term refers to someone obsessed with Asian culture and anime on an extreme level. I just enjoyed it." She said. "And I'd prefer you not call me that. I'd also prefer if you didn't swear around my child."

She paused. "And yes. I am American. I was an American ambassador to France. So, I was in charge of diplomatic affairs. I prevented so much crap, you should be thanking me."
"Whatever, Weaboo." He said, with a small laugh, as he got up and went to the kitchen. He threw his bowl in the sink, and threw himself back onto the couch
(I'm gonna try to go to bed, the medication is starting to kick in and I'm feeling drowsy. Nighty night everyone!)
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"Welp, I am going to hit the hey, night" he sleep on one of the couches, as he begins to doze.

(Night everyone see you tomorrow :) )
She practically growled. Standing up she made an announcement. "I am going to bed, as I just pushed a tiny human out of my body, and I am tired. Please refrain from waking me up." She turned to Keon. "Can you please watch her for a bit? I'll take her later. All I really need is an hour. Thanks" she said tiredly before going upstairs and laying down.

{I gotta go to bed. I'm fucking tired. Night guys!}
(I'm now all alone... It seems I have a different time zone compared to you guys...)

Steven headed into a random room that has a bed on the side, so he can sit on the ground and lean his back to the bed. He approached the woman's room who have dragged him to go inside. Steven than began and sat beside it while hugging his knees. He sat there dead quiet without making a sound.
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(Congratulations team, we mad it to 150 pages on a thread, now hit the showers. I want double tomorrow)
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(gtg and let everybody know that Steven has become fully disobedient. If anybody would try to bother him, he just sits there. Now time to hop off this RP...)
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