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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I glare at him "because of this dumbass" he would shake the unknown boy slightly more "we may just become walkers" the wolves would growl more and 4 more would come making it 8 surrounding Jason and ready to pounce on him "and you better get your hand off me you have 4 seconds before I remove it from your body" the wolves would growl more at Jason and would start to tense up ready to pounce.
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Skylyn looked back and growled, "Come on..." she muttered and rushed back and crossed her arms, "Let him go." she said sternly, glancing up at the boy she tilted her head, eyes narrowing...

"Come on Skylyn!" Charlie giggled and ran from a smiling Sky. She laughed, wearing a white sun dress, chasing after her little brother. But the moment died and she heard a blood curdling scream and a zombie grabbing his arm and biting it off. Skylyn stood there and screamed in panic, killing the thing with a damn rock, crushing it's skull, dress now covered in red and guts.

"Charlie!!!" she screamed crying, holding her dying brother in her arms.

Skylyn watched Keon and elbowed him in the ribs and gave her just enough time to make him drop the boy. She lay the unconscious boy down and stared at Keon, "That's no reason to kill him." She growled and stood up waiting for him to explode, "He is just a boy. A human being. We only kill the dead." she reminded him.
He releases his grip "Keon, you can't hurt innocent people, just for nothing. He brought walkers, we can kill them later, please I am asking as a friend, I know I ain't your friend but still, please," He stands face to face with Keon.
(....the wolves would have attacked you the moment you did that xD ) 2 of the wolves would charge at her, I would raise my hand and the wolves would stop and growl at her fiercely staring at her with crimson glowing eyes he would turn around and start to walk "he's your responsibility then" he would spin around and grab her neck and quickly take out his combat knife and point the tip at her throat almost drawing blood "next time you do that again I will kill you" he would release her and walk away sheathing his knife "Maybe you have only killed the dead but I have killed both living and dead" he would walk back into the house, his wolves would growl at them and turn round walking away from them heading back inside the mansion.
Jason picks up the boy "You two okay, we need to leave. Keon can be tense, but he is just tired, come on," he grabs the girl and carries the boy.

(be back later, happy Easter)
(Back, sorry had to drive my brother home, what did I miss? Besides someone attracting the hoard.)
(Okay, thanks :3)

Raven wakes up calmy from dosing off in the bed. She notices that Keon was gone and makes her way downstairs. She looks around for him and sighs. She finds Keon and runs over to him. "What happened, why did I hear gunshots?" She says panicking a little.
"just some idiot causing noise" he would grunt out and walk by her and towards his bag and start to shuffle through it he would grab different types of parts that looked liked they belonged to a M4 he would then start to assemble the gun his eyes narrowed while he did it.
a few minutes he would have a M4 assembled it had a laser attachment and a silencer on. standing up with the gun resting on his shoulder he would walk outside pass the unknown kid glaring at him for a second and walk pass through Jason and Skylyn. He would walk up to the gate and start firing through gabs in the gate. He would start mowing down zombie horde zombies falling left and right.
Mira grabbed the sleeping Michael's assault rifle and follows Keon out. She stands next to him. "May I?" She says aiming the assault rifle at the zombies. A smirk grew on her face.
Corin heard the whistle and looked to see a figure aiming a gun. She darted to the side of a house, where the person couldn't shoot her. Very carefully, she aimed her gun at the person, not shooting until it shot first. @White Shamrock @Mira1
Sighing he finish shooting down the zombies. slinging his gun over his shoulder he would gaze out and saw another unknown girl run by "you can come out now"

@Tessa Roberts
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"If I where you I would get inside the mansion now, more hordes are coming" he would say as he waited by the gate with his desert eagle out shooting any zombies that came to close.

@Tessa Roberts
Mira put a silencer on the assault rifle and looked around. Waiting for more of the hoard to come. She smiled and sat down watching for the hoard.
Keon would tap Mira shoulder and point to where the unknown girl is hiding behind a house with a gun pointed at us "don't shoot" he say as he sits their and waits for the girl to make a move
Raven looks over at Keon and nods. "Okay." She says and waits for the girl as well. She watches the area.
Skylyn flinched at his grip but calmly stared at him as he let go. She dropped her knife and watched the dogs and sighed. He held out a hand, helping the boy to his feet and walked into the estate, watching the ground not saying anything to Koen. She pushed passed him and went into the kitchen, picking off the guts on her knife.
Amy walked half heartedly down the abandoned street. A trail of green creep foot steps were left in her wake. Her clear knife loosely held in her right hand, dripping blood as it swong back and fort. A lazy smile plastered on her face, she felt good after she saved that group form a horde. Poor things didn't have any more bullets to use, a knife would of saved them easily.

Her purple eyes surveyed the ghost town, noting that there might be some supplies in the houses. She quickly stashed away the blood covered knife into her boot and continued to walk. A group of people came into view, it reminded her of the lab she used to work in. Bloody idiots thinking that they could just keep working while the world's gone to ruin.
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She looks back seeing the person walk into the house. "Okay then..." She says and walks over to her. "The names Mira." She says. "You can call me Raven, just..." She scrached her head. "You won't try to, kill us will you?" She says akwardly and looks around. She lays the assault rifle back next to Michaels chair. @J I N X
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Mira1 said:
She looks back seeing the person walk into the house. "Okay then..." She says and walks over to her. "The names Mira." She says. "You can call me Raven, just..." She scrached her head. "You won't try to, kill us will you?" She says akwardly and looks around. She lays the assault rifle back next to Michaels chair.
( who is she addressing?)
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