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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She nods and quickly runs upstairs. She looks around for it for a few seconds. When she finds it she grabs it and runs back down . She smiles and hands it to her. "Here you go Kira." She says with a smile.
Jason walks in "What did I miss this time," he sits on the couch see Kira and asks"Are you ok, Kira" he looks concerned.
"As fine as I can be at the moment" she said through gritted teeth, flipping through her book to find a certain page.

"This" she began as she tried to stand up and get on a chair. "This is one of my mother's old medical journals. It pretty much tells me anything that could possibly happen during my pregnancy."
She stands from the couch, letting go of Keons hand. She walks over to Kira and looks into the book. "It shows symptoms right? Check and see what it says about what you are experiencing." She says hoping that what she had thought before wasn't true.
@Tessa Roberts

With a deep inhale, Derek took a hold of the knob to the door and gave it a twist, cringing when the rusty thing screeched. With a hefty push the door gave way into the home. "Hm." he hummed to himself, his knife up and at the ready, there was barely any light making it twice as hard to see what resided in the home. He licked his lips to keep them moist as he reached down into his pocket to retrieve his flashlight. He moved forward a couple steps before he clicked on the light, taking a quick look around before he placed it on the floor pointing at two doorways. From there, he proceeded to step over it, and sending the side of his fist to the wall making a firm thud. As soon as he did so, he entered a small pantry on the far left of the kitchen, out of view of the light. He left it open just a smidge before he unclipped his backpack and laid it silently on the floor next to him. "Let's hope no one is home.
(Lol good job defending it)

Corbin got up and walked silently over to where the noise came from. She held her breath, and raised her gun. @Yuri Reeka
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She sees that Keon seemed to be getting better and smiled. She walks over and kisses him. "I'm so glad you're okay." She says to him.
(@Tessa Roberts @Slasher999999999 Twas defended! Blue Link prevails over all! xD )

He waited there silently, knife in hand. Sure he could have been ready with his handgun, but ammo was too precious now-a-days. There in the dead of night, beyond his own light breathing, he heard them. The footsteps. They were light. A woman perhaps? A light footed man? Or perhaps the worst, some kind of special forces person, who could possibly best him at his own game. "Heh.." he sighed to himself quietly shaking his head. No, maybe it was just a roamer. We'll just have to wait and see.
(I rated that post what I thought of it, and I also rated like all of your flashback posts you should know what I think xD )
Steven heads out of the farm shed to take a look. What he sees is an entire big wave of zombies, walking towards the farm all together in groups. Steven stands no chance against them, unless he has Hina-chan in his side. He was only afraid of they took his Hina-chan from him. The zombies were about to head to the barn shed as they approached the rotten farm crops. Steven then quickly snatched Hina-chan from the bundle of hay and headed straight for the tractor outside.
Mask said:
Steven heads out of the farm shed to take a look. What he sees is an entire big wave of zombies, walking towards the farm all together in groups. Steven stands no chance against them, unless he has Hina-chan in his side. He was only afraid of they took his Hina-chan from him. The zombies were about to head to the barn shed as they approached the rotten farm crops. Steven then quickly snatched Hina-chan from the bundle of hay and headed straight for the tractor outside.
(The best character of 2016 in the history of ever is here xD )
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