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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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@Tessa Roberts

"Ah, I technically answered half your question." He replied with a smirk. "Why did I just say that?" he asked himself, closing his eyes for a second. "Derek. Derek Grimm, Special Agent with the FBI. Or rather was." he sighed as he slowly lowered his hand to fetch his badge from his belt to show her. "I guess that really doesn't matter anymore, eh?"
Avery shrugged Mira off, obviously pissed, "Goddamn, Mira, I'm not going anywhere." He said, as he walked back up the stairs.
With immense speed, she had slammed him against a wall. "You listen to me, and you listen to me well. You come in here, insulting me and my unborn child, as well as the man that saved my life. If you can't deal with the fact that life fuckig happens, and that you can't exactly control it, maybe you should get in the real world. So, I suggest you get your head out of your ass and control yourself. Before I get angry." The French accent made her sound even more menacing.
Corin sighed and lifted her gun away from his head "I don't kill unless they're moaning brains. You'll just have to be an exception." She strung her gun on her back. " Names Corin. No special titles there." @Yuri Reeka
[QUOTE="White Shamrock](Don't french accents make anything menacing :) )

{they can be pretty scary. And Russian ones. I know mine makes everything sound rucking scary. I scare people without meaning to all the time.}
He pushed her off, and onto the couch, "Woman, touch me again, and I will kill you, and your child, hear me?" He exclaimed, with a booming voice, as he took out his axe, and threw it, landing in the couch next to her.
Jason points guns at the back of his head "That is damn dis-respectable Avery back west ya get hanged."
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Mira runs upstairs and looks into the room at Kira. "Want me to kick him in the balls?" She asks nodding towards Avery and chuckles. She hears what he says and sees him push her on the couch. Mira charges at Avery and tackles him. "Dumbass what the hell are you doing!" She slaps him. "Maybe that will knock some sense into you. You better run before one of three things happens. She kills you, Keon kills you, or I kill you." She warns and climbs off of him.
Avery elbowed his stomach, and grabbed his gun, twisting it, and in turn, twisting his wrist. He slammed the handle of the gun into the man's nose, and dropped it. "Disrespectful my ass." @White Shamrock
Jason smiles "Bite me asshole" he kicks him in the stomach and pistol whips him with the other gun.
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@Tessa Roberts

"I see, then you have my thanks, Miss Corin." he lowered his head, moving to stand back up. "If one may ask why are you here?" he asked, putting away his knife and heading back to the pantry and picking up his backpack.
Avery was cut off from his rage against Jason by Mira tackling him. He didn't speak, until she was off of him, "God-" He was cut off by the pistol whip, "Goddamn!" He said, as he kicked himself up to his feet, "I would go to my room, but my own goddamn brother gave it to someone else while I was gone!" He said, in a defensive position, ready for anything
"ENOUGH!!!!!" The loud booming voice demanding respect would be heard by all in the house putting fear into everyone (even Avery)
She sighed and picked up the axe, throwing it back. It landed right next to his face.

"It's funny" she laughed mockingly. "You really think I'm scared of you?" She snorted. "Hon, I have been shot, stabbed, anything, more times than you can count. I grew up with an abusive dad."

She stopped in front of him. "Trust me, there's not much you can do anymore to make me scared of you."

With that, she crouched down and swiped his feet out from under him, pulling out her katana and putting it at the area his heart was.

"All I have to do is push down. I suggest you don't antagonize me, or anyone else in this room, or else I will kill you. I'm not afraid to do that, either." She put the tip on his skin, just in case she had to do it.
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